Fanny Lu gave the reasons why she will not be in «La Voz Kids»

Fanny Lu revealed to his followers the reasons why he will not be a jury in the new season of The voice Kidsthis time in his chair will be another person.

Without a doubt, Fanny Lu is one of those women who steals viewers’ hearts with her sweetness and charm. That is why during almost all the seasons of La Voz Colombia, she had been the female face of the contest that this time will not have her presence.

Why Fanny Lu will no longer be in The voice Kids?

The Colombian singer has always been characterized by her sympathy and affinity, especially with the smallest of the contest. However, this time she surprised her followers by revealing that she will not participate in the program this year. That’s why she was emphatic in saying “You know that I love children, I love the experience at La voz kids, I love supporting my little ones, supporting their dreams, but this year I will not be there” and then complemented by saying that by his own decision he will not participate in the program due to various work commitments he has abroad.

However, Fanny Lu did not rule out the possibility of being part of the reality show another time, but for now she said that she was going to give her chair to another artist. Although it is unknown who could be the replacement for Fanny Lu and the other jurors, the truth is that the main presenter will be Laura Acuña while Laura Tobón will be in dressing rooms accompanying the contestants and her families.

And you, Who do you think could be Fanny Lu’s replacement in this new season of The voice Kids? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.