The danger of wearing square shoes

We always hear about the danger of high heels, but did you know that square shoes can also cause problems?

No person, male or female, should wear boxy shoes. Not just because they are ugly, but because can cause problems for your feet. So, for good taste and health, it is better to avoid them.

Square toe shoes create a brutal geometry that is simply horrible to look at. Choose a pair that follows the natural curve of the foot, although, like glasses, not all shapes fit everyone the same wayexplained to Brian Trunzo, fashion expert and co-founder of SoHo store Carson Street Clothiers.

There is more. A study carried out by the universities of Staffordshire and Middlesex (UK), tested different types of footwear, comparing the level of pressure exerted on the toes and the sole of the foot.

The study revealed that when square shoes are used, the contact time of the sole of the foot with the surface is equivalent to walking barefoot, so the garment would not be fulfilling its function. Likewise, This shoe is the one that exerts the most pressure on the sides of the foot.

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