Farina’s new face changed her life

Extreme change of the artist Farina not only changed her face, but her life. Check out the impressive “before and after”, with just cause.

Just as we have drawn attention to totally unnecessary plastic surgeries that some famous international and national celebrities have undergone, as is the case of some of the celebrities who achieved recognition thanks to a reality show

In the same way we have to emphasize that not in all cases it is about simple and extreme vanity. That happened to the urban artist Farina, who some time ago caused a stir on social networks and the media by appear with a completely new face.

Despite the artist has explained in various media the terrible reasons why she had to undergo maxillofacial surgery, there are still people who do not believe and criticize it. That is why we show you here some images in which the excessive growth of her jaw is clearly seen and how this was beginning to cause an asymmetry in her face…

And we explain the reasons why a new face had to be made:

  • Farina began to notice that her jaw had grown, and more on one side than the other.
  • His bite was completely inverted
  • Her ear and head ached all the time
  • I woke up tired of the jaw, as if I had eaten gum all night
  • The abnormal growth of his jaw had been, presumably, a side effect of a drug against epilepsy, a disease he suffered in his childhood.
  • In addition to surgically filing his jaw, they had to fix his nose and cheeks, which had fallen due to the asymmetry of his face.

As you see, Farina’s new face was completely justified from a medical and quality of life point of view. In cases like these, the quality of life of a person, whether famous or not, is a priority. What would you have done in a similar situation?

also vibrates with: The new face of Daniela Ospina

What do you think? Write what you think in the comments of this noteand share it on your social networks today, when Farina has her birthday!

#vibraenlasmornings –> @Marbelle30 Addicted to plastic surgeries? Return to the operating room –> https://t.co/2piNn6vF1i pic.twitter.com/Eu5j4z3aTZ

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) August 29, 2017