Does Carmen Villalobos have children with Sebastián Caicedo?

Carmen Villalobos and Sebastián Caicedo are one of the most stable couples in Colombian entertainment. In this article you will know details of their relationship and if Carmen Villalobos has children.

On October 4, Carmen Villalobos and Sebastián Caicedo celebrated their 10-year relationship. On her Instagram account, Carmen Villalobos shared 10 photos in which she appears with her fiancé, and a message in which she says that although it has not been a perfect relationship, they have built a wonderful relationship.

For his part, Sebastian Caicedo wrote that it has not been easy, but that they have been the best years of his life.

In 2016, La Red de Caracol asked Carmen Villalobos if they planned to have children, she replied: «We have thought, ‘what kind of world do we want to leave to your children?’, and reality makes us think that it is better not to have them”.

Carmen uploaded a photo to Instagram in which she appears sitting, wearing a spectacular bikini, but what caught the attention of her followers was her small belly. Many of them dared to ask her if she was pregnant, but she did not answer them.

In the middle of an interview, Gregorio Pernía asked Carmen about the rumors of pregnancy, she stood up and showed that with her inflated abdomen, her belly looks like that of a pregnant woman. Also stated that she is not pregnant.

Although it is not yet known if the children of Carmen Villalobos are going to make it a reality, it is clear that For her and Sebastián, her puppy is like a son.. On several occasions she has shown her love for dogs and the commitment she has to adopting pets.

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