What is citronella good for: benefits and properties of this plant

If you want to know what is citronella used forlet us tell you that it is ideal for many things that we will explain in this note.

Citronella is a plant that stands out for its richness in an essential oil, with citronellol, citral, eugenol, nerol, geraniol and limonene. One of the main uses of citronella is as a natural insecticide against mosquitoes, both to prevent bites and to disinfect them.

What is citronella and what is it for?

Citronella is an aromatic plant well known because it is used as a mosquito repellent, due to its citrus aroma that is very strong. In addition, this plant and its essential oil is used as a therapeutic ingredient that can be consumed and can also be used topically.

What are the benefits of citronella

Citronella not only has benefits related to mosquito bites and its delicious aroma, but it is also very useful to relieve headaches or migraines, it also serves as a natural anti-flea for dogs and cats, it is useful as a tonic for the nervous system and Its aroma can help in the recovery of convalescents, providing vigor and encouragement.

How citronella tea is prepared

Citronella infusions are also ideal for taking advantage of all their properties, so all you have to do is boil a cup of water over medium heat for about 4 minutes and then lower the heat to put the water in a cup and add the citronella leaves to boiling water. Then you must cover the infusion and let it rest for approximately 3 to 4 minutes and once it is ready you just have to strain and then drink.

How to use citronella for cleaning

This ingredient is also ideal for cleaning your home, so all you have to do is pass a sponge or cloth soaked in this liquid over the surface you want to clean and you will immediately see the change. It is important that you know that if you want a strong scent you should dilute 1 liter of citronella in 6 liters of water, but if you want a slightly milder scent you should only dilute 1 liter of citronella in 12 liters of water. You will love the results!

If you like to take care of yourself with natural ingredients, we will tell you all about the benefits of aloe vera, here… Vibrate is just a click away.