How to make a quick and easy puppet for children

If you want to spend a fun time with the smallest of the house, we teach you how to make a puppet with a sock or stocking.

Making a puppet is a very good option not only to have fun with children, but also to teach them to recycle materials and create new toys. That’s why here all you need is to use an old sock and let your imagination fly.

With few materials you will get a lot of fun to enjoy with the children and have a good time. The first thing you need is to have the materials at hand to bring your puppet to life. These are: a colored stocking, felt, wool, scissors, glue, thread, buttons and other accessories you want to decorate.

Then you are going to start creating this new doll, start by making a horizontal cut in the toe of the stocking to leave the space where the mouth of the puppet will be. Then, what you have to do is draw an oval on the felt and sew it in the opening that you had previously left when cutting the sock to form the inside of the mouth.

Then put the eyes of your character, with thread and using the buttons. If you want you can put two identical buttons or two that are completely different, in size and color. You can use the wool to put hair on your puppet, of the length and colors you want. Finally, let your creativity run wild and add other accessories so that your puppet has a unique style.

If you still have doubts about creating your puppet or not, here we briefly explain what it is about:

What are puppets and what are their characteristics?

A puppet is a doll that moves by means of strings or being creative and managing them with other procedures. The good thing about a puppet is that it can be made of cloth, wood or any other material and will allow you not only to perform plays aimed at children but also to enjoy a good time.

If you want to know what other activities you can take advantage of to do with the children, we leave it here, just a click away from Vibra.