Love Spell with Your Photo (It Works)

The first thing I will ask you before starting this powerful photo love spell is that you pay close attention to each step that I will indicate, since it is one of the most effective rituals within white magic. Take note of everything I will tell you, and read carefully until the end, because today you will learn in detail the most effective way for that special person to correspond sentimentally and fall in love with you.

If you are a regular reader, you will already know me. I am delighted to know that you are here again, reading this new entry and you know that I help you improve your life, your day after day. If this is the first time you read my Spell.netI introduce myself, my name is Luz Silva Soler and I am a sorceress, medium and tarorist, in addition to this spell I leave you a bit of my personal history in case you want to meet me or contact me: About me 👧

📣 Do not forget that this spell can be cast on anyone you like, so that you always live in their thoughts!

As you should know, this is not a love spell to tie people to your life, or to force that person to love you. It is a white magic tool that will allow you to keep yourself in the thoughts of that special being so that he always thinks of you, comes to your side and later can reciprocate sentimentally. But it is very important that you understand that it is a progressive ritual, and where maintaining a positive mindset is the key to obtaining good results.

What would you think if I told you that tonight your special someone may start thinking about you? 🔎

If your answer is affirmative, do not stop reading what I will show you next, and do not forget to write down in your notebook all the elements that you will need for this love spell with a photo, with which you will be able to radically change the course of the situation and return crazy of love for you to that special person.

What is the love spell with a photo to make a person fall in love?
The photo love spell is one of the most valid and important rituals in the world of white magic. The simple fact of being able to energetically attract a person into your life through a photograph already gives enough power to this ritual. Images have a lot of energy, because with a photograph any type of moment can be preserved forever.
This love spell consists of very simple ingredients for its realization, where the key element will be to have a photograph of that person that you long to have close to you, be it a man or a woman.
In the same way, I remind you that you will only find this spell in our great community. Any of the blogs and Internet sites dedicated to esotericism, white magic, spells or spells will not have a spell that works so quickly and effectively with so few steps.
How can you do this love spell with photography?
It is normal for many people to think that magic is a thing of the past, that it does not work or that it is a crazy story. Even many people tend to believe that because many scammers on the web ask for large sums of money to perform some rituals or give some recipes, it is something difficult to do. 📏

But I will tell you something with total sincerity:

That information is true!

But for you to completely get out of doubt, the most important thing is to perform the spell, as thousands of people around the world have done.


There are many people who have consulted me about their relationship problems and love relationships, and through the spells that you will get in the index of they managed to bring blessings to their lives with the best positive energy and love that the universe has for us. You can be one of them!

Ready to start the powerful photo love spell? 💚
Ingredients to make the Photo Love Spell
Next I am going to show you a small list of the simple elements that you will need to successfully carry out this love ritual that will attract the person you love into your life, and not only that, but they will fall at your feet.

List of ingredients

1 Photo of the person you love and that you want to correspond to you.
1 piece of parchment paper
1 pink candle.
1 toothpick or toothpick.

Optional Ingredient: If you have a photograph with that person, you can use it to reinforce the positive energy that he can finally be interested in you.
Features of the powerful Homemade Photo Love Spell 🔥

💗 Spell Theme: Spell – Love – Photo
💗 Effectiveness: high
💗 Difficulty: Short
💗 Spell Type: Love spell with photo to make him think of me and fall in love with me.

📣 Photo Love Spell: The Best and Easiest Step-by-Step Guide

1. Before starting this powerful white magic ritual, you must have all the necessary ingredients and elements. In addition, you must find the necessary peace and tranquility before starting, because anxiety is usually an enemy at this time. Lack of confidence only adds negativity.

Below I will answer some questions that users always ask before performing this love spell.

👉 What day is the most suitable to perform this spell?: You can do it any day of the week.
👉 At what time of the day should I cast the spell?: As a person’s thoughts normally develop when they are in a conscious state, the most consistent thing is that you cast this spell during the day. However, there are no inconveniences in doing it at night.
👉 Which lunar phase is best?: Ideally, the energies of the moon help attract that special person into your life to appear in your dreams, the perfect lunar phase is the full moon. 👉 Where should I perform this spell?: perform this ritual in a private place inside your house, such as the room or even in the bedroom.
👉 Should I repeat the spell to make it more effective?: You must wait at least 15 days to repeat it.

two. Take the toothpick and write your name on the pink candle with it.
3. Light the pink candle and place your hands over the flame without getting too close. When you are in this position he repeats the following words: 👍

“Stepitali Melutasi Rabubo Ro Ro (person’s name) Stepitali Melutasi Rabubo Balika Ro Ro (your name) Hambuta Salika Te Te”.
(repeat three times)

1. Take a pencil and write the person’s name and your name on the piece of parchment paper.
two. Pour the candle wax on your name and on the name of the person you want, until you completely cover the names with the wax.
3. Wrap the photos of both of you in the parchment paper.
Four. With the thread tie the parchment around the photos.
5. Place the pack under your bed every night for 7 days.
6. On day 7 burn the package and dispose of the ashes.

When you have finished this photo love spell, the ideal is to expect results between the first 7 and 15 days after its completion.

From here I send you all my blessings and the energy of love that the universe has for each of us. Remember that you are a being of light, and to the same extent that you give, you will receive.