Spiritual and Energetic Protection Spell

Today I am going to teach you the Protection Bottle Spell to defend yourself and protect yourself in the strongest and fastest way you can imagine from hexes, witchcraft, spells against you, Black Magic and curses.

This protection spell will help us against those envious people who do not want us to advance. Learn how to do this powerful spell against black magic or any type of work that negatively affects us.

I’m going to explain something to you that will change your life. Totally. It is the strongest GRAVE ALL spell you will EVER know. That’s why don’t stop reading a single comma of what I’m going to tell you.

And it is that, whatever the ritual that they did to you or yours (be it to your children or your partner), with this powerful Strong and Fast Spiritual Protection Spell you will be able to repel it. And the best of all is that you will not only defend yourself from the attacks that exist at the moment, knocking down all the Black Magic that exist against you.

In addition to dealing with the work of the past, you will be protected from all spiritual and energetic attacks from the future. This spell has been used for years by master sorcerers to protect themselves from negative spells, and today I am teaching it to you so that you can also protect yourself.

Remember that as every spell has its procedure and materials, you will have to follow all my instructions to the letter for it to work as it should.

What is the Witch Bottle Strong Protection Spell for?

With this ritual, and in a fast and VERY POWERFUL way, you will obtain a fast protection to ALL the attacks, works and negative events.

Thus, you will be protected to:

  • Black Magic burial and freezing rituals.
  • Black Magic spells in general performed against you or against your husband and/or children.
  • Spells and spiritual works performed by witches, wizards and masters of any art and religion.
  • Bad wishes, envy, curses and Evil Eye.
  • Spells against you and Energy Attacks.
  • Attacks from bad people (also at work or studies)

Getting to know the Bottle Protection Spell thoroughly

This Spiritual Protection Spell has its origin in ancient Medieval Europe. For hundreds of years, many witches and warlocks, such as the important Jesuit Bellarmine, developed and carried out spiritual projection rituals with a bottle 🍶 as a key element of the entire White Magic process.

Since then, and with the passage of time, this Spell has undergone various modifications.

In general, today there are few initiates of the magical arts who have not developed their own Witch bottle to protect themselves from attacks, envy and ill wishes from enemies and those close to us 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

It is even known that great world figures, such as ministers of the European Union, have turned to the services of sorcerers to make their own bottle and thus maintain total protection, both for themselves and for their children and wives 🔑

Do you feel that you are stuck, or that you have been able to perform a job, a Black Magic witchcraft or a curse?

Well, don’t think about it for a moment! Write down the ingredients 📝 and how to make your own bottle of spiritual protection TODAY.



Do you think you have suffered a Mooring or a Spell of Separation?

👉 Then you should read the Counter Spell to Moorings and How to Break Separation Spells.

Characteristics of the Witch’s Bottle Spell

  • Spell Theme: Spell – Protection – Family.
  • Effectiveness: TOTAL.
  • Difficulty: Medium / High.
  • Spell Type: Spell to Knock Down ALL Jobs.

What Ingredients do I need to Make the Spirit Protection Spell?

The ingredients in this ritual are somewhat more complex than in other situations. However, taking into account the beneficial effects it provides, it is worth getting them and putting this Spell into your protection service as soon as possible.

🔔 Remember! This Protection Spell is easy to do, strong, homemade and 100% free. And its RESULTS will surprise you.

Elements to make a Bottle of the Witch to protect us:

First of all, I am going to detail what elements you need to get to perform this Protection Spell. However, below I explain how to do it in detail.

👉 First of all, you need a bottle with a stopper, which can be closed. My advice is to make it a non-transparent bottle.

👉 You will also need elements that identify the person who is going to be protected through the action of this Personal Protection Spell against enemies.

Thus, you must get the following elements from your body: 3 hairs from the head and 3 pieces of nails (both from the hands and from the feet).

Also, if you want to protect someone else (for example, a child or your husband) you will need to add the following: 1 hair from the head of the person in question and a piece of a fingernail.



👩 María is a young reader who has performed the Spell to protect herself, her husband and their two children.

Therefore, you will need the following elements of identification of the protected:
▪️ 3 hairs and 3 nails from her and, in addition, 1 hair and 1 nail from each of her children and her husband.

In addition to hair and nails, you will need two more biological elements, to impregnate the mixture with your own essence and thus ensure that any energy attack against you will NEVER reach you:
👉 You will need a few drops of your own urine and saliva. Both urine and saliva will be yours, you do not need these elements from others protected in the Ritual.

In addition, you can make use of an optional Biological Ingredient: If you are a man, you can also add semen. And if you are a woman, you can add a few drops of your own menstrual blood. However, they are not required to successfully perform the Bottle Spell to Protect You Spiritually.


Both urine, saliva, semen and menstruation are ingredients that ONLY the person performing the ritual must provide, and not the other people who will be protected 👍

👉 In addition to the identification elements, you need neutralization and reversal elements of the attacks issued against you and your family:

  • 8 pins.
  • 8 Nails (it doesn’t matter what they are, but I prefer them rusty and old),
  • 8 threads or pieces of black or white wool.
  • A handful of pieces of glass, mirror or broken glass. My advice to get them is to break an old glass into very small pieces.
  • Half a glass of sea salt or, failing that, kitchen table salt.
  • A dry garlic.

Spiritual and Energetic Protection Spell: Witch’s Bottle Spell

What are attack neutralization items for?

The pins will not let the works against you go unanswered.
The nails are used to remove the idea of ​​hexing or harming you from the attacker’s mind.
The threads will ensure that the evil conjured against you is lost and will NEVER reach you.
The crystals will reflect the bad actions in the toxic person.
Salt neutralizes all negativity, so that all bad vibrations disappear.
Dried garlic drives away attacks from emotional vampires.

How to do the Spiritual Protection Spell? Step by step, learning how to make the Bellarmine bottle (also known as the Witches Bottle).

First of all, you must choose an appropriate day to perform this strong protection ritual.

I advise you to carefully follow the following points:

📅 Best day to Cast the Protection Spell: you can choose any day to cast your Witches Bottle.

⏰ Best time to do it: I recommend that you do it during daytime hours, that is, with the sun shining in the sky.

🌙 Best Moon Phase: The Witch’s Bottle protection spell needs to be performed in a Waning Moon Phase, since it is a White Magic of elimination, protection and neutralization.

💭 Can the Protection Spell be repeated?: Once you finish the Ritual, it will provide you with infinite protection, for your whole life. I only recommend that you repeat the ritual (performing a new bottle), if at any time in your life you find out that you have had one of the worst works of Black Magic, burial and freezing.

🔒 Extra trick: choose a day when you are quiet or home alone. I also advise you to have all the ingredients prepared in advance, to do it without having to stop to look for the necessary elements.

👉 Especially the biological elements that contain your DNA and astral information (the pieces of nails and hair).

Once the specific day has been chosen, it will be time to start performing the Protection Spell.

First you must introduce the hair and nails, both yours and that of your children, relatives or husband that you also want to protect, inside the bottle.

⭐️🏠 ⭐️


My personal advice is that you make the defense for ALL the members who live at home.

Once all the biological elements have been introduced, you will add the salt inside, until all the personal elements are protected with the neutralizing action of the salt.

Now you must enter the defensive elements inside the Witch’s bottle:

  • The 8 Pins.
  • The 8 Nails (remember, it will be great if they are rusty and old).
  • The 8 threads or pieces of black or white wool.
  • The heap of pieces of glass, mirror or broken glass.
  • dry garlic

Once these elements are introduced, you must add WATER inside the bottle 💦 until it is full.

Also, just before you finish filling the bottle, you will add a few drops of your urine and a few drops of saliva.

Finally, you will enter if you have decided to use your own semen or a few drops of menstrual blood (depending on whether you are a woman or a man). Remember that these elements are optional.

Once the bottle is complete, you will close it with the stopper and read aloud the prayer for spiritual protection:



May your Divine Justice protect me today,

May your Dagger not allow any terrestrial or infra-terrestrial work to reach me,

I beg you to protect me from all my enemies,

And may your shield also protect ALL my family,


I will not be afraid again

Because you defend me

Because you have knocked down all the work done against me,

And fill this Protective Bottle with your light and infinite glory,

So that forever NOTHING or NOBODY harms me.

Showing you my gratitude,

Praised be Lord ALMIGHTY,


Your Witch’s Bottle will TAKE DOWN all Work done against you!



It is very common that after performing this Spell we obtain the ability to clearly see the people around us, being able to easily unmask those who carry out energetic and spiritual attacks on us.

For this reason, if you distrust a person and want to get them out of your way, I recommend that you start the powerful Spell to eliminate a person from our…