Hyacinth: care for its cultivation and flowering

The hyacinth needs some care basic so you can enjoy its pleasant aroma and its beautiful flowering.

This plant is native to the eastern Mediterranean, and is characterized by its exquisite fragrance. Hyacinth is very popular when used outdoors but is ideal for interior decoration because of its beautiful and striking flowers.

hyacinth care

The hyacinth is one of the bulbous plants most appreciated for its beautiful flowers, and although they do not need much care, this is what you have to know to keep them healthy and strong.

How hyacinths are watered

It is important to know that the hyacinth can never lack water, so it must be watered frequently but without causing waterlogging so that the plant does not rot.

When is hyacinth fertilized, care and tips

The hyacinth is a plant that needs fertilizer for its flowering, so the ideal is to put liquid fertilizer on it or some kind of homemade fertilizer such as eggshells or bananas, which are always recommended for this type of plant.

How much sun does he need? hyacinthus

The hyacinth needs to be in a cool place, but it should not receive too much light, especially so that its flowers are not affected. Ideally, it should be located in a place in the house where the sun does not reach it directly, so its flower will open slowly and last much longer.

What kind of substrate does the hyacinth need for its care

Although hyacinths can be planted in the ground, bearing in mind that it must be in a mixture of sand with gravel and taking care not to press too hard on the roots so that they do not become compacted but instead have the freedom to grow. It is also important that you know that you must cover the plant with soil, making sure to cover the entire surface of the bulk so that there is no air pocket.

What do I do with the hyacinth if the flowers have already withered?

Hyacinths are often capable of giving a second bloom, so it is important that once the flowers are withered, what you should do is remove them and cut the stems so as not to take energy away from the plant and allow it to grow healthy and strong.

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