The term Bichon is French and translated into German actually means nothing other than “lap dog”. However, not all small four-legged friends fall into this category: Bichons in particular are called Bichon Frize, the Malterser as well as the Havanese and the Bolognese viewed. There are also various other unofficial representatives.
Bichons are becoming increasingly popular. This is not just because of their small dimensions even in cramped apartments Find enough space: The general character traits also speak for the breed.
So they have a good reputation as easy-care, well-trained pets developed. This is why many dog experts recommend Bichons as beginner dog, which makes it comparatively easy for its owner.
But of course it's not that simple: Bichons also need food Love and an extensive education, to be prepared for all situations in life. Because of their long fur, they also need to be groomed regularly and appropriately.
If you are interested in a Bichon, you should inform yourself carefully before buying and especially during the training phase. Fortunately, there are many of these very good and recommended Bichon books, which revolve entirely around the little friends.
The best Bichon books briefly presented
Karin Biala-Gauß & Annette Schmitt: “Bichon breeds premium guide”
Bichon breeds: Maltese, Havanese, Bichon Frisé, Bolognese, Löwchen, Bolonka zwetna, Coton de Tuléar: Premium guide. Maltese, Havanese, Bichon… Löwchen, Bolonka zwetna, Coton de Tuléar
- Biala-Gauss, Karin(Author)
One of the standard works on Bichons is the “Bichon Breeds Premium Guide”
by Karin Biala-Gauß and Annette Schmitt. On almost 160 bound pages, anyone interested will find practically everything they need to know about the dogs.
For this purpose, the seven most important breeds are: detailed portraits presented. But also Education, care, health, everyday life and purchase criteria don't miss out. A great, richly illustrated guide So, which can only be recommended to every Bichon friend!
Monika Sausen: “Bichon Frisé”
If you choose one French representative If you are interested or have already purchased one, then this is the book “Bichon Frize” by Monika Sausen a very good choice. The author devotes 120 bound pages exclusively to these animals.
There is not only one valuable tips for choosing a suitable puppy or too Education, nutrition and health. Grooming is also not neglected – so in this guide you will also learn what the characteristic features are haircut your little darling arrives.
Wolfgang Knorr: “Bichons – small dogs with chic and charm”
The work is a very lovingly written and at the same time informative Bichon book “Bichons – small dogs with chic and charm” by Wolfgang Knorr. The author provides eight different subraces in detail, highlighting both similarities and differences.
The 192-page hardback book is therefore not only suitable as purchasing advice for those interested. Bichon owners also get their money's worth. Thanks to the lots of competent tips and advice The volume can also be used as a reference work.
Kerstin & Steffen Herrmann: “Bolonka Zwetna: The competent premium guide”
Originally from Russia Bolonka Tswetna Although it is not an officially recognized Bichon breed, it is still enjoying increasing popularity. This is not least because this little whirlwind quite unique character traits has.
The book is ideal as initial information and also as a reference work for owners “Bolonka Zwetna: The competent premium guide” by the experienced breeders Kerstin and Steffen Herrmann: In eight well-written and excellently structured chapters, the authors deal with everything that is important for the animals.
In addition to a portrait of the breed and tips for purchasing, you will also find lots of information about the upbringing, nutrition, care and health of these lively four-legged friends. So this bound work is for the Bolonka Zwetna friend an absolute must read!