Chihuahua Books | The best at a glance

The one from Mexico Chihuahuas is considered that smallest dog breed in the world. He has become very well known as a lap dog – many celebrities like to appear with the animals in public.

But be careful: the Chihuahua is anything but a calm representative of its kind! On the contrary – despite or perhaps because of its size, it is very spirited, inquisitive and movement-friendly creatures, which must in any case be kept in a species-appropriate manner.

You should definitely not underestimate the breed: the more you find out about Chihuahuas, the more you will realize that the dogs are completely different than they are often described. It's best to do this before purchasing as much research as possible operate.

Luckily, that's not difficult: there are lots of Chihuahua books, which turned out really well. Below I will briefly introduce you to the best ones.

The most beautiful Chihuahua books briefly presented

Birgit Holler & Heike Schmidt-Röger: “Chihuahua: selection, husbandry, education, employment”

A very good one Standard work The book is for those interested “Chihuahua: selection, keeping, training, employment” by Birgit Holler and Heike Schmidt-Röger. It is part of the well-known series “Practical Knowledge Dog” and offers a lot of relevant basic knowledge on 128 pages.

The question of whether a Chihuahua is right for you is answered with a detailed breed portrait and a description of the animals' basic needs. You will also find lots of short, concise notes for the education, nutrition, employment and care of the little rascals, whereby the characteristics typical of the breed are not neglected.

As quick reference work I can highly recommend this book!

Elisabeth Engler & Dominika Lochbihler: “Chihuahuas for beginners: starting aid for purchasing, keeping, health and care”

Many people get a Chihuahua as their first dog ever. But you shouldn't let him into the house completely unprepared: if you still little dog experience If you have it, I can give you the book “Chihuahuas for beginners: starting point for purchasing, keeping, health and care” recommend.

The authors Elisabeth Engler and Dominika Lochbihler make one thing above all clear in this book: the small breed should under no circumstances be underestimated! Instead, they explain in a well-structured manner what you can expect from a Chihuahua and how to get it even without previous experience can make you happy appropriately.

Experienced owners will be a little overwhelmed by a lot of the basic information, but if you're dealing with a Chihuahua for the first time, this book is the one excellent introduction!

Margaret Greening: “Our Dog: The Chihuahua”

“Our dog: The Chihuahua” by Margaret Greening is another highly recommended book for beginners and the curious. It offers a lot of basic knowledge, which is completely tailored to the temperament and requirements of the smallest furry friends.

Fortunately, it's not just the author who has her say in the book with selection, training, employment and care tips: other Chihuahua owners also give lots of anecdotes for the best, so that you can good first picture about what to expect and what you can do.

Annette Schmitt: “Chihuahua Premium Guide”

The “Chihuahua Premium Guide” by Annette Schmitt is a great, beautifully illustrated one Reference work for beginners and advanced users, which always deserves its place on the bookshelf.

On 128 pages, the experienced dog book author answers practically every question that anyone interested might have about the breed. So she goes particularly in the right direction Education and employment a. Also health aspects such as nutritional tips and common illnesses are covered in detail.

Claudia Kaiser: “Chihuahua training: dog training for your Chihuahua puppy”

Like any other dog, it is Puppy phase Very important for the Chihuahua: It not only shapes his relationship with you as the owner, but also sets the standard for the animal's subsequent behavior. During this time the book can “Chihuahua Training: Dog Training for Your Chihuahua Puppy” from Claudia Kaiser can be very helpful.

This volume is entirely dedicated to that first steps in education: The author not only addresses the basic needs of Chihuahuas and dog owners, but also gives valuable tips on how unwanted behavior can be nipped in the bud from day one.

Also first commands and that Introduction to the leash Don't miss out – this is how your darling learns to grow from a dog child to a responsible adult.

Claudia Kaiser: “Chihuahua Training – Dog Training for your Chihuahua: How you can build a unique relationship with your Chihuahua through targeted dog training”

Chihuahuas are incredibly intelligent and active animals that should under no circumstances be kept as lap dogs. Rather, you should take them with you regularly Dog training occupy. Unfortunately, due to their small body size, many conventional exercises cannot be carried out easily with them.

Claudia Kaiser's book helps here “Chihuahua Training – Dog Training for your Chihuahua: How you can build a unique relationship with your Chihuahua through targeted dog training”. The author asks you four types of training with many exercise examples which can be easily achieved even with tiny dogs.

Boredom will definitely be a thing of the past – if you are interested in your favorite physically and mentally exhausted is, you should get this book.