Spell to know if he really loves me

Love is one of the star themes of the Spell Blog. And as such, many of the queries and comments I receive are on this topic. In this article I am going to explain a simple (but very powerful and accurate) spell to know if he loves you, this love ritual will reveal all our doubts to know if a person who is dating us or a specific person likes us.

In addition, as many of you have asked me, I have searched for a spell that does not consume too many materials and is really simple but effective, I hope you find it useful and you can clear all your doubts regarding that special person and if he loves you.

let’s start greeting new members of our page, who are here for the first time. My name is Luz Silva Soler, and I have been a Sorceress, Medium and Tarot reader for more than 20 years. In Spell.net I write my own experiences, my spells and I also try to help people who need it for free through the White magic.

Do you really want to know if that person is interested in you? Do you doubt about your partner’s love for you or are you interested in a person but you don’t know if he likes you? This spell will help you clear all these doubts.

You are about to learn an ancient and very effective spell to know if a special person really likes you, remember to perform this little ritual with FAITH and concentrate as much as possible to make it work.

You can do this love spell at home, that is why it is a homemade white magic spell, if you are a regular reader of my website you will know that I always like to share my knowledge in a simple way so that you can try the spells yourself and check whether they are effective or not.

Do not forget to take note of the ingredients 📝 and how to do it so you can put it into practice today.

Characteristics of the spell to know if he loves me

Spell Theme: Love.

Effectiveness: Extremely high.

Difficulty: Medium.

Spell Type: Spell to know if he loves me (he likes me).

As you have seen, it is a spell to know if he likes me (also called a spell to know if he likes me), easy to do and surprisingly effective 🌠

And it is that, today, finally, you are going to know the truth.

You’re going to get the answer to the questions you’ve been asking yourself for a long time…
Loves me?…
And if he loves me… Does he really love me?…
And a very important question… does he really like me?

Ingredients to perform the spell to know if he loves me

The ingredients that you are going to use to perform this spell are easy to get, homemade and free.

However, they will surprise you by the enormous effectiveness they show when combined in this conjuration.

The list is as follows (Remember to take note of them RIGHT NOW 📝):

  • An incense stick or cone (the type does not matter, although it may be a good idea to use cherry or rose).
  • A red sheet of paper (you could use a white one if you can’t get a red one.
  • A black ink pen.
  • A small pin or needle.
  • A glass and a flat plate.
  • Three tablespoons of brown sugar (if you can’t get this type of sugar, you can use normal white sugar).
  • Three teaspoons of sea or kitchen salt.
  • And finally, 9 drops of oil.

Now, and without further ado, I leave you with the step-by-step guide so you can discover if he loves you 🎁

Step by step: Spell to know if he loves me

Before starting to perform this spell, you must understand that it is a conjuration that needs to be performed at night.

A good time would be to do it after 9:00 p.m.

As for the day, without a doubt, the ideal would be to do it on the magical day Friday, due to the greater communication that is registered with the phenomenological and astral world.

However, if you need to know the result as soon as possible, you can do it another day of the week, as long as you do it at night and before going to sleep.

1 To begin the ritual, he thanks the hidden forces of this world for the possibility of performing this spell to know if he loves me.

Also, light the incense feeling how its aroma fills the entire spell with power.

And say aloud the following prayer of gratitude:

“Thank you for the attention, for the energy, for the channel and the established connection. With your permission. FOREVER. Thank you.»

two Write the name and surnames of the person you want to know if he loves you or likes you.

Now, fold the page three times (leaving the name on the inside, that is, it won’t be seen with the naked eye) and draw the outline of an eye on the paper.

Once you have the outline drawn, using the needle or the pin, extract a drop of your blood from the middle finger of the left hand (Be careful not to hurt yourself a lot 💥!)

Once you have formed the drop of blood, deposit it in the center of the eye you have drawn, as if it were the iris of the eye.

3 Now leave the leaf on the plate, with the eye facing you, and put a glass full of spring or river water (it can be bottled water) on top.

Right here add the 3 tablespoons of brown sugar.

Then add the 3 tablespoons of salt and, precisely now, stir the contents of the glass in an anti-clockwise direction, giving 3 complete revolutions, with a spoon.

4 With the ritual almost finished, we are left with the key element.

In this way, you will have to add the 9 drops of oil to the water, one by one.

✔️ ATTENTION: This step is VERY important! If you make a mistake or add more oil than necessary, you will have to repeat the spell to know if he loves me 👍

That they are 9 drops and not another number is not a mere coincidence.

And it is that, 9 represents a number of the ethereal world, capable of generating communication between the physical body and the astral body necessary in this powerful spell.

You will pour the 9 drops into the glass making a circle around the outer edge.

Starting at the top and continuing to complete a full lap.

Remember to do it in a clockwise direction.

When you have already added the oil, you will say the following phrase out loud and leave the glass next to the incense until it is completely lit:

“Elemental forces summoned,

My closed eyes will be able to see inside the mind,

They will reveal the deepest desires,

I’ll know if he loves me

And tomorrow when I wake up the answer will be there”

5 After the incense is lit, carry the plate (with the leaf and the glass on top of it) under your bed.

And then you will go to sleep normally.

When you wake up the next day, carefully remove the plate and look carefully at the glass, because there you will find the answer to the question you asked yourself:

  • If the oil has moved into the glass (in the center) and has remained together, it means that the person DOES love you.
  • If, on the other hand, the oil has been dispersed around the edges or has not completely stayed in the middle, it means that it does NOT love you.
    • However, depending on how far away he is from the center of the glass, it will clearly mean if he loves you more or less:

👉 1) If ALL the oil is found away from the center it would be the most difficult situation.

👉 2) But if, on the contrary, there are parts of oil in the center, you find yourself in a situation in which something can still be done to fix the situation 💚

After making the observation, you can take a photo of the glass with your mobile, so you can compare in later spells how the situation has evolved 📷

And, finally, you can throw everything away (including the glass and the plate) and finish this powerful spell to know if he loves me.

Before concluding, I would like to recommend two rituals that I sincerely believe can be very useful for you if you are reading this or have already performed this ritual:
⭐️ On the one hand, discover the powerful spell to find love (its results will not stop surprising you).

⭐️ And, on the other hand, if you need to improve the result of this spell, try my infallible secret, do the spell first so that he thinks of me. The results, when you do the two spells together, will be spectacular.

Do not forget to subscribe to Facebook to be aware of the latest spells that I upload to the Blog.

I send you a lot of energy and light so that your spell to know if he loves me has maximum effectiveness.

Power hugs!