Dog camera comparison & recommendations

When is a dog camera worth it?

A dog camera is actually always a nice idea. Because hand on heart: who of us hasn't been curious about what our four-legged friends do when they feel unobserved?

But it's not just curiosity that speaks in favor of buying such a device: sometimes there is also solid reasons for always being able to keep an eye on the dog and communicate with it.

Nervous & anxious Animals

This often benefits nervous and fearful dogs about always having a contact person. When the four-legged friend is left alone and then barks, insecurity usually plays a role: He then wants to establish contact with his owner, and destructive behavior often follows.

Many – but not all – four-legged friends relax when they hear your voice: As soon as you notice that your pet is feeling too lonely, you can then persuade him to calm down.

But this is not a patent solution: If your dog suffers from anxiety disorders, you should also other measures be taken. A visit to a dog behavior consultant or even psychotherapy is highly recommended – in addition, aids such as herbal preparations or special food can also be used.

Households where the dog a lot of time alone have to spend

There are also dogs that don't show much restlessness, but still a lot of time alone have to spend. This particularly affects four-legged friends who… Single households live – if their owner is working, he often has to spend 10 hours or more unaccompanied.

Then you can worry about your best friend – many hours of work go by without the necessary concentration. However, you will be safer if you keep checking your rights – the dog may be alone, but it is not unsupervised.

Behavioral problems Four-legged friends

But it can also be worthwhile to record the dog even though he is not alone in the apartment: With Vabnormalities in receipt A camera is also a very good tool.

  • On the one hand, you can observe the animal from the next room, for example, and determine whether its behavior changes as soon as it is alone.
  • On the other hand, (moving) images provide excellent illustrative material for experts: they give a much more accurate impression than descriptions, and for a psychologist or behavior consultant they serve as a neutral, unfiltered source. This often makes it much quicker to make an accurate diagnosis.

Compared to other recordings, for example with a cell phone, a dog cam video also reflects everyday life much more realistically. You are simply yourself when you interact with your loved one. In return, the dog will not be irritated because you are waving around with a strange device.

Recognize from Risk factors

A dog camera can also be helpful if you want to ensure more security. With her you can Risk factors or vulnerabilities name a lot faster.

For example, if the dog gets to things in the room alone that you actually want to keep away from him, you can intervene and improve the safety measures. Outdoors, you can also better identify places through which your four-legged friend can escape and then take appropriate steps.