Yes, dogs can eat mirabelle plums, but in moderation. Mirabelles are small, sweet fruits that are rich in vitamins and fiber and can therefore provide health benefits for dogs. However, it should be noted that consuming mirabelle plums in large quantities can be dangerous for dogs as they contain a lot of sugar and the seeds contain toxic substances. Therefore, dogs should only snack on a small amount of mirabelle plums and the fruits should be deseeded beforehand. In this article you will also find out how you can safely feed mirabelle plums to your dog and what alternatives there are to mirabelle plums for dogs.
What are mirabelle plums and why are they interesting for dogs?
Mirabelle plums are small, yellow fruits that belong to the plum family. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and have a sweet taste. Mirabelle plums are interesting for dogs because they can be a healthy and tasty addition to their diet.
What health benefits do mirabelle plums have for dogs?
Mirabelle plums contain many important nutrients that are beneficial for dogs' health. They are rich in fiberwhich can promote digestion and prevent constipation. They also contain Vitamin Cwhich strengthens the immune system, as well potassiumwhich is important for heart health. Mirabelle plums are also a good source of Antioxidantswhich help prevent cell damage.
Can eating mirabelle plums be dangerous for dogs?
As a rule, mirabelle plums are safe for dogs to eat. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. Mirabelle plums included fruit acidwhich can cause stomach problems in sensitive dogs. In addition, dogs should not eat mirabelle seeds because they… Cyanide may contain what is toxic. It is therefore important to deseed the mirabelle plums before feeding them.
4. Maximum amount of mirabelle plums for dogs
Dogs can enjoy mirabelle plums in moderation, but it is important to control the amount. Too many Mirabelle plums can lead to digestive problems. A safe amount for dogs is about half a mirabelle plum per 10 kg of body weight. It is also important to make sure that the dog does not have any cores swallowed as these can lead to intestinal blockages.
5. Safely feeding mirabelle plums to dogs
Before giving your dog mirabelle plums, make sure they are ripe and soft. Remove those cores and cut the mirabelle plums into small pieces to minimize the risk of choking. Give your dog only a small amount and monitor him for possible allergic reactions or digestive problems.
6. Alternatives to mirabelle plums for dogs
There are many other types of fruit that dogs can enjoy, such as apples, bananas, blueberries, and watermelon. These fruits are rich in nutrients and can be given as a treat in moderation. However, it is important to ensure that none cores or seeds are swallowed as they can be poisonous.
1. Can mirabelle plums be dangerous for dogs?
Yes, eating mirabelle plums in large quantities can be dangerous for dogs because they contain a lot of sugar and the seeds contain toxic substances.
2. How much mirabelles can dogs eat?
Dogs should only eat a small amount of mirabelle plums and the fruits should be deseeded beforehand.
3. Are there alternatives to mirabelle plums for dogs?
Yes, there are many other fruits and vegetables that dogs can safely enjoy, such as apples, bananas, carrots and cucumbers.