5. Injuries to the mouth
Dog saliva has a certain quality antibacterial effect: According to a study, mother animals use it, for example, to rid their puppies of germs. This is probably also a reason why the four-legged friends try to rinse out injuries in the mouth area.
So it is also entirely possible that the dog has one Injury in or on the mouth – caused, for example, by foreign bodies, bites and scratches from other animals or plants that hit the dog in the snout while walking.
6. Dog is hungry/appetite
If you have put your dog on a diet or perhaps he has exerted himself a lot before being petted, it may also be that the dog simply is hungry. His mouth is literally watering.
This occurs particularly often when the four-legged friend something delicious smells. For example, if someone is preparing something in the kitchen while you are petting their four-legged friend, this can attract their attention and they will begin to smack their lips out of appetite.
7. nausea & Upset stomach
But smacking also occurs when the dog vomiting is. Often there is one Upset stomach before: The four-legged friend then chokes, tries to vomit and also stimulates saliva production in order to get rid of the stomach contents.
This happens comparatively often among animals: On the one hand, dogs have a much more sensitive digestive tract than humans. On the other hand, they often eat spoiled things, such as carrion and garbage in an unnoticed moment.
Also vspoiled (expired) food or one Food allergy are considered possible causes. Dogs also often smack their lips after a change in food, also because the stomach and intestines first have to get used to the new recipe.
8. Four-legged friend is dehydrated
Are you cuddling with your dog after a strenuous trip or on a hot summer day? Then it is also possible that the dog did not get enough water. He is then dehydrated.
To compensate for this, the body tries to stimulate saliva production, which is why the four-legged friends often smack their lips. Dehydration can also occur for other reasons, such as as a result of an infection with diarrhea or because the animal has a fever.
One typical dehydration phenomenon is a very dull behavior, the dog appears listless. When you are petting him, you should gently try to pull back his skin a little. If it remains undressed, the four-legged friend is most likely dehydrated.
9. nervousness
If you notice that your dog… nervous and you want to calm him down by stroking him, he will also often smack his lips. This is probably not a matter of comfort – the animals need some time to “come down” – but rather an act of skipping ahead.
This means: The dog does something that doesn't actually make sense, it is assumed that he is doing it to distract himself. Some animals then start barking, others lick themselves extensively. Occasionally smacking also occurs.
10. Dog cleans tongue
Another possibility: the dog is trying to get his to regain the sense of taste. Then the four-legged friend has probably eaten or licked something that irritates him.
Examples of this include very salty, sweet or spicy flavors. If the taste sticks to the tongue, the dog can no longer judge other food. He then helps himself by doing a kind of mouthwash: by smacking, saliva gets into the mouth and the receptors are cleaned.
11. Symptoms of poisoning
But be careful: Smacking can also be the first symptom of a poisoning be. If the dog has ingested something toxic, it will try to excrete the substances with all its might – with saliva, but also by gagging and vomiting.
However, in the case of severe poisoning, this is not enough: If your dog shows such symptoms, you must immediately – if necessary, using the emergency service – to the vet!
Toxins lurk everywhere and at all times: Even if you are sure that the dog hasn't eaten anything dangerous, you can time-delayed toxins – common in rat poison, for example – begins to take effect days later.
In addition to pesticides, unfortunately there are also many other substances, that are toxic to dogs. Examples of this include many fertilizers, garlic and onions, chocolate or even some seemingly harmless fruits and vegetables such as raw tomatoes, grapes/raisins and avocado.
12. Stomach hyperacidity
One Stomach hyperacidity occurs when the dog produces too much stomach acid. This can have many causes: Chronic belching often occurs with unsuitable food, for example. But stress, certain organic illnesses or a high appetite can also cause the body to stimulate stomach acid production.
This can be very unpleasant for the dog: it therefore tries to bind the excess stomach acid. Without medication, this is best achieved with a lot of saliva, which is why acidic animals often start to smack their lips.
13. CDS (canine dementia)
The “Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome” (CDS) is the most widespread Dementia in dogs. It actually only occurs in older four-legged friends and the symptoms are similar to human Alzheimer's disease.
Affected animals appear more likely disoriented and have problems recognizing people or situations that are actually very familiar to them. Housekeeping is also a typical symptom. The four-legged friends also often behave very inappropriately, When they are petted, they can suddenly bark, growl or even smack their lips.
Unfortunately, CDS is incurable. However, with early detection, appropriate treatment and a lot of love, the dog can still live a good life for a long time.
14. Dog wants to clean itself
Dogs are clean animals, who often clean themselves immediately when they realize that they are so dirty that it bothers them. If they are cuddling with you, it is possible that at that moment they will find the time to inspect their body and, for example, look at their paw discover a dirty spot.
In this case they try the Remove dirt with your tongue. However, they need that Saliva, which is why they start smacking their lips.
15. Metabolic disorders
It is also possible that the dog is under one Metabolic disease which affects the salivary glands. These are then constantly under power, which is why the four-legged friend often smacks his lips.
This actually happens all the time. However, it is possible that you will particularly notice it when petting, as you will then give your four-legged friend full attention.