Lemon Spell for Love (Get your EX back)

Today we will learn the best Spell with lemon for love With this strong spell we can recover our former partner or return to a past relationship with another person. This love spell with lemon serves both to recover a boy or a girl and that due to fate their paths separated.

I know that you are here because you want to know how to cast this spell, and above all if it will work for you, I have real cases of people who have worked it and today I am here to tell you how you can recover your love that you thought was lost.

If you are a regular reader, you will already know me. I am delighted to know that you are here again, reading this new entry and you know that I help you to improve your life, your day after day. If this is your first time reading my blog, let me introduce myself, my name is Luz Silva Soler and I am a sorceress, medium and taroristain addition to this spell I leave you a bit of my personal history in case you want to meet me or contact me: About me 👧

On certain occasions we may want to have a person by our side, and we end up getting it, since our paths intertwine making us be with the person we wanted so much. We begin to enjoy love, future plans are made, dreams are made, trips are made and memories are stored that only that couple will have.

When time passes, the couple can get cold, have fights or even break up, a couple must take care of themselves, as a garden plant is taken care ofn. It should be showered every day with a little affection, a pinch of love, and above all, understand that a couple is a relationship between two people, and that the support between them is essential for it to succeed.

It is important to have a high level of communication between the members of the couple, tell each other the problems or the points of view of a situation to avoid fights or bad situations. But there comes a point when the couple breaks up, and then what do I do now?

He was the love of my life, and I want him to come back to me.And you know the best? that you have come to the right placeI am going to help you so that the person you love, you need, comes back to you very quickly with this lemon spell for love Remember above all that it is a process in which you must surrender and believe in the lemon love spell for it to work.

Did you know…?

💔 The number one cause of breakup in couples is lack of communication, empathy and control over the other. In addition, mobile phones and social networks also occupy the first positions in reasons for breakups in the couple. Is it your case?

What is the lemon love spell?

Before explaining to you what the lemon love ritual is to get an ex back, I want to explain and advise you that nothing is eternal, and that it is essential to keep this thought in order not to suffer from any type of love relationship in our lives. But someone always arrives who we think is this eternal person by our side, therefore, we open the door of our life to him.

Difficulty: Medium

Repetition: 2 times a month

Power: High

Theme: Love Spell – Retrieve EX

Time goes by and this person makes us fall in love, and makes us the happiest person in the world, but from one day to the next, it vanishes. But nothing happens, that’s why we’re here, to get that person back and walk the same path together again.

The love spell with lemon is a spell that has been practiced for thousands of years, and that consists of bringing together two people who had a relationship through the power of water and lemon, which can make two people come back to love. get together.

There are different spells for a person to return to us and be by our side, but the effectiveness of these is not guaranteed in cases of ex-partners, since all spells do not work the same for all people, or their difficulty of execution makes be complicated for nobel people in the field of magic.

I come to teach you a simple practice and you will see the results quickly, just two or three weeks later you will surely have returned with your old love, as long as you follow my advice and the spell to the letter.

This lemon love spell to get your ex back has been perfected over the years, becoming one of the most effective spells to get back with a person.

Magical powers that the lemon has

The lemon is a healing object apart from being able to recover other people it is a healing object, the game of a fresh lemon and that it is extracted from the pure earth mixed with water is an excellent purify yourself to be drunk at least twice in one day.

It helps with the digestion of heavy meals, cleaning what has been the digestive tract and can relieve bloating due to gas, it also helps constipation and diarrhea. It is also a liver stimulant and helps us expel toxins, especially uric acid.

Served hot with honey, lemon water is a traditional remedy, used for thousands and thousands of years for all kinds of colds, fevers, and the like. Drinking lemon water regularly will guarantee a healthier life and above all, a cleaner aura, which will spread positivity to those close to you.

Finally, to say that lemon water should be used in people who are not sensitive to lemon or its acid, if you are sensitive to lemon, I recommend only using small drops in solutions with water.

What do I need to perform this lemon love spell?

To perform the spell to make my ex come back with lemon we will need a series of objects that together will create the magic object.

The objects with the naked eye are very easy to get, but remember that the most important will always be FAITH and DETERMINATION, and those ingredients are inside you.

Items needed for the spell

  • 👉A fresh lemon (yellow color)
  • 👉A red ribbon or thread
  • 👉 Pink color and small size
  • 👉A red pen
  • 👉Great faith and determination (IMPORTANT)

With all these objects we are ready to cast our spell to recover that person we miss so much and we want them to return to our side quickly.

It is necessary to highlight the GREAT FAITH of all the objects, it is the most important object or essence and that is always forgotten, that is why sometimes the spells do not work, if you want to know more about why a spell does not work you can read: Reasons why that the spells I cast don’t work.

lemon spell for love

At this point there is no turning back, you want to recover the lost love, the one that made you dream, the one that made you laugh, the one that broke you into pieces, that love that you long for so much. Well then, follow my footsteps and the lemon spell will fix it for you.

📣 Remember to leave me in the comments any doubt or question you want to ask me. I will personally answer it as soon as I see it.

It is important to know that the spell to recover an ex partner only works with people who have had a relationship with that person for more than 3 lunar cyclesand that the rupture did not exceed 5 lunar cycles.

I’m going to teach you how to do this spell so that go back to be with you quicklypay attention 👇

1st step: On the paper we must clearly write our name and that of the person we want to return to us. To the left of the paper write your name calmly and in pretty handwriting, and to the right the person we want back.

2nd Step: Cut the lemon in half, leaving it separated into two equal parts. Then you have to fold the paper so that the names written on it join on the inside

3rd Step: Place this folded paper in the middle of both pieces of lemon and tie them with the red thread or ribbon, so that the two pieces of lemon are not joined and do not separate.

4th Step: It is important that during this lemon ritual you visualize how you and your old partner are together again, you have to remember the most beautiful places possible, where you have better memories with that person, where you would like to be with her right now, focus on that only and in nothing else.

5th Step: To finish, store the lemon in the freezer, it must be a device that freezes the lemon with the paper inside, so I recommend storing it in a freezer, in an area that nobody touches.

There are variants of this spell, but personally speaking this one worked for me to recover an old partner that I had, for that reason, I leave it here explained, and above all with my own experience that it works.

Also I want to tell you that in less than 2 weeks you will see results, if not, I advise you to cleanse your aura since you surely have bad vibes that make you drive away the esoteric forces so that they help you in matters related to love.

Lemon Love Spell Tip

For some people who do not know about white magic, this spell may make little sense, but the truth is that lemon is associated with a lost relationship, because lemon and its acidity counteract most fruits in flavor, hence the separation also in two halves the lemon and joining them again with a red thread represented heat and affection.

My advice is that this spell will work as long as it is performed with all our respect and love for magic, if despite this you want some more spell to improve efficiency or learn more about this world, I am going to recommend 2 spells of your own that They worked for someone very close to me.

👉 Spell to find me NOW!

👉The best 4 love spells

I hope that the power that I give you helps you to improve your life, that the esoteric energies surround you and make you a better person, and that the blessings of the stars help you to be better every day.

Finally, as always, I ask you to leave me your questions in the comments, I will personally answer them. So also share with me the experiences after performing this spell, so that the members of our community know the results firsthand.

You can follow me to ask me personal questions on my Facebook Personal: Join now Comunidad Hechizos.net on Facebook or you can also follow me on my page Google +: My personal profiles on Google

And finally, give you my purest and most sincere blessings.

We read soon.

Luz Silva Soler.