Dog pees in the basket: causes & solutions

Every puppy needs a little time to grow completely house trainedn to become. However, if a dog repeatedly soils its sleeping area with urine, it is unpleasant for everyone: we humans are disgusted, and our four-legged friends' natural need for hygiene also suffers.

It gets even worse if the… Dog is older and should actually be house trained. Then they usually are health reasons, that lead to it – both psychological and physical.

You can find them in the following article 10 most common causes for a dog peeing in the basket. I will also tell you 8 possible solutions, which may be helpful depending on the cause.

The 10 most common reasons for a dog to go into the basket

1. Urinary tract infections & Cystitis

If your dog is actually house trained and suddenly pees in the basket, then it is often due to one of the reasons Urinary tract infection. These are almost always caused by bacteria, and if left untreated they generally result Cystitis or Cystitis.

This is very painfult and leads to temporary incontinence: The dog has to urinate in small amounts again and again, which is why he also wets his bed. One is also typical for this very dark color of urine and an acrid smell, sometimes reminiscent of fish.

Also widespread and accompanied by similar symptoms Inflammation of the uterus and prostate. Also Urinary stones obstruct the urinary tract.

2. Joint diseases

Also Diseases of the joint system can cause the dog to start peeing in the basket. The sleeping area is often soiled after long periods of rest, for example in the morning.

The reason for this is that the dog can only stand up with difficulty. So he is no longer able to stand up in a timely manner and announce that he needs to go outside – instead he does his “business” lying down.

Older four-legged friends are often affected. However, the symptoms can appear comparatively early, especially in larger breeds. The most common clinical pictures include:

  • arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis and
  • Hip dysplasia.

3. Canine dementia

Dogs can also dementia be affected: Such a decline in mental performance usually begins after the age of 8. The technical term for such changes is: “Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome”, short CDS.

CDS is an incurable disease, the symptoms are similar to human Alzheimer's disease.

Typical symptoms

  • Decreasing house training
  • Anxiety, nervousness & panic attacks
  • Disturbed sleep rhythm, dog is often awake at night
  • People and familiar processes are no longer recognized
  • Barking at things or people for no apparent reason
  • Listless behavior, dog appears apathetic and withdrawn
  • Dog has more appetite despite meals and begs for food.

Source: VetSpezial Center for Small Medicine, Lehrte.

In the advanced stages, a sick dog is disoriented and no longer knows where he is. That's why he urinates without prior notice and also soils places that he actually values ​​very much, such as his sleeping place.

4. Territorial behavior

The basket should serve as the dog's place of retreat: it is the center of his territory. As soon as the four-legged friend thinks that his Territory threatened However, he can react to this with urine scent marks.

This is often the case when several animals live in one household and the hierarchy is (still) unclear. Also Neighbor dogs or unfamiliar human inhabitants such as babies, visitors or a new partner can unsettle the four-legged friend.

It is also possible that the dog… freshly washed dog bed immediately soiled with urine: He then no longer recognizes his own smell and wants to correct this in this way.

5. stress & Fear

Closely related to territorial behavior Stress and anxiety as a possible cause: If the dog feels unwell, hormones are released which, among other things, reduce inhibitions and make the body's functions less controllable.

If the dog reacts like this even in his own basket, the stress levels must be very high. Typical reasons include separation anxiety, a lot of noise and hustle and bustle around the sleeping area or scary figures for the dog, such as unexpected visitors and new family members.

6. Metabolic diseases

Also Metabolic disorders Often lead to the dog no longer being able to stay in its basket. Animals suffering from diseases such as Liver, kidney or pancreas failure sufferers are often exposed to inflammation that spreads to the bladder.

The result is that the dog no longer has control over the bladder. Related diseases, which often lead to incontinence include diabetes, estrogen deficiency in female four-legged friends and Cushing's syndrome.

7. Dog is neutered

Incontinence also often occurs neutered four-legged friends on – female dogs are then affected significantly more often than male dogs.

The reason for this is that hormonal changes, which is forced when large parts of the reproductive system are surgically removed. For example, the connective tissue of the bladder is weakened and the sphincter suffers.

This consequence of castration sometimes only occurs years after the procedure on. It is typical for the urine to come out in droplets.

8. «Accident» or Malposition of the ureters in young dogs

A wet dog bed often occurs in older four-legged friends. But it can also be exactly the opposite: Incontinent young dogs are not that rare.

In many cases this is simply because the animal is not as advanced as we would like: House training is also a long process for dogs. “Accidents” can still occur even when we actually thought that the four-legged friend had everything under control.

But there can also be a physical problem behind it: According to a study, 55 percent of all juvenile incontinence in dogs is the result of one Ureterectopia. This is a misalignment of the ureters, which makes it difficult for the animal to urinate. Urine also comes out drop by drop.

9. Insufficient outlet

However, it may also be that the dog simply hasn't found the time to relieve itself while on the go. This is often the fault of the owner: he walked around the block too quickly with his four-legged friend and may have hurt him not a quiet moment left, to find a place to urinate undisturbed.

But stress can also contribute to this: when on the dog walk lots of dominant or aggressive dogs If you are lurking, the animal may prefer not to leave urine behind so as not to draw unnecessary attention to itself. In this case, too, it can happen that the full bladder is then emptied into the basket.

10. excitement

Also excitement can cause the dog to pee in the basket every now and then. This is typical for the Greeting, So, for example, when you wake up your protégé in the morning.

This particularly occurs in the first year of life. Some dogs also urinate “submissively” – meaning they want to urinate submission to express. In most cases, as four-legged friends become more mentally mature, they become less emotional and therefore pee less often in the basket.

Dog pees in the basket: 8 possible solutions

If the dog keeps peeing in the basket, then you definitely have to do something: After all, a sleeping place that is full of urine is an unreasonable expectation not only for you and your family, but also for your four-legged friend.

You should definitely keep in mind that the dog isn't happy about it either: Scolding or even punishment will hardly help the four-legged friend. Instead, you should proceed constructively – the following could be particularly useful to you 8 possible solutions help.

1. Go to the vet

If the causes of wetting in the basket are physical, it is often necessary vet be called in to resolve the problem. This is not just for hygienic reasons, many four-legged friends also experience significant pain when they are incontinent.

Examples of reasons to go to the vet

  • Advanced cystitis
  • dementia
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Long-term consequences of castrations (medicinal treatment possible)
  • Ureterectopy (corrective surgery).

2. Behavioral counseling

In other cases, a veterinarian can only help to a limited extent: If the causes of the “peeing behavior” are psychological, many owners prefer to rely on one Dog behavior consultant.

This applies, for example, to the following causes

  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Territorial behavior
  • jealousy
  • Boredom & frustration
  • Missing, incorrect or insufficient outlet.

These experts not only analyze the dog's behavior, but also the Dynamics between two- and four-legged household members. With the following tips, not only does house training improve quickly, but other conflicts are also better understood and resolved.

Behavior consultants are often specially trained dog trainers – so it's worth asking at a dog school. However, there are also animal psychologists and other experts who only offer these services.

3. Let the dog drink a lot

If there is an infection of the urinary tract or even a bladder infection behind the wet basket, this is particularly helpful lots of liquid. Initially, the number of “accidents” could increase, In the medium term, the four-legged friend excretes the harmful germs, which cause the symptoms.

So make sure that the Water bowl always well filled is. If the animal refuses to drink, it can help to soak dry food or hide treats in the floating bowl – this will force the four-legged friend to take in fluids, so to speak.

4. Clean the basket well

As soon as the basket gets wet, you definitely have to clean well. This is not just for hygiene, the dog must not get the feeling that he is allowed to mark his territory in the house in this way.

As a rule, this means that you take off the lounger cover and put it in place washing machine clean. If this is not possible, we recommend wiping with a pet-friendly, antibacterial and odor neutralizing product Cleaning products.

5. Dietary supplements & Feed adjustment

In some cases, however, it can also be helpful Nutrition to work: Some causes can be easily addressed with a change of food.

Furthermore, sometimes can also Dietary supplements Help: For joint problems, additives such as green-lipped mussel or a joint mix have proven to be very effective.

6. Recognize stress factors & eliminate

If the dog pees in the basket because he is obviously very stressed, the main thing that helps is to eliminate the underlying factors. To do this, you have to observe your four-legged friend very closely and, based on his reactions, identify what is likely to hit him in the bladder.