Dog won't eat dry food: 8 reasons & solutions

Your pet's food bowl is full to the brim, but your four-legged friend doesn't want to eat his kibble? If your Dog refused dry food You definitely have to get to the bottom of the cause.

Although there are completely harmless possible reasons for this behavior, spurning can also happen health problems lie, which may even be the case life-threatening can be.

So take a close look at your darling and pay attention to possible symptoms. Most often, the refusal to eat dry food is due to one of the following 8 reasons.

8 common reasons why dogs spurn dry food

1. Toothache

If your dog avoids dry food at all costs, there's a good chance he's under Toothache suffers. It is not unusual for him to show no other signs: the four-legged friends are instinctively wired to avoid showing pain if possible.

Possible causes of toothache

  • Tartar or periodontitis
  • Inflammation in the mouth area
  • Root inflammations
  • Jawbone inflammation
  • Bacterial or fungal infection, often. encouraged by leftover food
  • Injuries, such as broken teeth
  • abscesses.

If the dog refuses to eat due to toothache, the dental disease is common already very advanced: You must therefore take your four-legged friend's suffering seriously.

2. Foreign body in the mouth

Foreign body in the mouth can cause or promote toothache as well as represent a disability for the four-legged friend. Often he simply has problems chewing, which is why he refuses to eat the labor-intensive kibble.

Examples of typical foreign bodies

  • Glass splinters
  • Wood splinters
  • Stones & stony earth
  • grasses
  • Thorns
  • Branch & stick tips.

Foreign bodies very quickly get caught in the four-legged friend's mouth or gums. Animals that occasionally travel without a leash are particularly at risk.

A typical symptom is then one increased saliva production, often in conjunction with smacking noises – the dog tries to eliminate the troublemaker by “rinsing its mouth”.

3. Injuries & swelling

Others too Injuries – especially on the snout – and swelling can cause your four-legged friend to spurn his beloved dry food. This can be caused in very different ways, for example:

  • Bite wounds
  • Cuts
  • scratch
  • Insect bites
  • Punctures, for example through thorns
  • Blunt force trauma, e.g. dog runs into a wall.

The animal then has problems opening or moving its mouth – it can then hardly chew.

4. Digestive problems

Also within the realm of possibility Digestive problems: If your dog is sick, it's understandable that he doesn't want any more food, at least for a short time.

Although dry food has a fairly long shelf life, occasionally – for example due to incorrect storage – spoil. But it is also possible that the four-legged friend Eating carrion or garbage has misjudged, can continue too Feed intolerances play a role in the form of allergies or intolerances.

Typical for such problems is not only a refusal to eat, but also other things sloppy behavior. Excretion is usually also disturbed and the dog then either suffers nausea and/or under Diarrhea.

5. Tumors in the mouth area

However, it is a very unpleasant and dangerous cause Tumors in the mouth area. They can grow quite quickly and hinder the four-legged friend from both chewing and swallowing – demanding food such as dry food then simply becomes too much for the animal.

If a tumor is the reason, you have to hurry: Although not all ulcers are malignant, if they are, they can become very aggressive and spread to other parts of the body – putting your little one's life in danger!

6. Dog is picky

A rather harmless reason is that taste buds of the four-legged friend: Some dogs simply don't like a variety and therefore refuse to eat it.

This often happens when a dog needs to be switched over to a new breed. Our furry friends are creatures of habit and initially view any change with skepticism.

Veterinarian & canine nutritionist Dr. Gregor Berg about picky and fussy dogs. Source: Dr. Berg Pet Food / .

Even when switching from wet to dry food, many dogs initially refuse: on the one hand, they first have to get used to the new dosage form, and on the other hand, kibble smells less intense, so their eating instincts are less awakened than with wet food.

7. Too many treats

Your dog doesn't want to eat dry food at all, but doesn't show any signs of hunger? He's not losing weight, but rather gaining weight? Then you should perhaps take a closer look, as it is quite possible that the four-legged friend is still other food sources has.

Then it's advisable to do some detective work:

  • Maybe you give him so many treats that he gets full?
  • Maybe he has access to the pantry or trash can?
  • Is he perhaps stealing food from another pet (e.g. the cat)?
  • Maybe there is a roommate who always gives him something to eat?

Basically, the dog then lacks nothing – it becomes “just” fed incorrectly. But this can become a big problem in the long run:

  • On the one hand, a high-calorie and high-fat diet (treats are tasty, but often dogs' “junk food”) poses a risk of obesity
  • On the other hand, deficiency symptoms can also occur in the long term, because snacks are usually not complete, but rather supplementary feed without a balanced nutrient content.

8. Dog is dehydrated

Another possibility: The dog suffers from a lack of fluids and therefore does not want to eat dry kibble.

Example reasons for dehydration in dogs

  • High temperatures (summer, heating in winter)
  • Fever
  • Heavy physical exertion
  • Lack of access to drinking water
  • nausea
  • Diarrhea.

If this is the case, it is Dehydration is probably very advanced Weakened animals and especially puppies are often in mortal danger.

Typical of such a condition are dry lips, apathetic behavior and, above all, a very dry skin: If you pull on it, it will no longer spring back to its original state, but will remain wrinkled.

Dog won't eat dry food: 8 solutions

As you can see, the reasons for refusing dry food are very different: From very harmless reasons above moderate injuries up to life-threatening emergencies almost everything is there.

But all things have one thing in common: They must not become a permanent situation. If the dog is unable to eat such food for a long period of time, then not only is there something wrong, the risk of consequential damage is also quite high.

So you definitely have to attend one Solution work. Depending on the cause, you might have one of the following 8 tips help a lot with that.

1. Reinforced tooth & Mouth care

Should your dog? Dental problems (e.g. due to misaligned teeth), then it is very important to regularly care for your four-legged friend's teeth as a preventive measure (or after the condition has been professionally treated).

First of all, that means: You have to do this Mouth of the four-legged friend regularly (at least once a week, or immediately in suspected cases) inspect. Quiet moments, for example after a walk, and the use of a lamp are perfect for this.

At first it may be that the dog doesn't really want to do it, then you have to be consistent – if the four-legged friend does «Ritual» Once you understand it, it becomes a lot easier.

Not only can you do that dental problems, but also Foreign body or even Tumors discover as quickly as possible. There are various aids for the care itself, such as dog toothbrushes, grooming gloves or even chewing bones.

2. Other dry food

Of course it is always possible to have one Try a different type of dry food But this is not always recommended:

  • It is possible that the dog will spurn the next attempt
  • If you put taste first, the optimal supply of nutrients can suffer
  • It is also possible that the four-legged friend notices that you are “giving in” and the hierarchy is disturbed.

In general, experts recommend consistency: The owner should decide what food the four-legged friend gets, not the other way around.

But there is one exception: In the event that the Dog cannot tolerate a variety A change is definitely advisable. In order to shorten complex and nerve-wracking exclusion diets, many people opt for hypoallergenic dog food.

3. Switch to wet food

In some cases it may also be appropriate to give up the dry food altogether switch to wet food.

This is especially a good idea if the dog is under irreparable tooth damage suffers or becomes severe Dehydration tends to: wet food hardly puts any strain on the teeth, and thanks to its high natural moisture content, the four-legged friend also needs significantly less water than with kibble, which binds liquid in the stomach.

4. Soften the croquettes a little

It has also proven particularly useful for “dry food beginners” to give the kibble a little, at least initially to soften in water. Many dog ​​owners report that this solution has helped their dogs lose their fear of unfamiliar food.

But this is not without its disadvantages: The already somewhat inconspicuous taste of the croquettes is weakened even more. Furthermore, the kibble no longer promotes tooth abrasion; instead, food residues can even stick and cause tartar in the long term.

Soaking (if possible in lukewarm water) is often just to get used to it recommended.

5. Add “flavor enhancers”.

There seems to be significantly better motivation “flavor enhancer” to be. If your pet doesn't like his kibble, flavors that dogs love can make all the difference.

But you don't even need to start with spices that are delicious for us: dogs tend to love things rustic. Very popular “flavor boosters” include green-lipped mussels and salmon oil.

This can stink a bit, but awakens the feeding instincts many four-legged friends. Furthermore, these solutions are also great nutritional supplements, e.g. for the animals' joints or fatty acid balance.

6. Give the dog more to drink

However, if you have noticed that your four-legged friend is severely dehydrated, this is the only thing that helps more liquid.

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