This is what to expect if your dog dies

Unfortunately, our four-legged friends don't live forever either: one day will come Moment of farewell came. This is not unexpected for many dog ​​lovers, but it is sudden. The animals are often very active for a long time until their health begins to decline.

But how exactly do you know when a dog is dying? And what symptoms can you observe? You will find the answers in the following article: Besides 13 typical signs You will also find a lot of information about your role and tips for coping with grief.

The three stages of death of the dog

Depending on the race, it is Life expectancy of a dog very different. Thanks to medical advances, even elderly dogs can remain active for a very long time.

In the last quarter of life, the range of motion and energy requirements decrease somewhat, and the fur often becomes a little grayer, but otherwise seniors are usually surprisingly spry.

Unfortunately, at some point you will die. Experts most often divide this process into three phases a.

1st phase: Loss of appetite & disinterest

When your dog is ready to begin his “final journey,” he will first less and less appetite receive. Why this is the case is somewhat unclear: Some assume that the animals then know that they will never need the energy from their food again, others assume that the four-legged friend is feeling sick and is therefore spurning his food.

A typical sign is when the animal no longer even wants to touch its favorite treats. The thirst also decreases and the dog hardly drinks anymore.

2nd phase: Sudden urge to move

In the second phase of dying it can often be observed that: Four-legged friend pulls himself together again: Although he hardly eats or drinks anymore, he suddenly moves almost like a dog in its prime.

Some experts suspect that this is because the dog wants to use up its last physical reserves. However, it is also possible that pain and confusion (e.g. due to dehydration) cause restlessness in the four-legged friend.

3rd phase: Slow failure of the body

Then the third, final phase came: The dog now finally says goodbye to the world.

In the last hours of life the organs slowly fail, the dog becomes significantly calmer until he takes a deep, final breath and the pulse can no longer be detected.

13 typical symptoms in dying dogs

But what exactly does it look like? when a dog loses its vital forces? Often the following can 13 symptoms be observed.

Symptoms can vary

The following listing refers to a dog old age dies. If the animal suffers from a fatal illness – such as cancer or heart failure – the course can be significantly different. Furthermore, not every dog ​​experiences all of the symptoms: Every final journey in life is unique.

1. Significantly more sleep

A dying dog sleeps a lot: He is often only conscious for a few minutes a day, otherwise he lies in his usual place.

Then it hardly makes sense to get him to go for a walk. Instead, many owners stay at their four-legged friend's “death bed” to support him.

Some dogs also fall into a coma before they die and never wake up from it.

2. Incontinence

At the same time it can often be observed that the dog no longer have control over his bodily functions has. He often suffers from incontinence. He can no longer control his failing bladder and therefore goes everywhere – either in the apartment or even in his basket.

3. Diarrhea

Digestion also slowly stops working. Dogs that die uncontrollably defecate what little food they have eaten.

This is often the case Diarrhea. Unlike healthy dogs, they contain many harmful substances that can no longer be filtered by the liver. That's why the eliminated has one very unpleasant, putrid smell and is often riddled with blood.

4. Dog vomits bile

Along with the liver, the gallbladder also gradually stops functioning. This then leads to a dying dog occasionally Bile vomits.

This one has one yellowish color and one foul smell. Since food intake has usually been stopped days before, little or no food remains can be found in the vomit.

5. Muscles become weak

At the same time, the Muscles weaker. On the one hand, this is because it no longer has a good blood supply. On the other hand, due to a lack of nutrients, the dog simply doesn't have the strength to pull itself together.

It is therefore possible that you can observe that your four-legged friend wants to get up. But he can't do it anymore and maybe even falls down.

6. cramps

Due to the lack of organ functions and dehydration, they also arise cramps. So you will probably notice twitching of the muscles. Natural reflexes are hardly present anymore, even a lying animal appears uncontrolled.

If the dog manages to get up anyway, he will stagger rather than walk. Coordination skills are severely limited and he will only be able to move a few meters.

7. Breathing problems

Furthermore, dying dogs often suffer breathing problems. Sometimes they can hardly breathe, and their breathing rate generally decreases sharply in the last few days before death.

If you watch your darling, you will see that he is very breathing slowly and shallowly. It often takes a while to determine whether he is still alive or not.

8. Social withdrawal

The dog's forefather, the wolf, withdraws from his pack in his final moments of life. From an evolutionary point of view, this behavior has two advantages: on the one hand, the rest of the group is not distracted, and on the other hand, other predators who might want to attack the carcass do not endanger the rest of the group.

Of course, this is no longer necessary for a pet Basic instinct However, it is still present in many dogs. This means that a dying animal often turns away from its human family.

This may be a very hard moment for you. But it doesn't mean that your dog doesn't love you, on the contrary: He doesn't want to be a burden to you and only wants the best for you and your family.

Exceptions to the rule

On the other hand, there are also many dying dogs who suddenly become very affectionate. So it always depends on the individual case: Observe what your dog wants and then fulfill his final wishes. But don't leave him completely alone!

9. Mucous membranes become paler

Due to the gradual organ failure and poorer blood circulation, this also decreases Oxygen supply in the dog's body. This is visible through the Mucous membranes paler and drier become.

You can especially notice this by the gums, which suddenly no longer appear pink, but rather whitish. The tongue and eye areas are also good clues.

10. Dog loses a lot of weight

Due to the refusal to eat and the failure of the body, the dog no longer receives nutrients. This means that initially the last fat reserves of the four-legged friend must be used up.

If these are exhausted, the dog will quickly lose weight. This can happen in the last days of life severe weight loss observe. You can usually assume that your loved one will unfortunately die soon.

11. confusion & Irritability

Dying dogs can also often occur Signs of confusion and even irritability or aggressiveness can be observed. This also has to do with the four-legged friend's lack of food intake or dehydration.

If the dog doesn't get any more nutrients or fluids, that's it too Messenger substance balance disrupted. The result: The metabolism in the brain no longer runs as usual.

Therefore, in the last days of life increases stress hormones like adrenaline released. The four-legged friend is then weak, but also a little stressed. In some cases it can also happen that the dog snaps at its owner or even bites him – but you shouldn't misunderstand this, it is a purely instinctive action.

12. Dog slowly cools down

Due to the dwindling blood circulation, decrepit dogs that are about to die also cool down a bit.

Normal body temperature is around 39 degrees Celsius. If you want to measure with a thermometer, it will probably be a little lower.

Even with infections, fever rarely occurs because the weakened body no longer has enough defenses.

13. Hardly any personal hygiene left

And finally, you will often observe that the dog no longer makes any attempt to groom itself. He then remains lying in his own feces or urine, for example, and he no longer cleans up any adhesions and incrustations.

Dog dies: You can do these things

When an old dog dies, a phase of your life ends too. As with friends and relatives, you are also challenged with your four-legged friend – probably even a little more.

It is important for the four-legged friend to make his final journey in this life as pleasant as possible. There are various options open to you, below I'll tell you 5 things you should pay attention to during this difficult time.

1. Help from the vet

Of course, it is always possible to ask the vet to rescue the dog. One Euthanasia always comes into consideration when the animal would otherwise suffer unnecessarily. This is particularly the case when there is severe pain, but a mere loss of strength is usually not enough to give a final injection.

However, doctors can also help in other ways: there are now many in veterinary medicine palliative treatment methods, which ensure that a dog can still enjoy a good quality of life even in its final days.

These include, for example, painkillers, anti-inflammatory medications or vitamins. Many veterinarians also offer home visits so that the dog is no longer put under unnecessary strain.

2. Do not leave your dog alone or unattended

You can still do that Under no circumstances should you leave your dog alone on its final journey. It is true that many four-legged friends withdraw strongly as soon as they no longer have any strength. If the four-legged friend feels abandoned, he will definitely get it Fear and suffers unnecessarily much again shortly before his death.

For this reason, you should stay at home as soon as the animal noticeably begins to die. With constant observation You can also see whether the condition is deteriorating significantly and – if necessary – have him put out of his misery with the help of the vet.

If euthanasia is necessary, your presence will provide the animal with peace and support. Experience also shows that survivors often cope with the loss much better if they are in…