Does your dog often or constantly let his tail hang down? Then there is probably something wrong with your four-legged friend: Although this tail position is part of the typical communication spectrum of four-legged friends, if it is used too often, it usually has a pathological effect physical or psychological causes.
You can find out what these are and how you can recognize them in this article. I will also give you 8 options that are available to you, depending on the exact reason, to improve your pet's mood or health.
10 reasons why a dog hangs his tail
1. Signal for neutral sentiment
If only a dog now and again If the rod hangs and otherwise appears normal, there is no major cause for concern: it is usually one typical part of body language the four-legged friend.
This tail position usually says: “I’m fine, there’s nothing to worry about.” However, the rod doesn't stay in this position all day – if the four-legged friend's mood changes, it moves to a different position.
Tail hanging as a communication strategy
More gesturesfrequencyEvaluationNeutral moodNone, dog relaxed depending on the occasion, no reason to worryAnxiety & StressTail is “tucked in”, defensive posture, possibly also aggressivenessFor fear and stress factorsNormal, but should not occur too often (remove factors)SubmissivenessVery defensive posture, appeasement signals, body lowered, dog often lies on its stomach. In the presence of dominant figures, and also constantly in the event of trauma. Should be treated professionally if it occurs chronically. The lowered tail summarized in dog language.
2. Dog is scared or stressed
In dog language, a hanging tail can also mean bad things: It is also possible that the four-legged friend behaves this way because he Fear has or stressed is.
There are many factors for this, even within your own company: Often there are Things we don't even notice e.g. noise, a lot of hustle and bustle or shadows at night that the animal cannot clearly identify. Occasionally the tail not only hangs, but is actually trapped between the dog's hind legs.
Dementia as a fear factor
If your four-legged friend is older, this can happen too “Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome” (CDS), i.e. dog dementia, come into question. Affected animals often feel disoriented and no longer recognize their caregivers. They are very afraid even if there are no objective reasons for it.
Also stress can cause similar symptoms. For both reasons, the tail does not hang all the time, but only on occasions that worry the dog.
Meanwhile, dogs are multiplying Hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol released, which is why the four-legged friend is in a defensive mood. The animal should therefore not be irritated unnecessarily; the potential for aggression – especially in the case of surprises and strangers – is significantly increased.
3. Dog wants to be subordinate
A third communication strategy of dogs with a hanging tail is this Showing submissiveness. Affected animals also have a very defensive posture, which is intended to show other animals that they have nothing to fear.
More examples of submissive body language
- Ears lie close to the body or are set back
- Ducking the head
- Dog crouches down, reduces body area
- Greeting with downward wagging tail
- Appeasement signals such as yawning, blinking, and licking the nose
- Dog shows “vulnerable sides”, for example often lies on his back.
Every dog shows itself to be submissive from time to time Play Even very dominant animals take on this role from time to time. If your four-legged friend is kept with other dogs, this tail position shows that he is in the internal ranking is probably at the bottom.
But subordinate behavior can also become pathological: If the four-legged friend constantly appears with his tail lowered and his body language clear, he is often stuck trauma behind it – the animal was then raised to be too authoritarian or even beaten. This often happens adopted four-legged friends from the street or from the animal shelter and should be treated professionally.
4. water rod
However, a hanging tail is not always part of natural body language; it can also be medical causes have. It is often associated with organic diseases or injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
If your dog likes to cool off with a long bath and then has visible problems lifting his tail, it is unfortunately also possible that the four-legged friend is under one water rod suffers.
This phenomenon occurs particularly in younger animals and hunting dogs such as pointers. The cold water temperature combined with the muscle strain that dogs are not used to when swimming creates a problem pronounced muscle inflammation.
Other names
A water rod is also occasionally used “Mutton Tail”, “Cold Water Tail” or as “Coccygeal myopathy” designated.
This usually develops within 24 hours, but occasionally dogs also suffer after long walks wet and cold days under a water rod. The animal can then no longer coordinate its tail, so it gets stuck.
In many cases, this inflammation goes away on its own within a few days. In the meantime, the dog not only suffers from tail dysfunction, but also from great pain.
5. Rod is broken
If your dog leaves his tail hanging because he can no longer move it, it is also quite possible that one fracture is present. Broken tails are comparatively common in dogs.
Typical causes of a broken rod
- Tail was caught, for example in a door
- Fall injury
- Fight with other four-legged friends
- Osteoporosis (especially in old dogs)
- Bone cancer.
Such a break is often recognizable at first glance, but in others the situation is not quite so clear. However, with all such fractures, the dog has great difficulty moving its tail, which is why the tail usually gets stuck. Severe pain and protective postures (for example, the dog no longer wants to sit down) are also typical.
Some fractures heal on their own, although the tail is usually fixed with a bandage. In serious cases (e.g. complicated multiple fractures), surgery may also be an option; occasionally amputation may even be necessary.
6. Bend rod
In a so-called “bent rod” It is a mostly congenital defect in which some vertebrae are so deformed that the tail cannot stand upright. That's why it often gets stuck.
Occasionally the phenomenon also occurs afterwards poorly healed fractures, because the bones in the tail have not grown back together optimally.
Usually a bend rod is one “beauty flaw”, which puts little strain on the dog. In the case of pedigree dogs, however, it actually always leads to exclusion from breeding.
7. Nervous diseases
Also Nervous diseases can cause the dog to let his tail hang.
- are comparatively common herniated discs, in which a popped-out disc presses on a spinal nerve.
- At the “Cauda Equina” or Compression syndrome The nerves of the spine are chronically damaged, for example due to bruising or inflammation.
- Also Strokes can cause permanent nerve damage.
Sometimes the dog loses control over the movements of the tail – temporarily or permanently. The rod is then paralyzed and remains hanging.
8. Prostate problems in male dogs
Prostate problems are very common in older, non-neutered male dogs. Most of the time it is a case of hyperplasia, i.e. an enlargement of the organ.
The pressure caused by the enlargement can affect not only the bladder and intestines, but also the spine and the nerves located there. As a result, the dog's ability to move the tail is severely limited and it often hangs.
Prostate enlargements in dogs are actually always benign. Fortunately, aggressive prostate cancer is very rare in our four-legged friends.
9. Anal gland inflammation
The anal gland or the anal pouch are an extremely important means of communication for dogs. They produce a secretion that is something like theirs for the four-legged friends “Business card” is. Each animal's feces have a unique smell; when a dog is out and about, it immediately recognizes the territory of a fellow dog.
Is the Gland blocked – for example, because the foreign body is stuck or the dog defecates too softly or has diarrhea – or if it produces too much secretion, it is susceptible to germs such as bacteria, which in turn cause inflammation. Occasionally, a painful abscess develops as a result; tumors in the gland are rare, but also possible.
Typical symptoms
- Problems with defecation
- Visible pain, protective postures (e.g. dog no longer wants to sit down)
- “Bacteria smell” in the anus area
- Itching, dog “sledding”
- Nibble on the rod
- Fever
- Apathetic behavior, dog refuses food.
Source: SantéVet animal health insurance.
In severe cases, the tail may also become impaired; the animal will then only be able to move it with difficulty, which is why it gets stuck.
10. Joint diseases
Also Joint diseases can affect the tail of a four-legged friend. The most common is this osteoarthritis, i.e. chronic wear and tear on the joints.
If the vertebral joints are affected, the dog will have severe mobility problems. He then only moves slowly and with difficulty, and holding the rod upright becomes more difficult – it then sags without this reflecting his state of mind.
Older animals are particularly affected. But there are also comparatively young dogs that suffer from osteoarthritis, for example due to chronic arthritis Overweight, lack of exercise, poor diet or Overload.
Hanging tail in dogs: 8 things you can do
A hanging tail on a dog can many different causes have:
- Sometimes it is “just” a defensive body language in four-legged friends
- The reasons often lie in bone or muscle injuries
- In some cases, the dog also leaves its tail down because it is in pain.
In most cases, the dog is not happy when he has to hold his body like this. Then it is actually mandatory to find an appropriate solution. The following are particularly important 8 strategies proven.
1. Eliminate stress factors
If your dog is “just” anxious or nervous because of stress, this cannot always be completely remedied: Every now and then it is normal for four-legged friends to be annoyed,…