5. Strong protective instinct
Our four-legged friends don't just think about their own territory, but also about us: In some cases, howling is more of a means of communication that is aimed at the caregivers.
If the dog smells a human intruder or feels something scary, it is quite possible that he will want to let his two-legged family members know about it. They often start barking, and in some cases it turns into howling.
This Protective instinct has been imprinted on four-legged friends over thousands of years and is therefore sometimes woken up even though there is actually no objective danger.
6. Female dog in heat in the area
If your dog is a male hormones can also be responsible for the unusual behavior. One conspecific in heat in the environment – male dogs smell them even from a great distance – makes them forget all manners.
When the animal bachelors are out and about without a leash, they quickly make their way to their sweetheart. On a leash or in the apartment, however, they often try to escape. If this is not possible, many people try to express their affection for the animal that is ready to mate with sounds, such as yelping, barking or even a wolf howl.
7. Group dynamics
However, these sounds can also have a positive cause for the dog: Howling has a contagious effect on our four-legged friends. If an animal in the surrounding area starts doing this, it is quite possible that your pet will be in the mood for it.
Here you can see that there is still a lot of wolf DNA in the dogs: it is actually one group dynamics, which really comes from the wild times of our pets' ancestors. With the howling sounds they signal to each other that they Part of a pack are – even if they actually have little or nothing to do with each other.
8. Misperception of the four-legged friend
But many dogs also react other sounds with howling. For example, it can often be observed that four-legged friends respond to certain high tones. In particular classical music with violins and wind instruments trigger this behavior.
It looks very cute, but the dog isn't really musical. Instead, his perception plays tricks on him. The animal identifies these sounds as howls from other animals, which he then tunes in to.
Some animals react this way too TV programs or videos that feature howling dogs or wolves. Other possible causes of this “Misperception” are e.g Church bells or Alarm sirens.
9. Stress phenomenon
However, if there is no really obvious reason for the behavior, the cause of the howling may also lie deeper: Some dogs are very loud when they stressed are.
This is probably a species Skipping action: So crying has no real reason, but is primarily used to relax and reduce stress.
Unfortunately, there are many stress factors, that can harm our four-legged friends. Very often it is due to things like too much hustle and bustle in the house, noise, lack of places to retreat or aggressive companions on the dog walk.
10. Symptom of dog dementia
Your dog is already older and suddenly starts howling like a wolf? Then it is unfortunately also possible that one Dementia disease behind it. When it comes to four-legged friends, we speak of cognitive dysfunction syndrome, short CDS.
Affected animals suffer from pathological changes in the brain that slowly but steadily lead to a decline in their ability to think. They then often behave completely differently and use sounds or means of communication that they have never used before, such as howling.
More signs of CDS
- Dog no longer recognizes caregivers
- Disoriented behavior, e.g. barking “at nowhere”
- Animal only responds irregularly/not at all to commands
- Disturbed sleep-wake rhythm, dog “turns night into day”
- The four-legged friend is no longer house trained, for example he wets the apartment or the bed.
Source: Wilhelmshaven veterinary practice.
Unfortunately, dog dementia is incurable. Research is also still in its infancy. However, it is possible to enable affected four-legged friends to live a dignified life for a long time if you show them a lot of understanding, give them love and attention and keep them appropriately occupied.
11. Dog is in pain
In some cases, howling – similar to howling – can also be a sign that the dog is under severe pain suffers. This is more like one Scream of despair.
This is often the case acute injuries or degenerative joint diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis. Also neuropathic, so through Nerve damage caused pain is possible. These are particularly treacherous because the four-legged friend cannot avoid them by adopting a protective posture.