The 4 of Pentacles in the Tarot – Minor Arcana

The 4 of Pentacles card in the Tarot has a double reading, that is, when it appears in a spread it can be interpreted as that you have come to fulfill many of your goals and objectives, and on the way to completing these objectives you have perhaps achieved certain wealth.

But as we have said, it has a double interpretation, and although it seems that this card brings us good news, it also warns us that we have focused a lot on material possessions, and this may have turned us into a materialistic, greedy and possessive person.

One of the characteristics of the tarot is that each card has a different meaning within it. In this way, when we are going to read one of these cards, the appearance or not of a certain card, helps us to carry out all kinds of interpretations.

In this article, we are going to get to know a little better everything that has to do with the 4 of Pentacles card, one of the minor arcana of the deck. Like all the suit of coins, this type of card tells us about things related to economic, financial situations, etc.

This letter is clear, our financial situation is going to be good and stable in the medium term. All the businesses or projects that we have planned to carry out will have a high probability of being successful, and therefore, be profitable. In addition, this card indicates that the person from whom the query is being made is a saver, who does not spend his money on unnecessary things and thanks to that saving, he will be able to make future investments.

Thanks to the economic stability that you are going to have, you will also have spiritual well-being. These two concepts are closely related, a prosperous economy will make us have greater emotional stability, since we will eliminate many worries from our thoughts.

Sometimes, when we make a spread in the Tarot we cannot definitively interpret a card, so if this card appears and you are not sure about its interpretation, whether it is positive or negative, I recommend that you interpret it together with the rest of the cards in the spread. .

If you have any questions when interpreting the 4 of Pentacles in the Tarot, when you finish reading this article you can leave me a comment, which I will answer you personally.

Symbology of the 4 of Pentacles

The symbology of the 4 of Pentacles card is quite clear. We are looking at a man, presumably a king because of the crown with which he counts that he is holding on to some golden pentacles and that he is sitting on two others. In the background of the image, a city can be seen whose meaning can be understood that all material goods can be obtained and created.

As simple as the image appears at first, the same cannot be said for the man’s posture. In this case, it is understood that he is on the border between spending his wealth and being stingy in saving it.

This representation and the way in which he clings to the pentacle in his hands, tries to express how difficult it is to maintain the balance between these two forces.

It is understood that this person has had to work very hard to obtain those earnings, and therefore has some misgivings about spending them. It is important to understand that having savings gives us a lot of peace of mind, but if these become excessive due to having an attitude that is too greedy, then it could trigger a feeling of unhappiness.

Meaning of the 4 of Pentacles

If we are taking part in a tarot session and this figure of the 4 of Pentacles appears to us, surely we want to know what it means to us. In this case, it can appear to us in two ways, in the normal and inverted way.

In the event that it comes out normally, it will be a person who knows how to save, who knows how to manage money, so it is a person who could be considered a good administrator, a thrifty person.

All this shows that the man in the letter ends up showing us selfishness, since he keeps all his money for himself, so it can be interpreted as a danger of greed by dedicating more time to his work than to the others. personal chores or spending time with family.

In the event that the card appears to us inverted, the meaning varies completely. In this case, it would stop being a saving figure to become a figure that represents waste and also the waste of money.

It can also be understood as that we are going to have to face an unnecessary expense or that we are going to have some other problem with the money, such as a delay in obtaining it.

Likewise, it can also be considered that there is a generosity with respect to this money, quite the opposite to the saver, however, it is a most excessive generosity, which could even become dangerous.

What does the 4 of Pentacles represent in the Tarot?

Obviously, depending on what we are asking the tarot, the figure of the 4 of Pentacles can have one meaning or another. Let’s see it for each of the cases.

The 4 Pentacles for work

If the figure appears to us asking about work, the tarot is inviting us to think that it is time to take risks, to invest a little more in that project that we have in hand but for which we have not yet dared to take the step.

The stability that it represents can help us to ensure our livelihood, to know that we have a secure job and therefore we should worry a little more about the family, since our position is guaranteed. If, on the other hand, we do not have a job, we can find it more quickly.

The 4 of Pentacles for love

The 4 of Pentacles is also good news when it comes to love. In this case, he would be acting as a personal adviser and if we are experiencing a complicated situation in the couple, the 4 of Pentacles will be an invitation to think that everything will work out and it will turn out well for us over time.

If, on the other hand, we are single, the 4 of Pentacles is an invitation to get out of that cage in which we are stuck and we are suffering so much from lack of love. A perfect opportunity to go out and meet new people, with the certainty of being able to show that everything is going to be for the better and nothing is going to harm us.

The 4 of Pentacles for spirituality

In this case, the 4 of Pentacles is the faithful reflection that we must get rid of all those fears that block us as a person, that prevent us from moving forward. Take past problems as an experience and have the faith and courage that nothing bad can happen to us.

Bad thoughts cloud people’s judgment and that is why we must remove them as soon as possible, if we do not want to fall into greater evils.

The 3 of Pentacles for health

When it comes to health, the 4 of Pentacles can be an indication that we need to take things more slowly. If we are going through a bad financial situation or things are not going economically as they should, we have to take care of the health aspect to avoid illness.

Meaning of the 4 of Pentacles Reversed

If the 4 of Pentacles comes out in reverse, the picture it represents is much more complicated than it would be at first. In this case, the tarot has to seek answers to those problems and invite the person to reflect in order to fix them.

The main reason is that money is not the main source of happiness, since no matter how much money one has, we can find ourselves in life with other deficiencies that cannot be bought with it.

As ironic as it may seem, if the 4 of Pentacles is reversed in love, it is not something as negative as in the other aspects, but rather it only indicates that we have an emotional blockage, due to a breakup or the loss of a loved one that we must remedy.

Despite the fact that many people can be obsessed with money, these beautiful aspects of life must be taken into account, which is that, beyond any worthwhile material possession, money cannot buy the unit of the family or a partner, those aspects go much further.

What does the 4 of Pentacles represent in a spread?

The 4 of Coins is a very ambiguous card, it depends on the position of the spread in which it comes out and its position can be interpreted in one way or another. As we have commented in the symbology section, it is a letter where it shows us a person protecting his riches, the same ones that it has cost him so much to obtain.

But even if this person protects his assets, we can see that his back is exposed, therefore, we interpret that there is always a flank that we will not be able to cover and we have to be prepared for anything.

For questions related to money: This card clearly tells us that we will have profits and economic stability. If we are making investments or we plan to make them, we must be conservative.

If the question is related to love: The 4 of Pentacles in love tells us that this person has a hard time opening up effectively, and that he hides behind a wall so as not to expose his real feelings.

Luz Silva Soler