Black Crusts on Dog Skin: Causes & Solutions

If your dog keeps… scab-like crusts on the skin This is usually due to small wounds that plague the four-legged friend. The causes for this are very diverse – sometimes there are harmless things behind it, but crusts can also be a sign of a serious health problem or illness.

You should therefore always take skin changes seriously and think carefully about what could be causing them. To make this easier for you, I have this for you 10 most common reasons why crusts keep forming in dogs. You will also find 8 possible solutions, who have already helped many animals.

The 10 most common causes for crust formation on dog skin

1. Parasitic infestation

If your dog has crusts on his skin, it is often due to uninvited guests: parasites attack the four-legged friends quickly and largely unnoticed, and the destructive results can only be seen after a delay.

Most of these pests are ectoparasites, that do not live in the body but on the skin of the four-legged friend. These include, for example Mites, hair lice, ticks and Fleas. For example, they feed on blood and skin flakes and reproduce rapidly.

Through punctures or bites, the parasites inflict tiny injuries on the animal, which destabilize the skin and serve as an “entrance gate” for many other pathogens – the parasites are also intermediate hosts.

Known skin diseases caused by parasites

  • Eczema
  • scabies
  • Leishmaniasis (extremely dangerous, mostly imported from abroad)
  • Pyoderma (bacteria is often transmitted by parasites)
  • Mange.

A characteristic feature of such parasites is: pronounced itching. The animals then often scratch themselves, which in the advanced state can appear manic or even panicky. Sometimes they even bite each other.

This does not leave the skin unscathed: it often occurs small wounds that later crust over. Hair loss is also often observed. Since the itching continues untreated, a vicious circle arises as the scabs are scratched again and again.

2. Allergies & Atopies

A second very common cause of scabs on the skin are Atopies. These are allergic reactions, that The body's immune system overreacts i.e. actually harmless substances.

These are often environmental influences, e.g. pollen and grasses. But there is also man-made allergens, e.g. chemicals found in cleaning products. Another culprit is Food, Atopy can then be caused by both a congenital food allergy and an acquired intolerance.

One is caused atopic dermatitis through messenger substances that transport both defense and inflammatory cells. The disease often appears for the first time in young dogs. Since dogs with white fur are often affected, genetic predispositions probably also play a role.

There is actually always a consequence severe itching, which sometimes appears chronically, sometimes in fits and starts. The four-legged friend reacts by scratching and sometimes biting itself, which creates wounds that then crust over.

3. Deficiency symptoms

Skin problems that lead to itching and associated scratching, self-biting, sores and crusting are sometimes caused by Deficiency symptoms caused.

The reason for this is usually one wrong diet: There are some dog foods that unfortunately are not optimally formulated. Animals that are fed a BARF menu are particularly susceptible. This is not necessarily due to the type of food, but rather because well-intentioned dog owners put together the menus incorrectly due to a lack of nutritional knowledge.

Common deficiency symptoms associated with skin problems

  • Easily usable proteins
  • B vitamins such as biotin
  • copper
  • iron and
  • Zinc.

Malnutrition is often not recognized as such – even if there are symptoms that clearly indicate this. This is because some signs only appear after a very long time: If a dog food has been accepted for years and only causes hidden damage, it often remains unsuspected at first.

Allergies, intolerances and endoparasites such as worms can also severely disrupt feed utilization and cause deficiency symptoms.

Particularly widespread among adopted four-legged friends

Wet food contains a lot of liquid, can Drink but not completely replace it. That's why he should Make sure your water bowl is well filled throughout the day.

Have you adopted an older four-legged friend from an animal shelter or even from abroad? Then it is very likely that the skin problems and crusts are due to malnutrition. Many affected dogs have received inadequate care or no care at all – then you have to nurture them slowly.

4. Hormonal disorders & Metabolic diseases

Metabolic disorders in dogs are often caused by endocrine, i.e. hormonal, diseases. The body then becomes unbalanced, and common symptoms include greatly increased or decreased appetite, listlessness and weight gain or loss.

However, some diseases also affect the skin, namely:

  • An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) and
  • Cushing's syndrome, in which far too much cortisol is pumped into the dog's body.

They lead to the well-known course of skin problems: the dog itches, scratches or bites itself, and at some point wounds develop which then crust over.

5. fungal infections

In addition to bacteria are also Mushroom cultures often responsible for unpleasant itching, which eventually leads to crusty areas. It is particularly often skin fungus, which veterinarians also call it Dermatophytosis designated.

Risk factors

  • Age (puppies & seniors)
  • Weakened immune system
  • Infestation by other ectoparasites
  • Pre-existing organic diseases that weaken the body
  • Warm, humid climate
  • Stray four-legged friends & hunting dogs
  • Dogs that have a lot of contact with other dogs.

Source: ESCCAP.

Skin fungus is highly contagious and in some cultures it can even spread to humans. A typical symptom of such an infection is also one Alopeciaso circular hair loss, which leaves gaps in the fur.

6. Inflammation of the hair follicles (folliculitis)

At a Folliculitis are the Hair follicles inflamed. A hair follicle consists of a hair, a hair root, a sebaceous gland and a hair muscle that can raise the fur, for example when excited. Inflammation can occur both superficially and deep into the hair roots.

They are often caused by Germs or parasites: If such an inflammation occurs in your four-legged friend, it could be caused by bacteria, for example, but a mite infestation is also possible.

Dogs can have up to 9,000 hairs per square centimeter. Accordingly Inflammation of the hair follicles occurs more frequently and then occasionally scatter: hair often falls out, itching occurs, as a result of which wounds can appear and crust over.

7. Tumors & Melanoma

Unfortunately, some dogs have it too Tumors: When it comes to the skin, these are usually melanomas. These can be benign, but are often very aggressive: around 25 to 50 percent of all melanomas of hairy skin are malignant.

They then spread very quickly to other organs. Early detection is essential for a hopeful prognosis, so you should inspect your four-legged friend regularly.

Typical of melanoma dark skin discoloration, also Knubble and nodules are possible. These often look like a birthmark. Melanomas often result in open wounds that then crust over. Itching, redness and swelling can also be the first signs of skin cancer.

Don't just pay attention to the skin

Contrary to what the name skin cancer suggests, melanomas also occur in other areas. If you e.g black discoloration in the gums, oral cavity or eyes If you watch, you definitely have to be on your guard.

Older four-legged friends are particularly affected. Also genetic reasons probably play a role, as melanomas occur at an above-average rate in breeds such as Cocker Spaniels, Dachshunds and Poodles.

8. Injuries

A crust on the skin can also be quite simple Result of a “normal” injury be. These include, for example, scabbed bite wounds or scratches that the four-legged friend has sustained.

In many cases, these sores go away on their own. But it is also possible that they become infected with germs, which can be particularly critical in animals with weakened immune systems.

9. Disorder of the sebaceous glands (seborrhea)

Like us humans, dogs also have countless sebaceous glands. They produce an oily secretion that has a very important function: it protects the animal's skin from foreign invaders such as bacteria and fungi.

Occasionally, however, it happens that the Glands produce significantly too much secretion – When it comes to such a disorder, experts speak of it as one seborrhea. It often occurs in dogs whose hormones are, for example, in the puberty change, forward. Benign growths that cause the number of sebaceous glands to grow are also a possible cause.

In this case, the crust on the skin is probably not dried blood, but rather dirt. These can be, for example, dust particles or soil residues that mix with the greasy secretion and are then difficult to remove.

10. Too much hygiene

Many dog ​​owners attach great importance to ensuring that their four-legged friend meets their expectations of cleanliness at all times. This then leads to some animals being bathed almost every day.

This is often far too much for the dog: Of course, there are cases in which there is no alternative to a bath, but in general you shouldn't expect a four-legged friend to have no smell of their own. Bathing too often actually leads to that protective skin barrier disabled becomes.

Then the dog is clear more susceptible to infections. In this case, the dog tries to react to pain, itching or swelling by scratching and biting, which can crust the skin. Also unsuitable cosmetic products such as low-quality standard shampoo can lead to skin problems.

Scabby skin in dogs: This is what you can do

In most cases, crusts on the dog's skin are a result of skin problems: the animal wants to relieve its itching, which is why it scratches, nibbles or even bites itself. This creates smaller to larger wounds, which then scab over.

Many reasons can be responsible for this. To one Solution To find the problem, it is therefore important to pay attention to risk factors and possible other symptoms. In a few cases it is also due to other reasons.

Fortunately, with many causes, there are ways to do something about the problem.

1. Visit to the vet

In order to provide clarity or to treat really serious causes, it is essential to… vet