Spitz books | The best presented

Great are a very well-known and popular dog breed and are primarily used as Family dogs appreciated. These are the most widespread in this country German lace, which are bred in different sizes.

The Wolfspitz, also called Keeshond, and the Great Spitz are among the largest representatives of the breed. It is more of a medium-sized dog middle point, while Small and Pomeranian (the latter is also known as Pomeranian) appear rather tiny.

What all the animals have in common is the animals' strong sense of community: they don't let anything get in the way of the family, loyal and affectionate you are a true friend for life. Due to the high intelligence Of the breed, every Pomeranian enjoys a lot of activity.

A Pomeranian is not at all weak in character, which unfortunately can sometimes lead to problems: Not only are the four-legged friends very confident, They also see themselves as outspoken watchdogs. This can happen more often Problems with barking guests are often viewed very skeptically.

Reason enough to get some training in advance. They are particularly suitable for this the following Spitz books.

The best Spitz books briefly presented

Dorothea von der Höh: “German Spitz: character, education, health”

Compact, informative and affordable: This is how the book works “German Spitz: character, education, health” by Dorothea von der Höh is probably best described. On 80 well-structured and richly illustrated pages The Pomeranian friend or interested person will find practically everything they need to know about the animals.

The author explains in easy-to-understand language what you should expect from a Pomeranian and how best to use it educate and employ. Breed-specific care and health questions are also answered in detail.

So it is understandable that this comparatively cheap Paperback 2025 often as Considered the standard work on the Spitz becomes.

Annette Schmidt & Cinnamon Lee Hooper: “German Spitz: Wolf, Large, Medium, Small, Dwarf Spitz”

The book is particularly interesting for beginners “German Spitz: Wolf Spitz, Large Spitz, Medium Spitz, Small Spitz, Dwarf Spitz” by Annette Schmidt and Cinnamon Lee Hooper. This bound reference work offers a lot of basic information, the original owners will definitely appreciate.

In terms of the breed, the authors go into all known German Spitz types and, fortunately, also offer many solution strategies for small problems that often occur with the animals. A strong basic book well, this is due to the high-quality binding and the lots of beautiful illustrations also makes a visual impression.

A. Ketschau: “The little book about the German Spitz”

Another very interesting book on the subject of lace is “The Little Book of the German Spitz” by A. Ketschau. In addition to a detailed description of the breed and its various subspecies, the author primarily devotes himself to practical topics such as: Education, training and employment or Health and nutrition.

The book also offers an interesting introduction to the Breeding standards for the respective spitz species. This work is recommended for both beginners and advanced users.

D. Caroline Coile: “Pomeranians For Dummies”

If you are the English language powerful, then this book by the doctoral psychologist and dog expert D. Caroline Cole could also be something for you. “Pomeranians for Dummies” is entirely dedicated to the smallest representatives of the breed, namely those also known as Pomeranians Dwarf Spitz.

The title of the book, which comes from a well-known series, should be viewed with a wink: the well-written paperback is not for “dummies”. Instead, it offers a lot of well-structured basic knowledge, which makes raising, keeping busy and caring for the littlest little ones much easier.