32 Dog Breeds That Don't Bark

Barking is usually part of dogs' natural communication. But there are also some breeds that naturally bark very rarely or not at all.

Basically, all four-legged friends can be trained to stop barking. However, for some breeds this can be very time-consuming due to their history.

For this reason, it is recommended that you choose a suitable dog breed when purchasing. Below you will find 32 dogs that almost never bark.

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#1 Basenji

The Basenji is also known as the African Barkless Dog. The four-legged friend sheds very little, has a very strong hunting instinct and needs a lot of exercise. He is alert and playful. [1]

The four-legged friend comes from Central Africa and was primarily bred as a hunting dog. It is also suspected that there were greyhound breeds in his gene pool.

The Basenji can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h on the racetrack when it gets going. These four-legged friends rarely get along with other dogs. They are difficult to train.

Fun fact: These four-legged friends are the only dogs that cannot bark. So if you have a noisy neighborhood, then you have a good chance.

#2 French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is a playful, outgoing dog from France. The easy-care dog was bred to be kept as a domestic dog.

French bulldogs are uncomplicated four-legged friends. They belong to dogs that bark little. They are well suited for the apartment. Even beginners can handle them.

Worldwide, the four-legged friends are in fourth place on the popularity scale. Is it because of the cute bat ears? According to surveys, they are among the cutest in the world. [2]

Fun fact: Attention, this four-legged friend definitely needs a life jacket! While most dogs are naturally good swimmers, this breed sinks miserably after just a few seconds.

#3 Shar Pei

The Shar-Pei is a wrinkled dog from China. The four-legged friend with sand-colored skin has a weak hunting instinct and is rather lazy. He needs little exercise.

However, the former Chinese fighting dog is difficult to train. He is considered stubborn and uncooperative. His trustworthiness leaves a lot to be desired.

But a bonus is that he is one of the dogs that doesn't bark. He also gets along well with loneliness. It is well suited for apartments. But he is not a beginner dog. [3]

Fun fact: Don't be alarmed! These dogs have a blue-black tongue. This is completely normal. The reason for this is still unclear; a genetic defect is suspected.

#4 Japanese Chinese

The Japan Chin is an intelligent, independent four-legged friend from China. He was bred primarily as a lap and companion dog. The charming dog is there to entertain you.

Since dogs that don't bark a lot are particularly popular, the Japanese Chin should also have this characteristic. The calm four-legged friend is ideal as an apartment dog.

First-time owners get along well with the small dog. The four-legged friend is trusting but distant towards strangers. Overall, he can be trained moderately well. [4]

Fun fact: The Japanese Chin is very similar to cats. He has many characteristics that cats also have. For example, he licks his paws, likes to climb and loves high places to lie down.

#5 Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu is a four-legged friend with a fox-like appearance. In recent years the breed has gained great popularity through YouTube and Instagram.

The four-legged friend sheds a lot, needs a lot of exercise and is difficult to train. The Shiba Inu is not a dog for beginners. It was once used as a hunting dog for wild boars.

He is one of those dogs that doesn't bark. The Shiba Inu is fearless and confident. He is territorial and likes to defend anything he considers his property. [5]

Fun fact: If this breed of dog deserves a middle name, it would be “Stubborn”. It will be hard times at dog school!

#6 Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound belongs to the smallest breed of sighthounds and dogs that almost never bark. The four-legged friend has a very strong hunting instinct and needs a lot of exercise.

The small greyhound reacts very sensitively to anesthetics. Particular care should therefore be taken at the vet or before long flights.

It is also difficult to house train the Italian Greyhound. The four-legged friends can only meet their needs in this regard for a short time. [6]

Fun fact: If you are looking for a dog that is open to visitors, then this shy, introverted dog breed is probably not for you.

#7 English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is a friendly, stubborn animal. The four-legged friend is one of the lazy dogs that does not bark and has a weak hunting instinct. [7]

The four-legged friends from England are less easy to train and shed a mediocre amount. They have many wrinkles on their faces and are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.

These dogs usually get along well with other pets. Unfortunately, many bulldogs have breathing problems and have difficulty coping with heat and cold. In general they are sensitive.

Fun fact: Although English bulldogs are considered lazy and unathletic, one bulldog holds the world record for traveling through one of the longest tunnels on a skateboard. Respect!

#8 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel comes from England and was bred as a lap dog from the start. The four-legged friends are considered very popular breeds. [8]

Over the last 20 years they have tended to become more and more popular. The four-legged friends are considered sociable, patient and adaptable. They don't need a lot of exercise.

They are also easy to keep with children or other pets. They are friendly dogs that don't bark much. This makes them ideal for apartments and first-time homeowners.

Fun fact: This breed used to serve as a flea magnet. Since the fleas preferred to attack the dogs' fur, their owners were spared.

#9 Glen of Imaal Terrier

The Glen of Imaal Terrier from Ireland is a loyal, energetic four-legged friend. The Glen is suitable for the apartment, but should not be in the hands of beginners. He has a strong hunting instinct.

This four-legged friend is often intolerant or even aggressive towards strangers. They like to dig and need a lot of space. They are relatively easy to train.

Glen are dogs that don't bark. They need little attention and are happy if they can chill on the sofa for half the day. [9]

Fun fact: Their intelligence is probably also the reason why these dogs often display stubborn behavior. They can also become bored with repetition.

#10 Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog comes from Switzerland. The large four-legged friend was previously used primarily as a working dog. He pulled carts. Nevertheless, he is very people-oriented. [10]

When this four-legged friend is isolated, he digs and gnaws out of frustration. Loneliness doesn't get to these beautiful dogs. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a breed of dog that does not bark.

These animals are ideal as family dogs. However, a good vacuum cleaner is mandatory. The life expectancy of these four-legged friends is around 6-9 years. They often develop cancer.

Fun fact: Attention breeding friends! These dogs give birth to an average of 5-7 puppies. In exceptional cases, however, there can be up to 15 puppies at once.

#11 Irish Red Setters

The Irish Red Setter is an active, sociable dog with a strong hunting instinct. The four-legged friend sheds a lot and needs a lot of exercise. It is not suitable for the apartment.

The intelligent animal is often used as a hunting, family or therapy dog. The four-legged friend is easy to train and is friendly towards family and strangers.

Beginners get along well with the beautiful dog. Irish Setters are dogs that don't bark. They behave like puppies for a long time and need a lot of attention. [11]

Fun fact: If you travel a lot, then this breed of dog is not the right one. Because these dogs hate loneliness and suffer particularly from it.

#12 Boston Terriers

The Boston Terrier is a playful, lively four-legged friend from the USA. It is the first dog breed bred in America and is considered one of the most popular dogs in the world. [12]

Children especially love this dog because he is extremely friendly and mischievous. He likes to play the entertainer for people and is easily inspired.

It's hard to believe that this friendly dog ​​was once kept as a fighting dog. The little four-legged friend is ideal to keep in the apartment. It's a dog that doesn't bark much.

Fun fact: Did you know that honorable dogs can be made sergeants? A Boston Terrier accomplished this during World War II. He also received several awards for tracking down a German spy.

#13 Borzoi

The Borzoi is a Russian sighthound with a very strong hunting instinct. The long-haired greyhound sheds a lot and is less easy to train. [13]

Borzoi are very sensitive. They don't cope well with criticism. The four-legged friends were bred for endurance and speed. Their hunting instinct can therefore be triggered quickly.

Borzois are dogs that do not bark. Her nature is respectful and gentle. However, they are also very stubborn and need their own space.

Fun fact: Did you know there are canine fashion shows? Borzois are considered chic “glamor girls” in their Russian homeland. That's why they are often presented on fashion runways.

#14 Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is a gentle, loyal giant from Canada. The large dog is the 40th most popular breed worldwide. [14]

The friendly four-legged friend was bred as a working dog for fishermen. He is also one of the dogs that almost never barks. He copes very well with cold, but not with heat.

The Newfoundland is easy to train and is therefore also suitable as a rescue dog. He is a good swimmer who loves work. He is ideal as a patient family dog.

Fun fact: The only drawback of these great animals is that they drool a lot. Especially when these dogs watch you eat, the water just runs out of their mouths.

#15 Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested is a four-legged friend that sheds very little. It is often found as a hairless dog and, more rarely, with a full coat of fur. The four-legged friend is playful and lively.

The sensitive four-legged friend copes very poorly with the cold. This dog is often stubborn in nature. It is still easy to train. It is a dog that barks little.

These four-legged friends get along well with strangers or other dogs. However, they need early socialization, otherwise they tend to be shy. [15]