How to make a Protective Amulet

Today I will teach you Make a Protective Amulet, and it will be your guard against bad energies. An amulet is a magical object which is created by an object and a spell, giving it enough power to protect us..

Before I start, I want to start greeting new members who daily join our community and our website, welcome or welcome. My name is Luz Silva Solerand I have been a sorceress, medium and tarot reader for more than 25 years.

Today I will show you something that they have been asking me for a long time through my personal Facebook and through my email, and that is to create talismans and protection amulets. Which help us defend ourselves and expel bad energies and vibes from our auras.

And it is not uncommon to feel the need to combat these evils that persecute us daily or can send us resentful or envious people, evils and negative energies can destroy our lives if we do not know how to combat them, and what better way to prevent these situations with a protection amulet made by us.

There are amulets that work very well, but due to their massive commercialization they have lost power, such as the hand of Fatima, which is an amulet of enormous power, but due to their search to get rich, the merchants have lost a lot of protective power. .

Also say that an amulet made by a person who will be the carrier is much more powerful and effective than a purchased one.

Did you know…?

Homemade protection amulets are the most popular and effective in the world. Due to the power that this protection tool emanates, it is one of the favorites.

Amulets Effects

Difficulty: Low

Repetition: Once every three months.

Power: High

Theme: Amulet – Protection

A protection amulet could be said to be a small object, to which supernatural powers of protection are attributed to the person who possesses it. Amulets have existed for thousands of years, it is the oldest magical object of which there is reference and has been used during all this time to help economically, protect, improve the health of its bearers.

The amulets As we have previously commented, they are the oldest objects in the history of humanity. It is dated that the first amulets were natural objects, these could be from stones, wood carved from trees, crystals from the earth, and the rarer they were, the more power they unleashed.

Protection amulets have always been associated with carved wood due to its conductive power of protection, today I will teach you how to create your amulet and charge it with energy so that it protects you from all the evils and bad vibes that could attack you.

Benefits of making homemade protection amulets

surely you have seen some horseshoe hanging on a door of a house, or perhaps a couple of aloe vera plants strung with red ribbons over a window. People didn’t go crazy, don’t worry, they are handcrafted protection amulets, and once worn they can give us the following benefits:

  • They will quickly remove the bad streaks that we may be going through. And this is the main reason for the use of protection amulets, to eliminate bad streaks caused by bad energies.

  • They will also counteract spells or rituals that have been done to you to curse you. and make your bad luck increase, with the amulets you can eliminate them, and drive them away.

  • As these objects of protection seek peace and calm in your aura, they will in turn attract the good luck to your life.

Materials to make a protection amulet

To make a protection amulet we will need various objects, which a priori come to mind when we talk about amulet, exotic and rare objects to find and that is a lie. An amulet is an object that we have a strong bond with, and it is also charged with a certain energy such as protection to help us day by day to ward off bad vibes that may try to hinder our path.

📣 Remember that you can ask me your questions or suggestions at the bottom of this page and I will personally answer them.

If you are here, it is that you want to create your protection amulet, so I am going to explain the necessary materials to quickly make our own protective amulet.

I am going to explain the necessary objects to correctly make your protective amulet, with these materials and above all, as I always say, faith and respect for magic will make you very soon protected against any evil that could go against you.

Objects needed to make your amulet

  • Object that can be hung around the neck and that means something important
  • blessed water
  • Incense
  • 2 green candles
  • Leaves of basil
  • Bowl

Once we all have it, we will have to carry out the process on a holiday, it can be one day a week or a work holiday, and it will have to coincide with the new moon, and of course, for protection amulets always do the rituals and spells to fill them with power at night, since the moonlight is mandatory.

How to make a protection amulet

To create our protection amulet, as we have said before, we will need a very important and significant object for us, it can be from a ring, an earring, something that we always carry with us and that is of high value.

1st Step: We will light the incense and the 2 green candles with everything in the dark, the only lighting will be the lunar (new moon) and that of the 2 green candles.

2nd Step: We will place the container where the moonlight and the 2 candles can illuminate it

3rd Step: We will throw the object inside, we will place the blessed water (IMPORTANT) and the basil leaves

4th Step: We will say the following prayer in good faith, and always with the utmost respect for magic.

«Protection, I beg you for your help, protection charge my amulet so that no bad vibration, person, or negative energies harm me. I beg you for help, I implore you as faithful and devoted to the magic that I am, that you bless me with your protection.

Once the ritual is finished so that our protection amulet is charged, we must leave it overnight in the moonlight, the next day we will be able to take our charged protection amulet with us and as soon as we take it, we will observe very important changes in our lives, especially in the realm of good luck.

Recommendations and use of protective amulets

I hope that the power that I give you helps you to have more protection and improve your life, and I am always open to your comments, which you can make at the end of this post.

I would also like you to follow me in my personal Facebook group if you want to talk to me directly, where we share images, experiences, videos about spells, path openers and magic: Join Community on Facebook

And finally, give you my purest and most sincere blessings.

We read soon

Luz Silva Soler