All dogs are originally descended from wolves. And yet there are some breeds that are many times smaller. Female dogs are generally slightly smaller than male dogs.
Genetics and nutrition also play a role, so even two dogs of the same breed can be different sizes. And visible.
By the way, the world's smallest dog is a Chihuahua named “Milly”. He is just 9.6 cm tall and is therefore a world record holder. Milly also weighs just under half a kilo. [1]
Below you will learn about the 27 smallest dog breeds in the world. These are also arranged according to their minimum height at the withers. This is the highest elevation of the shoulder blade.
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#27 Cairn Terrier – from 23 cm
Size: 23-33cm | Weight: 4-7kg
The Cairn Terrier is a breed of dog from Scotland. The little four-legged friend lives up to 17 years and is ideal for apartments. First owners get along well with it. [2]
His personality is active, cheerful and self-confident. He is trusting towards the family and gets along very well with children. He barks a lot and has a strong hunting instinct.
The Cairn Terrier is one of the smallest dogs in the world, but still requires a strict master. The four-legged friend likes to test his limits every day.
Because he barks a lot, this small dog is also suitable as a guard dog. The four-legged friend has no problems with strangers. He usually gets along well with other dogs.
Fun fact: These dogs have larger front paws than hind paws. These serve as a kind of shovel for digging.
#26 Affenpinscher – from 23 cm
Size: 23-30cm | Weight: 4-6kg
The Affenpinscher is a breed of dog from Germany. It is also known as a monkey terrier. They are so called because their fur resembles the hair of monkeys. [3]
The small black dog is one of the breeds that sheds little. He has a moderate hunting instinct and barks little. Nevertheless, the active dog needs a lot of exercise.
This toy dog is considered one of the smallest dog breeds in the world. His character ranges from adventurous and self-confident to stubborn.
The Affenpinscher doesn't get along well with children. He rarely accepts them as part of the family. In general, they are very high-maintenance animals. They demand a lot of attention.
Fun fact: These four-legged friends are very territorial and possessive. What they have gnawed on, they defend with their teeth.
#25 Bichon Frisé – from 23 cm
Size: 23-29cm | Weight: 4-5kg
The Bichon Frisé is a small lap dog. The four-legged friend is very popular worldwide. He is ideal for the apartment and makes a great first dog for first-time owners. [4]
The four-legged friend has a happy, lively nature. He barks little and is very easy to train. However, he has a strong hunting instinct and needs a lot of exercise.
Bichon Frisés live for around 15 years. Some specimens even live up to 21. These friendly four-legged friends are among the smallest dogs in the world.
In the past, these dogs were often used in circuses or as sheepdogs. Today they are more like lap and family dogs. They also make good travel companions.
Fun fact: The fur of these dogs is so cozy and soft that many call it cotton.
#24 Australian Terrier – from 23 cm
Size: 23-28cm | Weight: 5-6kg
The Australian Terrier is a loyal, lively four-legged friend. He doesn't shed much, is easy to train and ideal for apartment life. However, he barks a lot and needs a lot of exercise.
It is one of the smallest dog breeds in the world and weighs around 6.5 kg. The four-legged friend lives up to 14 years. He needs early, consistent training as he can be very stubborn.
Australian Terriers love to bark, dig and chase. Their hunting instinct is very strong. The four-legged friends get along well with other pets if they are larger than them. [5]
Basically, these dogs should be accustomed to people or other animals early on. Overall, they are easily trainable four-legged friends for beginners.
Fun fact: “Boss” could be a nickname for this breed. They like to play boss both to their owners and to other dogs.
#23 Norwich Terrier – from 23 cm
Size: 23-25cm | Weight: 5-6kg
The Norwich Terrier is a toy dog from Great Britain. The four-legged friend sheds little, barks a lot, has a mediocre hunting instinct and needs a lot of exercise. [6]
This dwarf's nature is energetic, resilient and alert. He is well suited to apartments, but has difficulty staying alone. He gets along very well with children.
The Norwich Terrier is considered the smallest dog in the world. He only weighs a maximum of 5 kg and lives up to 16 years. Since the four-legged friends only give birth to a few puppies, they are rare and expensive.
The four-legged friends are one of the smallest terrier species. They cope ideally with heat or cold. They are also easy to keep with other dogs.
Fun fact: Norwich Terriers rarely bend their paws. When lying down, they usually have their hind legs stretched out backwards.
#22 Coton De Tulear – from 23 cm
Size: 23-25cm | Weight: 3-5kg
The Coton de Tuléar is a breed of dog from Madagascar. When fully grown, the small dwarf dog breed weighs 4-5 kg. It is considered one of the smallest dog breeds in the world. [7]
The Cotie is very playful and lively. He barks a moderate amount and doesn't need much exercise. The expensive breed barely sheds and has only a weak hunting instinct.
The four-legged friend is ideal for first-time owners. He loves swimming, running and playing. Coties live up to 19 years. They are also very people-oriented.
The four-legged friends have no problems with children, dogs or strangers. Like many friendly dogs, the Coton de Tuléar does not like loneliness.
Fun fact: The Coton de Tuléar's coat is so much softer than other dog coats because the four-legged friend has undergone a genetic mutation.
#21 American Toy Terrier – from 22 cm
Size: 22-29cm | Weight: 2-3kg
The American Toy Terrier is one of the smallest dogs in the world. The American dog breed used to be very popular in the circus. The four-legged friend loves attention. [8]
They are also said to have a sense of humor and like to make their owners laugh. The little four-legged friends are also ideal for apartments.
Since they have a very strong hunting instinct, they cannot be kept with other pets such as rabbits, mice, hamsters, etc. But they get along very well with children.
The cute four-legged friends are known for their bat ears. Despite their size, they need plenty of exercise and activity. They also shed a lot and bark a lot.
Fun fact: The fur of these dogs is so poor insulator that they need a light coat even in summer.
#20 Tibetan Spaniel – from 22 cm
Size: 22-28cm | Weight: 4-7kg
The Tibetan Spaniel is a short-legged dog that was once kept by monks. The four-legged friend is an ideal companion and lap dog. He belongs to very old dog breeds. [9]
There is evidence from 1100 BC. The rare dog breed is considered one of the smallest dog breeds in the world. Nevertheless, the alert animal is also suitable as a guard dog.
Tibetan spaniels bark a lot. They have a moderate hunting instinct and need a moderate amount of exercise. They are easy to train and don't shed a lot.
The independent, intelligent four-legged friends are very suitable for seniors. They are trusting with the family and get along excellently with children.
Fun fact: These four-legged friends are stubborn like cats and sometimes behave like them. They lick their paws, walk elegantly and like to look for elevated places to lie down.
#19 Havanese – from 21 cm
Size: 21-29cm | Weight: 4-7kg
The Havanese from Cuba is one of the smallest dogs in the world. It was bred as a lap dog and is ideal for first-time owners and for keeping in apartments. [10]
The little four-legged friend barks little, sheds little and is very easy to train. He has a strong hunting instinct and needs a moderate amount of exercise.
This dog is trusting, sociable and gentle towards the family. He gets along well with children and gets along excellently with strange dogs.
This dog breed almost became extinct in the middle of the 20th century. The playful specimens are now the 24th most popular breed in the world.
Fun fact: Did you know that dogs can have freckles? With the Havanese, however, these only come into their own with very short fur.
#18 Griffon Belge – from 21 cm
Size: 21-28cm | Weight: 3-6kg
The Griffon Belge comes – as its name suggests – from Belgium or Brussels. When fully grown, the little four-legged friend weighs around 3 to 6 kg. However, it is not suitable for first-time owners. [11]
Although the four-legged friend is one of the smallest dog breeds in the world, he needs a lot of exercise. He has a very strong hunting instinct and barks a lot. He also doesn't like to stay alone.
The Griffon Belge's temperament is alert, sensitive and often selfish. He tends to be impatient and often behaves insecurely towards strangers.
The four-legged friend has difficulty coping with heat or cold. This dog is friendly towards children. He also usually gets along very well with strange dogs.
Fun fact: What do beards on men have to do with the popularity of dogs? Strange, but true! Only when beards became “fashionable” again for men did the demand for this breed increase.
#17 Kyi Leo – from 20 cm
Size: 20-30cm | Weight: 4-6kg
This four-legged friend from the USA was bred as a lap dog. The relatively new dog breed has only been around since 1950. The four-legged friends are considered hypoallergenic and obedient. [12]
The Kyi Leo is one of the smallest dogs in the world. It is very suitable for first-time owners and is ideal for apartment living. The four-legged friend lives up to 15 years.
This four-legged friend gets along very well with children and strange dogs. It has practically no hunting instinct and can therefore be kept well with small pets.
The four-legged friend needs a lot of exercise and can be trained mediocre. He doesn't like loneliness and would prefer to be with you everywhere.
Fun fact: The “Leo” in the name of this dog breed is Latin and stands for “lion”. With a body weight of around 5 kg, the dwarf dogs are more like a kitten.
#16 Sealyham Terrier – from 20 cm
Size: 20-29cm | Weight: 8-11kg
This terrier breed from Wales is very suitable for the apartment. The four-legged friend has a sociable, fearless nature and only has a weak hunting instinct. [13]
The Sealyham Terrier gets along well with the cold and is usually open and friendly towards strange dogs. He only rarely reacts hostilely towards members of the same sex.
This terrier usually reacts cautiously towards strangers. He…