If dogs walk crookedly or even tilted, this can indicate muscular imbalances, problems with the spine or inflammation. There may also be joint problems, injuries or anatomical imbalances behind it.
However, it is completely normal for dogs to walk slightly offset when trotting or running. This phenomenon is known as “dog walking.”
You move all four legs at different times:
- 1) Left hind leg forward
- 2) Left front leg forward
- 3) Right hind leg forward
- 4) Right front leg forward
- 5) Start at 1)
If your dog didn't walk slightly offset, the front and back paws would touch each other when running or running. [1]
To see the phenomenon better, you can simply set your cell phone camera to “Slow Motion” and film him running.
If the normal dog gait is not the cause, then the following 8 causes for the slanted gait may also be possible.
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#1 Muscular imbalances
A muscular imbalance refers to an imbalance between muscles that work together. This can take two forms:
- Muscles vary in strength
- Muscles have different levels of stretch
What many don't know? Dogs also have a dominant side of their body. So they are naturally left- or right-pawed.
However, a muscular imbalance with a diagonal gait only occurs if one-sided, monotonous movements are constantly repeated.
By the way, this happens very often with horses. Because with many people, when riding, they always ride in the same circle in the same direction.
So the question is: Are there certain routine movements in your dog's everyday life that only put stress on one side of him? And can you change these?
The effect is increased when the muscles are cold and stiff. After a certain period of running, your gait usually becomes increasingly straighter.
If muscles that work together have different strengths or stretches, it can cause the affected dog to walk increasingly crookedly. In most cases, this involves one-sided, monotonous movement sequences.
#2 Spinal problems
How does your dog react when you touch him along the back? Does he flinch? Is he sensitive? If so, then the problem could be in the spine.
There are several possible causes here:
- Herniated disc
- Dachshund paralysis
- Degenerative disc disease
- Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
- Degenerative myelopathy [2]
You only understand train station? That's exactly why you should see the vet immediately. This can diagnose the cause using an x-ray.
Other symptoms of back pain include:
- Groaning while running
- Dog humps cat
- Weakness and listlessness
- Tilted running
- Yelling when touched [3]
The treatment here depends on the cause. In simple cases, physical therapy may be sufficient. In more extreme cases, surgery may also be necessary.
A crooked gait can indicate problems with the spine in dogs. A wide range of diseases are possible for this. In most cases, however, there are other symptoms that can help diagnose the cause.
#3 Inflammation
If dogs walk strangely to the side, this can also indicate existing inflammation. Typical examples are here:
- Inflammation of the joints (“arthritis”)
- Ear infection
- Anal gland inflammation [4]
Arthritis, in particular, is relatively common in older dogs. To be more precise, around one in five dogs is said to suffer from it in old age. [5] Other signs of this include:
In this case you should see the vet. Although arthritis is considered incurable, it can be treated very well with the help of medication.
If there is an ear infection, affected dogs are more likely to hold their heads to the side. The result is balance disorders.
Inflammation of the ears, anal glands or joints can cause dogs to walk awry. As a rule, they walk so strangely because this position causes the least pain. The vet should be consulted immediately.
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#4 Herding technique
Some dogs were bred specifically to herd sheep and other herd animals. Depending on the breed, they therefore have certain techniques to keep their herd in check.
One of them is the so-called “crab walk”. The dog runs forward with its upper body turned diagonally. This is particularly common in German Shepherd breeds.
Since many Spaniel species originally descend from German Shepherds, this can also be observed more frequently in them. And this is what it looks like in practice:
Since this is an instinct, it manifests itself even if the dog has never seen a herd in his life.
However, some dog breeds simply have a strange running style by nature:
- The bobtail has a bear-like gait
- Greyhounds run like leopards
- The Jack Russell Terrier jumps around like a rabbit
As long as your dog doesn't show any pain, you can sit back and relax.
Dogs with a strong herding instinct more often use the so-called crab walk in everyday life. This crooked gait is just a herding technique. It is therefore most common in German Shepherds.
#5 Joint problems
Basically, a distinction is made between two types of joint problems in dogs.
- 1) Developmental problems: Due to problems growing
- 2) Degenerative problems: Due to wear and tear
For example, hip dysplasia is in the first category. This malformation of the hip joint socket will sooner or later cause problems with running.
Other typical symptoms include:
- Hobbling or limping
- Diagonal gear
- Aversion to jumping [7]
When it comes to degenerative problems, joint wear (“arthrosis”) is the frontrunner among dogs. According to studies, around 20% of all dogs suffer from it. [8]
Typical signs of this are:
- Aversion to physical activity
- Stiffness and paralysis
- Dog goes wrong
- Jumping gait
- Sudden aggression [9]
In both of these cases you should see the vet. This is because they can assess the severity and initiate treatment individually.
Degenerative and developmental joint problems can cause dogs to suddenly walk at an angle. Old dogs in particular suffer from this. A veterinarian should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment.
#6 Anatomical imbalance
Symmetry is a rarity in living things. This also explains, for example, why your face looks very different if you mirror the left or right side.
This applies not only to the appearance, but also to the skeletal muscles. You've probably seen people with larger heels on a shoe, right?
Well, the same thing can happen in dogs too. For example, if one leg is longer than all the others, this affects the entire musculoskeletal system.
However, this is most common in young dogs and puppies. In the first few months, the legs sometimes grow so quickly that they cannot coordinate them.
And you have to learn how to walk correctly. This applies not only to people, but also to dogs.
If young age is the cause, then the gait should normalize on its own within a few months. [10]
If, on the other hand, there are permanent anatomical imbalances in an older dog, then I recommend consulting an orthopedist or chiropractor.
Developmental or genetic imbalances in the anatomy have an impact on the dog's entire musculoskeletal system. Under certain circumstances, this can also lead to pain, limping or a crooked walking style.
#7 Vestibular syndrome
Vestibular syndrome refers to the pathological disorder of the balance organ. It is one of the most common neurological diseases in dogs.
Typical symptoms of this are:
- Crooked head posture
- Vomit
- Balance disorder
- Funny gait
- Eye trembling [11]
The most common trigger here is a middle ear infection. But poisoning, injuries and tumors can also trigger vestibular syndrome.
You should urgently consult a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. Depending on the underlying cause, therapy can then be initiated.
There should be a significant improvement after just 72 hours. After 2-3 weeks, all remaining symptoms should disappear. [12]
If a dog suddenly walks awry, it may be due to a vestibular disorder. Affected dogs also usually have their heads tilted to the side and have severe difficulties with balance.
#8 Injuries
According to a study of around 75,000 dogs, injuries are the second most common cause of death in dogs at 21%. [13]
In the United States alone, it is estimated that more than 1.2 million dogs are hit by cars each year. The most common consequences of this include:
- concussion
- Internal bleeding
- Dislocated joints
- Broken bones
- Organ injuries
- Abrasions [14]
But other injuries, such as those caused by an attack by another dog, can also have similar consequences.
In almost all cases, the musculoskeletal system is also affected. Under certain circumstances, this can result in a slanted gait.
In acute cases, you should contact the emergency medical animal service here. The treatment depends on the cause and severity.
A crooked gait can indicate injuries to the musculoskeletal system. The most common causes include car accidents and attacks by strange dogs. In acute cases, the veterinarian or emergency service should be consulted immediately.
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