Top 50 laziest dog breeds in the world

Some dogs are bursting with energy, while others sleep most of the day. Below you will learn about the 50 laziest dog breeds in the world.

By “lazy” here we mean dogs that:

  • Require comparatively little exercise,
  • Above average sleep, and
  • Need little mental activity.

This also explains why the majority of the following breeds are ideal for apartments and flats without a garden.

>> Our top recommendations

#1 Basset Hound

The British Basset Hound is one of the laziest dog breeds in the world. Accordingly, he needs little exercise and tends to be a “couch potato”. [1]

He is a good first dog, but his strong hunting instinct should by no means be underestimated. He is also considered friendly and gets along well with children and other dogs.

Fun fact: The Basset Hound naturally suffers from frequent flatulence. He therefore likes to fart after eating.

#2 Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff comes from Italy and is one of the laziest and heaviest dog breeds. [2]

Due to its dominant character and impressive size, this breed is less suitable for beginners. In addition, it is comparatively difficult to train.

Fun fact: With an average life expectancy of 7 years, these dogs are one of the shortest-lived breeds in the world.

#3 English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is one of the most popular and probably laziest dog breeds in the world. [3]

The loving dogs hardly want to leave the house and often struggle with breathing problems and obesity. But they get along very well with children.

Fun fact: Because of their low stamina and short legs, dogs often have difficulty reproducing naturally. Artificial insemination often helps here.

#4 Saint Bernard

The friendly St. Bernard comes from Switzerland and was previously kept as a working and livestock guard dog. [4]

However, it is also ideal as a family dog. This lazy breed is considered gentle and fond of children. They also need little exercise so that they are also suitable for apartments.

Fun fact: From my own experience I can say that this otherwise calm dog often barks for no reason in unusual situations.

#5 Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu originated in China and was bred by Tibetan monks. To this day, he is still kept primarily as a domestic dog. [5]

The lazy dogs are also ideal for first-time owners and require little space. They are also considered friendly, trusting and like to snore.

Fun fact: The Shih Tzu cannot exactly be described as a gourmet, as it occasionally likes to nibble on the droppings of its fellow dogs.

#6 Great Dane

The Great Dane is a trusting and friendly four-legged friend who demands a lot of attention. [6]

The dog breed is considered lazy and cozy. However, due to their size, leading these dogs requires a fair amount of experience. They are still suitable for first-time owners.

Fun fact: The cartoon character “Scooby-Doo” is based on a Great Dane.

#7 Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tuléar comes from the town of the same name “Tulear” in Madagascar. The breed is considered very people-oriented and needs a lot of attention. [7]

This lazy dog ​​breed is also well suited to first-time owners and apartment life. However, they don't like being left alone at all.

Fun fact: The particularly soft fur of this dog is due to a genetic mutation. Hence the name, which translates as “cotton from Madagascar”.

#8 Chow Chow

The Chow Chow comes from China and is considered loyal and affectionate. The lazy dog ​​breed requires little exercise and is considered to be above-average territorial. [8]

However, the dogs are not suitable as first dogs as they can become very protective or even aggressive if socialized incorrectly.

Fun fact: “Ancient” is an understatement for this breed. They are said to have been bred in China more than 4,000 years ago.

#9 Pekingese

The Pekingese comes from China and was originally kept primarily as a lap and domestic dog. The dogs are also ideal for apartments. [9]

These lazy dogs only reach a weight of 4-5 kg ​​when fully grown and live an average of around 12 years. For their size, this life expectancy is rather short.

Fun fact: A regular visit to the dog groomer is mandatory for these dogs, otherwise they resemble a sleeping mop.

#10 Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog

The Pyrenean Mountain Dog comes from France and is one of the German Shepherd breeds. With a weight of between 45-73 kg, they are also one of the heaviest dog breeds.

Although these dogs are affectionate, they are considered difficult to train and are therefore not particularly suitable for beginners. [10]

Fun fact: These lazy dogs are considered to be nocturnal and bark a lot, a combination that usually doesn't go down too well with neighbors.

#11 Bolognese

The Bolognese has its origins in Italy and was primarily bred as a lap and family dog. They are also very popular in their homeland. [11]

The lazy dogs also build a close relationship with their master. But he doesn't like to stay alone for long. He also needs a lot of attention.

Fun fact: These intelligent four-legged friends can be extremely stubborn at times. They often ignore even the simplest commands.

#12 Bullmastiff

The Bullmastiff is a trusting and loyal guard and family dog ​​from Great Britain that requires early socialization. [11]

If this is guaranteed, the lazy dog ​​will develop into an affectionate and loyal companion. Despite his dangerous appearance, he is considered very friendly.

Fun fact: The hard shell of these dogs is deceptive! They are gentle with their family and love to cuddle.

#13 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a British breed that was originally bred as a lap dog. He is therefore considered particularly trustworthy. [13]

Owners of these dogs particularly appreciate their loving, cuddly and uncomplicated nature. In addition, they require little exercise and are considered to be very easy to care for.

Fun fact: In the past, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was often used as a flea magnet by its owners. They preferred the long coat of this lazy dog ​​breed. So the owner was often spared.

#14 Bichon Frize

Today, the Bichon Frisé is primarily kept as a lap and family dog. It is suitable for first-time owners and for living in an apartment. [14]

The small dogs are considered lazy and require little exercise. They also live up to 15 years on average and are considered very friendly.

Fun fact: The fur of these loving four-legged friends is often referred to as “cotton” because it is particularly soft. You could literally fill a pillow with it too.

#15 Newfoundland

The Newfoundland was bred as a working dog on the Canadian island of Newfoundland. Although he likes to work when necessary, he is otherwise considered a relatively lazy dog. [15]

When fully grown, it reaches an average height of 71 cm at the withers and a weight of 80 kg. These giants are therefore anything but suitable for apartment life.

Fun fact: These dogs are known for shedding a lot. During shedding, you can easily make a wig using the hair on the floor.

#16 Japan Chin

The Japanese Chin was bred primarily as a lap and companion dog. He has also been specially trained to always keep his owners entertained. [16]

By the way, lazy dogs behave similarly to cats. They clean their own paws and are considered very trusting towards family and strangers.

Fun fact: The origin of these dogs is controversial. However, it is assumed that, paradoxically, they come from China – and not from Japan.

#17 Spinone Italiano

The origin of the Spinone Italiano is largely unknown, but it is said to have been bred for hunting. He is also considered to be well above average in speed. [17]

These lazy dogs rarely bark and don't need much exercise. He is also considered sociable, suitable for beginners and requires little exercise.

Fun fact: Because of his beard, the Spinone Italiano actually looks like a little spy. All you need is the gray cap and a magnifying glass and you would have a four-legged friend in the “Sherlock Holmes look”.

#18 Chihuahua

The Chihuahua comes from the Mexican state of the same name “Chihuahua”. It is by far the smallest dog breed in the world. [18]

The lazy and charming dogs only reach a weight of 2-3 kg. Some of them live up to 20 years.

Fun fact: In the USA, the Chihuahua is also known as the “Purse Dog”.

#19 Do Khyi

The Do Khyi is a demanding Tibetan dog breed. It is not suitable for beginners and requires a lot of space. [19]

These lazy dogs can reach a body weight of up to 130 kg and are perfect as guard dogs due to their strength and impressive appearance.

Fun fact: The Do Khyi takes a full 5 years to mature. Even when fully grown, he often jumps around like a puppy.

#20 Maltese

The Maltese is a gentle and small lap and companion dog. When fully grown, it only reaches a weight of 2 kg and an age of around 15 years. [20]

This lazy breed is also ideal for first-time owners and apartment living. They love their family and require relatively little exercise.

Fun fact: A New York billionaire left his Maltese a whopping $12 million. So overnight he became the richest dog in the world.

#21 Greyhound

The Greyhound is a British sighthound breed. The loving, but also lazy dogs are very sociable and do not require a lot of space. [21]

These four-legged friends also love the company of people and are considered very gentle. However, they are also passionate hunters.

Fun fact: The Greyhound loves and needs his sleep. A full 18 hours a day can be spent on this activity.

#22 Griffon Bruxellois

The Griffon Bruxellois originally comes from the Belgian capital Brussels and is known for its particularly cuddly nature. [22]

The lazy dogs are very sociable and can be kept well in the apartment. He also gets along excellently with children and is often used as a beard model.

Fun fact: Although the dogs are extremely cuddly and loving, they naturally have a particularly grim facial expression.

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