Shoe and Ticket Spell (Ritual to Attract Money)

Do you know which are the spells and rituals that people request the most? Spells to attract money and prosperity, and it’s normal, we live in a world where money and wealth mark our lives. Today we are going to talk about a spell that few will know and it is the spell of the shoe and the ticket which will help us to have prosperity in our lives.

We have to be clear that the spells to bring abundance are spells that will help us to face unforeseen expenses or small debts, never try to attract more than you need or the spell will not work.

This spell is very little known but it is quite simple and effective, as I know that few people know of its existence, today we are going to talk about the spell of the shoe and the ticket in detail so that you know it and can put it into practice, so pay attention and Have your wizard’s notebook ready to take notes on this ritual.

Before continuing, as I said before, never ask magic or the universe to have a better car, a more expensive house… This will automatically make the spell not work, you should only go to white magic when your economic situation is not good and you have no other solution, since what we are looking for is that this situation improves, not enrich ourselves.

You also have to take into account the space time that the spell needs to take effect, we have to understand that the universe in its infinite power has no problem helping us with our problems, but it is not going to put a drawer at the door of our house full of coins, we have to give it time for that money to come naturally into our lives.

The universe is powerful, it knows our intentions so never try to deceive it, do this shoe and ticket spell if you really need it, perhaps an unexpected expense, a debt that is due soon and you have no way of paying it are cases in which it is recommended use this spell.

I am aware that money moves our lives, the society in which we live has become accustomed to exchanging goods and services for metal and paper, what we call money, and this is the reason why many people cannot be happy, that is why today I want to help you with this spell.

What is the Shoe and Ticket Spell for?

The spell of the shoe and the ticket serves to attract good vibes, open our paths to money and finally make a request to the universe to intervene and help us with our financial problems.

The requests we make have to be pure and true, we cannot mask the truth for another purpose, we cannot deceive the universe and ask for its help if we really do not need it, it is important that you are clear about this so that your spell works.

Therefore, you must clear your mind and think if you really want to do the spell or if there is another way to fix the problem that prevents you from moving forward. If you do not find a solution to your problems and your answer is that you want to do the spell, keep reading, I will show you how you can do it step by step.

Main uses of the Shoe and Ticket Spell

In addition to its main uses, this spell can be used for more purposes, some of them are the following:

  1. Attract abundance into our lives
  2. find a better job
  3. Accept a raise in my salary
  4. Success in a job interview
  5. Help with unforeseen expenses

These are the most frequent uses for this spell of the shoe and the ticket, if what you are looking for is on the list, you can do the ritual without any problem. Remember to put all your faith and will in your requestsince it is a spell that requires a lot of concentration.

Characteristics of the Shoe and Ticket Spell

✍ Sentence Theme: Spell – Abundance

❁ Effectiveness: Medium.

✔ Difficulty: High

♜ Sentence Type: Shoe and Ticket Spell

How to perform the Shoe and Ticket Spell

Just as we cannot conquer a person without leaving our house, we cannot pretend that wealth and abundance come into our lives without making an effort. You will have to leave your comfort zone to get it, that is, if you don’t have a job, go out and look for one, if you have a job, ask for a raise, work overtime…

You have to give reasons to the universe that you are dedicated and willing to sacrifice part of your time to get that abundance that is missing in your life, he listens to us and if he wants to help us we must give him ways to do it.

If you do not like the job you have or it is not well paid, look for another one, the energies that surround us and are part of the universe will look for a way to help us if they think it is necessary, try harder every day and you will see how little by little You will notice how abundance appears in your life.

Shoe and Ticket Spell

I am going to start by explaining how to do the ritual step by step, remember that you have to put a lot of concentration and always keep in mind what you are requesting, do not have any negative thoughts during the ritual.

I have tried this particular spell 3 times during my life, twice it worked without any problem, the third time I was able to solve the problem before the spell took effect, I hope you find it as useful as I did resolute me.

First I will give you the list of materials that we will need and then I will explain the steps to follow, write everything down on a piece of paper so that you do not forget the spell.

A shoe

A ticket (no matter the value)


2 Green Candles

cinnamon sticks

  1. This spell does not matter where it is performed, so we can do it anywhere in our house or even in the garden.
  2. We will light the incense and the 2 green candles a few minutes before starting the ritual to attract abundance.
  3. We will place the ticket inside a small bowl, on top of it we will put the cinnamon sticks.
  4. We will say the following words, «May this ticket be multiplied by 100» repeat this phrase with your eyes closed and think every time you say it how you want to attract abundance into your life.
  5. When you have repeated it a couple of times, each time with more conviction and strength, open your eyes. She takes the bill out of the bowl and puts it in the shoe.
  6. This will be your shoe of financial luck, every time you place yourself and have the ticket inside, it will attract all the positive energies that surround us to be successful and attract abundance.

This spell is very simple but effective, I recommend that when we are reciting the phrase with our eyes closed we put all our concentration and FAITH, we also have to notice how our energy is gradually transmitted to the bowl where the ticket is.

I sincerely hope that this spell is useful to you and can help you attract money into your life to help you achieve your goals and purposes.

I say goodbye for today dear reader, we read soon.

Luz Silva Soler