If dogs whine at night while sleeping, it can indicate pain, cold or dreams. In older dogs, dementia is usually responsible, while younger dogs primarily struggle with separation anxiety at night.
In most cases, in addition to the whining, there are other symptoms that allow conclusions to be drawn about the possible cause.
For this reason, below you will not only learn the 10 most common causes, but also the signs and solutions.
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#1 Separation anxiety
Separation anxiety is particularly common at night. Because it is often the case that the dog is surrounded by his family non-stop during the day and then suddenly has to be alone at night.
Puppies, very young dogs and sensitive breeds are particularly affected by this. You can usually recognize it by the following symptoms:
- Nocturnal restlessness
- Dog gnaws things
- Beeping in the night
- Nocturnal incontinence
- Excessive drooling
- Ears laid flat [1]
The following measures can help with separation anxiety:
- Gradually increase the distance of the basket from the bedroom
- Rub yourself with a towel and place it in the basket
- Let your dog spend the night in the bedroom
- Leave a treat or toy just before bed [2]
The fear is also sometimes triggered by storms, loud noises or the proximity of a dominant neighbor's dog. In order to solve this, the cause must be identified.
If your dog is generally very anxious, you should increase his confidence by gradually getting him used to “threats”. Medication is the last option here.
Separation anxiety is the most common cause of puppies and young dogs starting to whine at night while they sleep. It is triggered by the absence of the master. Here the dog should be gradually accustomed to loneliness.
#2 Ear infection
According to statistics, one in 10 visits to the vet is due to an ear infection. Dogs with floppy ears and hair in their ears are particularly affected. [3]
The nocturnal beeping is caused by the fact that your ear hurts when you lie down. So it's a cry for help. Other common symptoms include:
- Constant shaking of the head
- Redness and swelling in the ear
- Dog holds his head to the side
- Constant scratching of the ear
- Sensitivity to touch in the ear [4]
The inflammation is usually caused by the ears not being completely dried after bathing, swimming or heavy rain.
In rare cases, injuries, fungal diseases, viruses, allergies or even parasites can also cause the infection. Here you should go to the vet for a diagnosis.
To treat an ear infection, the ear is usually professionally cleaned and then anti-inflammatory medication is administered. [5]
Dogs with an ear infection often start whining at night because it hurts to lie down. The veterinarian should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment. With the help of medication, ear infections usually disappear after around 5-7 days.
#3 Stomach pain
Dogs have a much more sensitive digestive system than humans. Because, unlike us, they have only been omnivores for several millennia.
Their ancestors, wolves, on the other hand, were carnivores. Their digestion is therefore nowhere near as mature as ours. The most common signs here are:
- Sudden diarrhea
- Severe flatulence
- Constant whining
- Restless walking around
- Lack of motivation
- Dog refuses to be walked
- Vomiting after eating [6]
If the dog only ate late in the evening, the symptoms may only appear at night or even while sleeping. This also applies to beeping.
If the dog has only eaten normal foods, then there are usually intolerances or allergies behind it. Other possible causes of this are:
- Leftover food from people
- Swallowing cleaning products
- Bacterial infections
- Leftover food from the trash
The first thing to do here is to find out the potential cause. If you suspect food allergies, an allergy test can help.
Alternatively, feeding probiotics often helps with stomach pain. In addition, easily digestible meals such as cooked rice with cooked meat are ideal for this. [7]
In addition, such a free food check can also help to get individual food recommendations and free food samples.
Stomach pain can cause dogs to behave restlessly at night, struggle with flatulence or even start to whine in their sleep. A change in food, an allergy test and a visit to the vet can help with treatment.
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#4 Dreams
Dogs go through the same phases of sleep as humans. This includes the waking phase, light sleep, the REM phase and deep sleep.
Dogs start to dream, especially during REM sleep (“Rapid Eye Movement”). In doing so, they primarily process what they have experienced and also satisfy some unfulfilled longings. [8]
By the way, dogs can also have nightmares. But the signs of this hardly differ from normal dreams. This includes:
- Muscle twitching during sleep
- Constant change of berth
- Barking, growling and whining in his sleep
- Sudden jumping up
- Moving eyelids in sleep [9]
What exactly the beeping means here is unclear. But that doesn't play a major role. Because dreams are generally a good sign.
Because they signal that the body and mind are doing well. If your dog keeps you awake at night, you can simply wake him up. But that's up to you.
Dogs who are dreaming often start whining at night while they are sleeping. In most cases, they are in so-called “REM” sleep. There is no reason to worry here. In most cases, dreams and nightmares are a sign of good health.
#5 Excess energy
The need for physical and mental activity varies greatly not only from breed to breed, but also from dog to dog.
Large breeds of dogs, German Shepherds, hunting dogs and young four-legged friends usually need the most activity because they simply have a lot of daily energy.
If they cannot get rid of this energy, it usually manifests itself in hyperactive and restless behavior. Typical examples are here:
- Running around the apartment
- Chewing on pieces of furniture
- Yelling and whining in the night
- Destroying your own basket
- Digging on the sofa or the floor [10]
The whining here is comparable to a child nagging out of boredom. In many cases the problem is due to the apartment being too small or not having a garden.
But keeping breeds that tend to be very active in densely populated residential areas can also be the cause here. Best practices for utilization are here:
- Regular play meetings with other dogs
- Such a ball throwing machine for the apartment
- Bicycle tours with the dog
- Slingshot and throwing toys (like ours)
In general, the rule of thumb is that a dog that is busy is also a calm four-legged friend. All you have to do here is be creative and make sure you have enough space every day.
Unstressed dogs often have so much energy at night that they start whining while they sleep. The solution here is to increase the daily amount of physical and mental activity. Toys and ball throwing machines are ideal for this.
#6 Unmet needs
In addition to a lack of exercise, dogs also communicate other basic needs by whining. This includes:
The most common cause here is that the food or the water bowl was forgotten. Such an automatic feed dispenser is ideal for prevention.
How long dogs can hold urine depends primarily on their age, size and drinking behavior. If your dog drinks very late, he probably just needs to pee.
Female dogs get their periods around twice a year and behave very restlessly during this time. Among other things, they also beep more often at night. [11]
Uncastrated male dogs, on the other hand, have an almost constantly high sex drive. You can often tell this because they walk back and forth between the windows and the door.
If the usual daily petting session has been missed, dogs tend to complain loudly about it. Constant yelping and whining are common here.
If dogs suddenly start whining at night while they are sleeping, it may be because certain needs have not been met. In young dogs it is usually a sign of a pressing bladder. Here it is important to meet the needs.
#7 Toothache
Dogs usually only express toothache when it is relatively severe. They inherited this behavior from their ancestors, the wolves.
A weakened-looking wolf often becomes a target for foreign predators. And that in turn can pose a danger to the entire pack.
If the pain only occurs at night, many dogs often start whining in their sleep. Other typical symptoms of toothache are:
- Red gums
- Dog refuses food
- Touch sensitivity
- Constant scratching of the muzzle
- Dog chews on one side
- Excessive drooling
- Sudden aggressiveness [12]
In most cases, a splinter between the teeth is responsible for this. Here it is often enough to remove it with tweezers in collaboration with a partner.
In rare cases, tooth holes, inflammation of the gums or heavy tartar can also be the cause. [13]
Since many dogs react aggressively to toothache, a visit to the vet is advisable. Because local anesthesia makes the treatment much more pleasant.
A toothache at night can cause dogs to start whining almost constantly. What is noticeable is that the dog suddenly no longer allows itself to be touched by the snout or even begins to growl. If you suspect this, you should consult your veterinarian.
#8 Dementia
Dementia is a big issue not only in people, but also in older dogs. According to studies, between 30 and 70% of all dogs over 11 years of age suffer from it. [14]
What this means is the fact that memory and mental performance decrease with increasing age. Alzheimer's is also a form of dementia.
Affected dogs become increasingly confused and sometimes no longer even recognize their own home. Other typical symptoms include:
- Disorientation
- Unusual stubbornness
- Lack of motivation
- Restless wandering
- Loss of urge to play
- Aggressive behavior [15]
The beeping at night is just a…