11 reasons dogs whine all the time [2024] –

Constant whining in dogs can indicate unsatisfied longings, fear or even pain. In some cases, poisoning or even illnesses can also be behind it. In these cases, however, other pathological symptoms can usually be identified.

In addition to howling, dogs also have 6 other means of communication: whining, barking, howling, panting, whining and growling.

While the meaning of barking varies greatly, howling is usually a whining sound. It is therefore to be assessed negatively in almost all cases.

By the way, studies have already shown that the howling of dogs triggers people to the same extent as the cry of a baby. [1]

Below are the 11 most common causes of your dog whining all the time.

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#1 Toothache

Even today, domestic dogs are still 99.9% genetically identical to wolves. They therefore also instinctively try to suppress pain at all times. [2]

As we all know, a pack is only as strong as the weakest link. Weakened specimens are therefore often rejected or are the target of other predators.

However, if the toothache is very severe and persistent, you can usually tell by the following signs:

  • Aversion to food
  • Constant whining
  • Unusually slow food
  • Excessive drooling
  • Sensitive muzzle
  • One-sided chewing [3]

The most common cause is a splinter of wood or bone in the gum. But infections, a broken tooth, tartar and tooth cavities can also be triggers.

In order to avoid unnecessary pain, I recommend visiting the vet immediately. Toothaches are generally easy to diagnose and treat. [4]

If dogs whine all the time and at the same time avoid any contact with their snout, then it is usually due to a toothache. A visit to the vet can relieve the pain and usually resolve the cause very quickly.

#2 Attention

Especially very young and very sensitive breeds use whining to get more attention from their master. Other typical behaviors include:

In many cases, your dog also lacks physical and mental activity. If you like, whining is an expression of boredom.

However, the behavior can sometimes also be triggered by jealousy. Does a new family member or a strange animal get more attention?

Lack of exercise is particularly common in large and active dog breeds that are kept in small apartments or densely populated cities.

A combination of attention and activity is the solution here. Such dog toys as well as playdates with other dogs are ideal here.

Lack of attention and exercise can cause dogs to whine all day long. This is most common in very young dogs and more active breeds. Joint activities and toys to exercise are the solution here.

#3 Dachshund paralysis

What is described as a “herniated disc” in humans is called “dachshund paralysis” in dogs because this type of spinal injury is very common in dachshunds.

But miniature poodles, Boston terriers, pugs, Pekingese, basset hounds and bulldogs are also more commonly affected. Typical symptoms here are:

  • Aversion to touching the back
  • Constant whining
  • Dislike of jumps and stairs
  • Crying out when picked up
  • Tremors and paralysis [6]

Since nerves in the spinal cord are compressed, severe pain can occur. In severe cases, affected dogs can no longer move their hind legs.

If you suspect this, you should consult the vet immediately. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the better the chances of recovery. [7]

A herniated disc in dogs usually leads to nerve compression and causes severe pain. Affected dogs avoid touching their backs and often whine all the time. The veterinarian should be consulted immediately.

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#4 Fear

In very young, very old or sensitive dogs, fear can also be responsible for the whining. The most common causes here are:

  • Inadequate socialization at a young age
  • Separation anxiety due to loneliness
  • Storms like thunder and hail
  • Strange or very dominant dogs [8]

If the trigger for the fear is at home, then in addition to constant whining there are usually other symptoms:

  • Strong tremors
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Restless behavior
  • Ears laid flat
  • Tail between legs [9]

The first thing to do here is to identify the trigger for the fear. The dog should then gradually get used to the threat.

In addition, increased attention and workload help with anxiety disorders. In severe cases, anti-anxiety medications can also be used.

Constant fear can cause dogs to whine all the time. In most cases this can be recognized by trembling and general restlessness. Identifying the cause is essential for treatment. Alternatively, the vet can also help here.

#5 Stomach pain

Dogs are originally descended from wolves, which are almost exclusively carnivores. Domestic dogs, on the other hand, have partially adapted to humans and are omnivores.

However, their digestive system is significantly more immature compared to us humans. Dogs therefore suffer from abdominal pain significantly more often than we humans.

The most common causes include:

  • Food allergies
  • Swallowing cleaning products
  • Inflammation in the intestines
  • Bacterial infections
  • Leftover food from people
  • Swallowing something indigestible
  • Motion sickness [10]

If the symptoms are mild or short-term, dogs will usually hide in their basket and lie down to experience the pain. The following symptoms also often occur:

  • Flatulence
  • Constant whining
  • Restlessness and restlessness
  • Dog humps his back
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Aversion to activity [11]

If the stomach pain occurs more frequently, I recommend changing the food as a precaution. If you have acute pain, you should also consult the vet.

Alternatively, such a free food check can also help to get individual food recommendations and free food samples.

Dogs suffering from severe abdominal pain communicate their pain in a variety of ways. Among other things, they behave very restlessly and whine all day long. A veterinarian should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment.

#6 Ear infection

According to studies, almost 10% of all visits to the vet are due to ear infections. Dogs with long floppy ears are more commonly affected. [12]

The most common symptoms here include:

  • Redness or swelling in the ear
  • Constant shaking of the head
  • Itching or pain in the ear
  • Constant whining and whining
  • Gray-yellow discharge from the ear
  • Head posture tilted to the side [13]

In most cases, inflammation is caused by excessive moisture. For example, if your ears are not dried properly after bathing.

In rarer cases, parasites, injuries, allergies, autoimmune diseases, viruses or fungal diseases can also be behind it. [14]

For treatment, the vet usually first cleans the ear professionally. Antibiotics are then sufficient to eliminate the inflammation within a week.

If dogs are constantly shaking their heads, scratching their ears and whining all the time, then an ear infection could be behind it. This can be treated relatively easily with medication. To prevent this, the ears should always be dried well.

#7 Dementia

Dementia is one of the most common diseases in older dogs. According to studies, up to 68% of all dogs suffer from it, depending on their age group. [15]

With increasing age, cognitive performance decreases due to illness. The constant whining is therefore often an expression of confusion.

Other typical symptoms include:

  • Sudden night activity
  • Restless walking around
  • Unusual irritability
  • Disorientation
  • Ignorance of commands [16]

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for dementia. However, mental thinking tasks can slow down the spread of the disease.

Such intelligence toys and sniffing mats are ideal for this. In addition, dogs with dementia need a lot of attention and affection.

Dogs with dementia behave increasingly confused and disoriented. In severe cases, they whine all day because they simply no longer recognize their own home or family. Old dogs are most commonly affected.

#8 Stress

In addition to fear, severe stress can also be behind your dog's whining. The reasons for this can be both environmental and emotional:

  • Violent handling
  • Territorial threat
  • Visit to the vet
  • Separation from mother
  • Noise over 85 decibels
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • Past surgery [17]

Sensitive and young dogs are most often affected by this. Constant whining is just one of many possible symptoms:

  • Trembling and restlessness
  • Retracted tail
  • Frequent yawning
  • Tense posture
  • Dog is hiding [18]

The first thing to do here is to find out the possible cause in order to avoid the trigger. In addition, increased attention and physical activity help with stress.

Dogs under severe stress tend to be physically restless and constantly yawn. They sometimes communicate their emotions by whining all the time. The solution here is to identify the trigger and then reduce it.

#9 Poisoning

In addition to ear infections, poisoning is also one of the most common reasons why dog ​​owners visit a veterinarian. Typical triggers here are:

  • Ingestion of rat poison and insecticides
  • Foods like grapes, avocados, raisins or chocolate
  • Alcohol or the sugar alcohol “xylitol”
  • Poisonous plants or cleaning products
  • Supplements or medicines for people [19]

The effects can vary depending on the underlying cause. However, the following symptoms are most common:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Excessive drooling
  • All day whining
  • Disorientation
  • Constant licking of the mouth
  • Lack of motivation [20]

In the case of poisoning, waiting can be fatal. You should therefore consult the vet immediately. Treatment is then based on the underlying cause.

Poisoning in dogs can manifest itself in a variety of ways. In…