Spell To Make Him Think Of Me (Fast and VERY Effective)

Today I am going to share with you a very special spell. The way I have personally tried to make YOUR special someone think of you 💚 If you are thinking of a spell to make him think of me, only think of me or a spell to make him think of me ALL the time, I must tell you something: You have arrived to the right place.

I introduce myself, I am Luz Silvar Soler, I am a medium, tarot reader and sorceress. Some of you already know me and are regular readers of my personal blog and you already know that I try to help you improve your lifeday after day. If this is your first time reading Spell.net. welcome, and enjoy the content. If you want to contact me, or know a little more about me, I leave you here my story and how the stars chose me: About me 👧

This spell is crafted and perfected by me, especially for you

Spell to make him think of me

My personal spell to make someone think of you is a magical ritual that I have personally verified to work.

Of course, before starting I am going to leave you some basic tips to guarantee the effectiveness of this spell:

  • The best time to cast and conjure this spell to make him think of me will be on a Thursday.
  • In the same way, it will be an important factor that the moon is full or, at least, it is a crescent phase. And it is that the influence of the moon will not only affect the tides or the crops, it also has the power to endow your ritual with greater energy.
  • This spell is working wonderfully well in all kinds of cases, even in those in which there is no relationship other than a mere friendship between the two people. Also, being a white magic, it lacks all kinds of risks and can only provide you with hope and good vibration in your life.

Characteristics of the spell to make them think of me

Spell Theme: Love.

Effectiveness: Very High.

Difficulty: Medium / Low.

Spell Type: Spell to make them think of ME.

Ingredients to perform the spell to think of me

Know the simple, but powerful, ingredients of the spell so that you only think of me

✔️ NOTE: Below is the list of ingredients and materials needed to cast the spell to make him think of me. Take note of them and make him think of you all the time!

The materials needed to cast the spell to make him think of me are simple, homemade and very effective when combined with each other.

They are the following:

  • Normal size red candle (if you don’t have a red candle, a white candle could be useful)
  • A stick or cone of cherry incense.
  • A photo of any size of the person you want to enchant so that they think of you (if you do not have a photo, you can use a red or white sheet of paper where you will write their name in capital letters while you visualize it in your mind during a few minutes).

📷 TRICK: Don’t have a color or quality photograph? Do not forget to use for your magical purposes Facebook and Instagram

Before performing the spell and explaining in detail how to do it, remember as I said before that the best time to do it will be on a Thursday, on a full or waxing moon, and after 8:00 p.m. in the afternoon.

Step by step: Casting the spell

1. It is important that before starting the ritual you make sure that you have all the ingredients and that you will not be interrupted during its preparation.

In the same way, before beginning it is important that you begin to mentally connect with the special person.

two. Thus, sit in front of the table or desk where you are going to perform the spell so that he thinks of me and light, while you continue thinking and visualizing the person in question, the red candle on your right side and the cherry incense on the left side. , in this order.

3. Right now, for a few minutes, close your eyes and let yourself be intoxicated by the perfume of the cherry tree and the bright light of the red or white candle, imagine in your mind that the person is right in front of you, on the other side of the table.

You have all the freedom in your thoughts and, while the spell begins to take effect, imagine how you get up, stand next to the special person and feel their smell and presence as if they were real.

You can feel like you are by his side.

At this point, you could even whisper a few words in his ear and tell him what you want him to know.

Four. This fourth point is the crucial moment of the spell.

Place the photo of the person (or, failing that, the sheet with their name in capital letters) in the center of the table and recite the following magic phrase out loud:

In front of me you are
And over your thoughts I command
Now I control your mind
And I sincerely tell him the following order
I want you to think of me NOW, only me, ALL the time
forever is like this

📚 ATTENTION: It is important that it is recited exactly the same way. My advice: Copy the content right now in a notebook and the web address: www. . Don’t forget any details!

From this moment on, you will probably feel a tingling sensation in your head or throughout your body 🌠

That is the connection occurring with your special someone.

You already think of me.

5. Continue to hold the image of the person in your head and you may now wish to lie down or remain seated in front of the ritualized ingredients.

Be that as it may, now you must listen to yourself.

When you want you can turn off the candle, the incense, on the contrary, it is positive that it lights up completely.

You can use the candle in an upcoming ritual, since you can do it again when you need to reconnect with your special person. You can also reuse the photo and, the incense, it will be convenient for you to use a new rod or cone.

Before finishing the spell so that he thinks of me…

As you have seen, it is a simple spell but its power will surprise you.

You will even be amazed since not only will the person think of you, that night when sleeping an astral connection will take place in the territory of dreams.

Do not forget to have a notebook nearby when you wake up to write down what your special person has communicated to you.

To finish, I would like to propose another spell that I think may be useful to you if you are looking for True Love:
👉 Perform the authentic and most effective spell to find love.

In the same way, if you want to get in touch with me, don’t forget to follow me on my Facebook page (I always share exclusive material for subscribers) or subscribe by mail and receive the best content directly in your email.

I send you a lot of bright energy so that your spell to think of me, only me, all the time be filled with light and clarity.

I await your comments recounting the tremendous results 👍 achieved with this Powerful Spell to Make Him ONLY Think of You!