Some dogs naturally develop dreadlocks completely automatically. At birth, however, the hair is usually still quite short, rather fine and usually only slightly wavy.
From the 8th or 9th month of life, the fur is not only longer, but coarser hairs also form between the fine hairs.
From this point on, the hair begins to become matted due to the dog's movement. Usually initially around the ears, on the legs and along the limbs.
Without regular washing and brushing, matted plates develop. Below you will learn about 12 dogs with dreadlocks.
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By nature:
In the following 3 breeds the dreadlocks form completely automatically. This is primarily due to their hair structure, which is genetically determined:
#1 Puli
The sweater needs a lot of exercise. That's why a garden is almost mandatory here. His hunting instinct is also strong. But this four-legged friend doesn't shed. [1]
This breed of dog has dreadlocks. You develop them naturally. After 2-3 years the dreadlocks are so long that they drag along the ground.
If the animals don't get enough exercise, they often become a problem. He usually expresses this through barking, barking or hyperactive behavior.
Even when fully grown, they often behave like puppies. That's why they get along excellently with children.
Otherwise, they are primarily used as guard dogs or sheepdogs. However, they are also sometimes used as police dogs because they are easy to train.
Although the animals are intelligent, obedient and loyal, they are among the most unpopular dogs in the world. Maybe because they bark quite a bit.
Fun fact: Dog doesn't see anything, you can't see eyes – the clear signal for the dog groomer.
#2 Komondor
The Komondor is a guard dog. Unfortunately, without strict training, he becomes territorial and aggressive more often. This is also the reason why it is not suitable for apartments.
He naturally develops dreadlocks between 20-27 cm long. However, only at the age of around 18-24 months, when the fur is long enough. Before that it is very soft.
This makes him one of the few dog breeds with dreadlocks. The hair takes 2.5 days to dry completely. But he doesn't lose a lot of them.
The animals reach a shoulder height of up to 76 cm. So in comparison, as big as greyhounds. They are also known for their robust and muscular bodies.
They are so strong that they can take on wolves, cougars and bears. The animals are generally considered fearless and protective. [2]
It is also interesting that this four-legged friend is born exclusively in white. However, it often takes on darker colors over time.
Fun fact: This fur is not only particularly cute, it is also a camouflage suit to go. This meant that the dogs could surprise an attacking wolf from the side while herding the sheep.
#3 Bergamasco Shepherd Dog
The Bergamasque Shepherd Dog comes from Italy. He is primarily a German Shepherd. So one of 56 German Shepherd breeds. But he is also suitable as a family and guard dog.
He is known for being a quick learner. But he can also be a bit stubborn. It is not suitable for apartments. However, it does not shed and is therefore an option for allergy sufferers.
This dog breed comes in white, black and gray. They weigh up to 38 kg and live between 13 and 15 years. It is also a rare breed.
They get along well with children and dogs. Cats are often not a problem either. They develop a very close connection with their master. [3]
These four-legged friends also naturally have dreadlocks. However, not a round shape, but rather elongated plates. So they are dogs with dreads.
They initially behave skeptically towards strangers, but are otherwise very sociable. In addition, they cope optimally with enormous heights.
Fun fact: You can't brush through dreads and it doesn't help with this hairball. His fur will get tangled either way.
No standard:
The following 9 dog breeds can have dreadlocks, but it is not standard here. By nature, these only develop sometimes.
#4 Poodle
NatalieMaynor, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The Poodle is ideal for apartment life and first-time owners. However, he needs a strict master to obey. It is also ideal for children.
His behavior towards the family is always trusting and protective. However, he finds it difficult to stay alone and always wants to have company. [4]
It is available in 4 different sizes. You can use the following rule of thumb: the smaller the poodle is, the more difficult it tends to be to train.
The areas in which the animals are used then emerge quite naturally. The toy poodle, for example, is a lap dog. The Standard Poodle is more of a family and hunting dog.
Contrary to the assumption that this four-legged friend was shaved because of fashion, this was only done so that the dogs could swim better.
Otherwise they have a teddy bear-like appearance. They are also among the dogs with dreadlocks and are the 7th most popular dog breeds.
Fun fact: Turner beware! These dogs can learn a flick flack!
#5 Perro de Agua Español
The Perro de Agua Espanol is a very intelligent and loyal four-legged friend. He is the ideal guard, hunting, family and sheepdog. Because he is skeptical of strangers.
Although he has a very strong hunting instinct, this four-legged friend is very trainable. Accordingly, he also needs a lot of exercise and attention.
You can see his very strong herding instinct here. The animals therefore often pinch people's heels. This means they are too active for apartments.
A huge advantage of this dog is that it sheds incredibly little. This makes it also suitable for allergy sufferers. In general, it is suitable for beginners and first-time owners. [5]
He is protective and loyal to his family. However, he is more reserved with strangers. This can even lead to a shy demeanor.
In addition to the fact that it is a curly dog, it is also one of the dog breeds with dreadlocks. He is also a very playful four-legged friend.
Fun fact: Brushing to keep the fur nice and soft? -On the contrary! The fur of these four-legged friends becomes matted when you brush it.
#6 Havanese
The Havanese is a playful, small domestic dog. He will be between 14-16 years old. When fully grown it reaches a weight of around 4-5 kg. He has 7 recognized names.
He was originally bred as a lap dog. Finally, he is very trusting towards the family. He gets along well with children, but also very well with other dogs.
These dogs are happy when their master is happy. That's why they need a lot of attention and activity. They get along well with heat.
The animals have freckles. However, they can also be considered dogs with dreads. Overall, they are the 24th most popular dog breed in the world.
They originally come from Cuba. Incidentally, it is also the only dog breed that has its home in Cuba. Today they are ideal for apartment living. [6]
However, they are very difficult to stay alone. But you always find a way to keep them busy. For example, they love looking down at things.
Fun fact: Reactivity and speed are required. Because this four-legged friend quickly eats his own feces.
#7 Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto is a loving and sociable four-legged friend. Nevertheless, he makes a great watchdog. Originally he was used as a hunting dog for waterfowl.
Later, the animals were also used to search for truffles. That's why they are also called “truffle dogs” because they have an exceptionally good nose.
They are often even bred specifically for this purpose. However, this makes them less suitable for apartment life. But they are also good for first-time owners.
The animals are ranked 99th among the most popular dog breeds worldwide. Especially because they are such good family dogs. But also because they are non-shedding dogs.
This is why they are sometimes recommended for allergy sufferers. In general, the four-legged friends are pretty undemanding. They can be trained very well and they are eager. [7]
You can recognize these dogs by their strong curls. This makes them one of the dogs with dreadlocks. But the four-legged friends get along really well with the cold.
Fun fact: Even if you don't have a child, you can get a sandpit here. Because this four-legged friend just loves to dig.
#8 Barbet
The Barbet was used as a domestic dog from the beginning. More rarely, he also worked as a hunting and rescue dog. His name translates as “beard”. [8]
No wonder, because their eyes are often barely visible because of all the fur. This makes the animals look like XXL teddy bears. There are also these dogs with dreadlocks.
You have naturally strong curls. As a result, they were previously confused with Poodles for almost 100 years. This means they can cope well with heat and cold.
The animals weigh around 20 kg when fully grown. The fur color is either completely black, black and white or completely brown. They are also good swimmers.
They also maintain friendly contact with children and dogs. However, they are very difficult to stay alone. So you need a lot of contact.
On top of that, they are brown hunting dogs. Hunting dogs with mediocre hunting instincts and mediocre barking. But he needs a lot of exercise.
Fun fact: Who knows these search pictures in which 30 teddy bears and a four-legged friend are hidden? You wouldn't have a chance with the Barbet because he's literally a living teddy bear.
#9 Cão de Água Português
The Cão de Água Português. It is also known as the “Portuguese water dog”. Because he was previously trained by fishermen to drive fish into the nets.
This means he needs a lot of mental and physical activity. If he gets this, then he is well suited to apartment life. But be careful! He loves to gnaw.
The cute dogs have webbed feet between their toes. They were also held by former President Obama. In general, it is a relatively rare breed.
They cope well with cold. However, they have difficulty staying alone. Among other things, because they are very trusting towards their family and gentle. [9]
This explains why they get along great with children and dogs. In fact, they are also suitable for allergy sufferers. In other words, the animals are hypoallergenic.
The animals often receive a “lion cut”. The hind legs are trimmed bald so that the fur at the front looks like a lion's mane. The dogs are also available with dreads.
Fun fact: The dog of a singing talent. Or maybe the master of a singing talent? This four-legged friend can…