4 SPELLS to Find Me Now (Very Powerful)

Hello readers 👋! Today I come to teach you 4 SPELLS so that he will look for me now, so that the person we love will look for us madly. These spells can be used to win back a former partner, or to attract new love into our lives.

The spells for him to find me are relatively easy to use and as always I will help you to do them correctly.

If you are a regular reader, welcome back, thanks for being here reading this new entry. You already know that I help you improve your lifeday after day If this is the first time you read Spell.netwelcome, enjoy the wisdom and the power that I give for help you achieve your goalsin addition to this spell I leave you a bit of my personal history in case you want to meet me or contact me: About me 👧

👉 Love is the engine of our lives, it is what makes us better people, what moves our day to day, not having love is feeling that we are missing a piece in the puzzle, that is why you are here, because you are missing that piece, and I am going to help you find it with my 5 SPELLS so that you can look for me now, with these spells you will be able to quickly attract love to your life.

👉 For different reasons we lose the love of our lives, perhaps because the flame went out, because a person got in your way, or the tedious destiny made each one take different paths, but if you want to recover that person and that person look I will teach you with my spell so that you look for me desperately.

It is possible to recover an ex-partner with this spell, to get their attention or that of the person we like, and as always you will go hand in hand. I will teach you 5 spells for the person you want to look for you. They are spells as always of White Magic and very simple to perform and very powerful, but as always, you have to do them with a lot of faith for them to work. If they don’t work for you, you can read the following article, where I explain the reasons why many spells don’t work: Why doesn’t my spell work? possible reasons

Characteristic of the Spells to find me now

Difficulty: Low
Repetition: Once every three weeks.
Medium power
Theme: Spell – Love

Performing these spells do not have any difficulty, that is, they are very easy to do in our homes, we will only need to follow the materials and instructions to do them. Like all White Magic spells, it is highly recommended, if not essential, to keep in mind that if they are not done from the heart and with true faith, they may not work as they should.

📣 IMPORTANT! : We can only perform one spell every THREE weeks, and we cannot do any of these at the same time, if we can combine them with others to enhance the power, but not mix them with each other, since it would make none of them work.

The spells we do are always from the heart and seeking to conquer the heart of another person, such as the spell to find me, or the spell to fall in love, they would never hurt a person, they would only make them feel wanted to have us in their lives. . We can also use these spells to win back an ex-partner.

Characteristic of the Spells to find me now

👉 Spells to fall in love have something in common and that is that the favor is asked of the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

She is benevolent and noble, she will give us whatever we ask for if we are pure of heart and our love is true. She will not grant power to spells that only seek to make a person lose their minds that we really do not love and she is only a passing whim, but if love is pure she will grant her blessing to unite the two people.

👉 Spells to make a person like you are always from two human parts, and that is why it will not always be granted if that love has not been forged with sweetness and well. If Aphrodite does not believe in that love, it will not help your spell to be carried out, it will not tie a person to you if that person is not for you, it will not force them, but if it is for you, be sure that they will lose until the last point of sanity for being by your side.

How to Increase the Effect of my Spells

Increasing the effects of spells is a simple and complicated task at the same time, magic and personal are mixed, and not all spells are the same. In order to increase the effect of a spell we must know the power it requires and who it links.

Some of the spells that I always recommend for love spells and for them to have more effect are the following:

These love spells can be combined with the 4 spells to find me that we will explain below. Using them will mean increasing the power of the spell we decide to use and above all, they will channel energy to open our paths to love.

Best Mooring Spells

Moorings are spells that force a person to be with another, to lose his head for her. These spells have been used for thousands of years in different styles of magic and places, they are the most popular spells related to love and without a doubt, very effective.

There are people against the mooring and it is that not everyone believes that it is due to force another person to feel attracted through magic, but they are not used for that reason. As it is well said, for tastes the colors.

Making a mooring is simple and here I am going to leave you my most EFFECTIVE moorings if you want to see how they are done and the power it offers you over another person, you just have to enter and read them. Remember that you can always ask me your questions

Break a mooring, and that question is highly sought after, and of course You also have to know that the ties can be broken, so I will leave a binding spell and a breaking spell.

Spell to find me today

This is the first of four spell for someone to find me and it is characterized because with this spell we will make the chances of him looking for us TODAY at incredible levels. This spell has been translated directly from ancient language and books passed by me, and it is not possible to find it anywhere other than in Spell.Net

To perform this spell we will need very simple materials, but they will be combined with each other to create a magical element. The Spell for him to look for me today must always be done on a New Moon 🌑

We will need the following magic items:

A red rose

A recent photograph of the beloved

Rose petals

a red paper

a white lance

Once we have them, we will carry out the spell to attract that person, and it is extremely simple, and remember in FAITH and in what we talked about Aphrodite.

1st Step: We will write on the red paper, the name of the person we want to look for us, we have to write it with a pretty letter on the red paper.

2nd Step: We will fold the red paper in half, and then again in half, it will be the size of a letter.

3rd Step: We will place the rose petals and on top the letter

4th Step: We must tie the photograph with a white bow to the rose and place it on top of the letter.

5th Step: We will place this where the light of the new moon will give it, on the day to come, when the sun rises, the person we love will look for us.

Spell to make him look for me desperately

For this second spell to make him desperately look for us to work correctly, we must have in our possession a garment of the person we love, and it must still smell like him, it is VERY important.

This time it doesn’t matter in what lunar phase we are going to do it, since the spell will last more than 3 days and does not require moonlight for its power.

For this spell we will need the following magical objects

A garment of the person

red candles


Your perfume (the one you wore when you met him)

This spell is very powerful, so don’t be afraid if you see a very crazy reaction to your person, as it will make you lose your mind and just want to be with you no matter what.

1st Step: With the garment in hand impregnated in its smell we will fold it

2nd Step: On top of it, we will light red candles (it is necessary that the wax falls on the garment)

3rd Step: We will impregnate the incense sticks with our perfume

4th Step: We will let the incense sticks dry before lighting them

5th Step: We will light the incense sticks near the garment and the candle.

This spell will last 3 days, the effect can be seen the same day the spell is performed.

Spell to make him look for me sexually

For this third spell to search for us sexually, there must have been sexual contact between both people previously, if not, it will have no effect. It is a simple but effective spell, it will make that person look for us with great desire to have sexual encounters.

We will need the following magic items:

Two candles, white and red

An image where your last sexual encounter was

A red apple bitten by the other person

a red thread

Be prepared for him to search for you, because it is one of the most powerful sexual search spells there is. The Spell to make him look for me sexually must always be done on a New Moon 🌑

1st Step: We will unite both candles with the red son

2nd Step: We will put in front of her, the red apple bitten

3rd Step: All this should be above the image where your last sexual encounter was

Remember that this spell is ONLY for him to look for you sexually, there will be no feelings.

Spell to make me look sorry

For the last spell to make him look for me repentant, we will need a very special object, and it is a gift that he gave us from his heart, it must be a symbolic gift and that he really gave it to us with his heart at some point. This spell will make that person seek us repentant and apologize for their mistakes

We will need the following magic items:

A material gift given with heart

a red candle

Three photos where they appear together

A letter from you written from the heart, and what it means to you

This spell will make that repentant person return, asking for forgiveness and will not make those mistakes again. The Spell to make me look sorry is always necessary to do it on a Full Moon 🌑

1st Step: We will place the material object in a window or where the light of the Full Moon can be seen.

2nd Step: We will light the red candle next to it, and place the three photos under the candle.

3rd Step: We will write a letter where we will say from the heart what this person means to us, while the candle is consumed.

4th Step: In the last breath of the candle, when the flame is about to go out, we will put the letter on top, making it burn slowly

Recommendations on spell so that you look for me now

📣 IMPORTANT! : Do not tell how you got your ex back or fell in love with the person, never say that you used this magic or you will lose what you got, since Aphrodite does not like to talk about her.

with these 4 spells you will be able to open the way to love in your life, to make love knock on the door again. Instead I recommend doing any of these two spells to increase the chances…