Top 11 Causes of Crying in Dogs [2024] –

When dogs suddenly start screaming, it is usually due to fear or pain. Under certain circumstances, the screaming can also be due to an epileptic seizure, dementia, nerve damage or convulsions.

In general, screaming is a rather rare expression in dogs. Things are usually serious here. Because when the symptoms are milder, they are more likely to whine, yelp and bark.

In addition, the respective initial situation can provide conclusions about the potential causes. Here is a brief overview:

Initial situationPotential causesWhen liftingHerniated disc, fear, ear infection, arthritisIn sleepDreams, insect bites, muscle cramps, anxiety, dementiaWhen being put to sleepFearOut of nowhereEpileptic seizure, insect bites, muscle cramps, herniated disc, lack of attentionWhen getting up & walkingArthritis, herniated disc, muscle cramps, ear infectionIn the carFear, muscle cramps, excessive joy TouchArthritis, slipped disc, ear infection, anxiety

Then let’s take a closer look at all 11 causes.

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#1 Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are unwanted contractions of the muscles. If they last for a long time, these cramps are usually painful, so that dogs sometimes start to scream.

The most common causes here are:

  • Overexertion
  • Dehydration
  • Psychological stress
  • Electrolyte deficiency
  • Monotonous movements
  • Magnesium deficiency [1]

In most cases, such a cramp only lasts a few seconds and then goes away on its own. Other typical symptoms include:

  • Limping and limping
  • Stiff gait
  • Whining and whining
  • Problems getting up [2]

Spaniel breeds and the Scottish Terrier are most commonly affected by this. There is no specific need for action here as long as these cramps are rare.

However, if muscle cramps become a regular occurrence, I would recommend visiting the vet as a precaution. Because it can also indicate other underlying diseases.

Dogs can experience painful muscle cramps that last for several seconds when they are overworked or have a nutritional deficiency. Many dogs start screaming out of confusion about the sudden pain. Waiting is usually enough here.

#2 Herniated disc

Intervertebral discs normally act as a sort of “buffer” between the spine. In the event of a herniated disc, this buffer suddenly slips out.

In most cases, nerves in the spinal cord are pinched, so that affected dogs suddenly experience severe pain. Other symptoms are here:

  • Sensitivity to touch on the back
  • Paralysis in the leg
  • Screaming when picked up
  • Unusually slow movements
  • Yelling and whining
  • Dislike of stairs [3]

Since herniated discs are particularly common in dachshunds, “dachshund paralysis” is often referred to. But other breeds are also often affected by this:

To avoid unnecessary suffering, you should consult the vet immediately. In simple cases, painkillers and physical rest may be sufficient.

In more serious cases, surgical intervention may also be necessary. The sooner action is taken, the less likely permanent damage will occur. [4]

Since nerves are compressed in almost all cases when a herniated disc occurs, it leads to sudden, severe pain. Affected dogs are not only very sensitive to touch on their backs, but also cry more often when in severe pain.

#3 Fear

Dogs are very sensitive compared to other animals and therefore feel fear more often. This is especially true for very young and old dogs. Typical triggers are:

  • Strangers and dogs
  • Loneliness and separation anxiety
  • Thunderstorms, hail or storms
  • Lack of socialization [5]

If dogs are very scared, they can also have a panic attack and scream wildly. Other common symptoms of severe anxiety include:

  • Sudden incontinence
  • Trembling and restless behavior
  • Retracted tail
  • No direct eye contact
  • Dog is hiding
  • Flat-set ears [6]

Here you should first identify the cause. You then need to either avoid this trigger or proactively get your dog used to it.

Regardless of the cause, increased physical activity, attention and anxiety-relieving medication can also help.

Severe fear can trigger a panic attack in dogs. Affected dogs behave very restlessly, often pee in the apartment or even start to scream. Here it is important to be proactive and get the dog used to the “threat”.

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#4 Ear infection

According to statistics, every tenth visit to the vet is due to an ear infection. Beagles, dachshunds and spaniels are most commonly affected. [7]

Because they not only have long floppy ears, but also a hairy and narrow ear canal. Bacteria can therefore accumulate here very easily.

Typical symptoms here are:

  • Sensitivity to touch in the ear
  • Lateral head posture
  • Constant scratching of the ear
  • Unusual discharge from the ear
  • Yelling, whining and whining
  • Swelling and pain in the ear
  • Visible redness on the ear [8]

In cases of severe inflammation, dogs sometimes start to scream when someone touches their ears. The most common cause here is moisture after swimming.

In some cases, allergies, viruses, autoimmune diseases, parasites or fungi can also be responsible. Here you should visit the vet.

Treatment usually involves having the ears professionally cleaned and antibiotics prescribed. The symptoms should disappear within a few days. [9]

Ear infections can cause severe pain in the ears. Upon contact, affected dogs begin to scream in pain more often. However, this can be resolved relatively quickly with the help of anti-inflammatory medications.

#5 Epileptic seizure

During epileptic seizures, nerve cells in the brain are suddenly overstressed. Because this usually leads to severe cramps, this is also referred to as a “seizure”.

Other typical symptoms of this are:

  • Tongue biting
  • Uncontrolled tipping over
  • Strong tremors
  • Foaming from the mouth
  • Sudden screaming
  • Profuse drooling [10]

What is noticeable here is that affected dogs are not responsive during this time. In addition, such attacks are usually painless except for the feeling of falling over.

Crying out is more of a sign of strong fear, confusion or panic. Incidentally, only around 1% of all dogs are said to be affected. [11]

Dogs under one year old and male dogs tend to be affected more often. Although epilepsy is considered curable, it can be treated relatively well by a veterinarian.

Dogs with epilepsy occasionally have uncontrolled seizures. Affected dogs often react very fearfully to such attacks, so that they suddenly start screaming.

#6 Insect bites

Fortunately, compared to other countries, we hardly have any dangerous animals in Germany. The most common insect bites in our country come from:

  • Wasps
  • Mosquitoes
  • Bees
  • Ants
  • Fleas
  • Hornets
  • Ticks

In many cases, affected dogs do not even realize they have been stung. However, if an allergic reaction occurs, dogs sometimes start to scream.

Other typical symptoms include:

  • Severe itching
  • Feeling of weakness
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Dog salivates a lot
  • Burning pain
  • Severe redness and swelling
  • Breathing problems [12]

For normal stings, a little cool and aloe vera ointment are usually sufficient. However, if you have an allergic reaction, you should contact the vet immediately.

Insect bites can cause allergic reactions that are accompanied by severe pain. The symptoms are sometimes so severe that dogs begin to scream out of desperation. The veterinarian should be consulted here.

#7 Excessive joy

Dogs start to bark, yelp or whine more often out of joy. This is completely normal and part of their natural communication.

When they are overly happy, very sensitive breeds also tend to scream. This is especially true for dogs that have a traumatic past.

This happens more often with street dogs and dogs from animal shelters. This is also more common when the owner is away for a very long time.

You can usually tell this from the dog's body language:

  • Hyperactive behavior
  • Constant jumping at the owner
  • Upward wagging tail [13]

However, if your dog starts to scream with joy at even the smallest things, then the following measures can help:

  • More physical activity
  • Pay no attention when greeting
  • More dog toys (like ours)
  • Introducing the “No” command

For further tips on dog training, I recommend Johanna Kessler’s online dog school. This allows you to train your dog from the comfort of your own home.

Dogs with an unpleasant past or unresolved traumatic experiences often tend to be excessively happy. In addition to barking and whining, this can also be expressed in screaming. In many cases, more utilization is the solution here.

#8 Dementia

Dementia is one of the most common neurological diseases in both humans and dogs. In around 70% of cases it is Alzheimer's disease.

Old dogs are more commonly affected. To be more precise, according to studies, around ⅓ of all dogs over 11 years of age and a whopping ⅔ of all dogs over 15 years of age suffer from it. [14]

The disease systematically leads to an increasing decline in mental performance. Sudden screaming can be an expression of confusion.

Other typical symptoms of this are:

Mental thinking tasks can slow down the decline in cognitive performance. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure.

Intelligence toys like this one are ideal for this. Because they combine thinking with a reward. Demented dogs also need a lot of attention.

The decline in mental performance in dogs is accompanied by increasing confusion. Demented dogs are therefore often disoriented and suddenly start screaming for no reason. By promoting mental thinking skills, the progression of the disease can be slowed down.

#9 Dreams

Sleep researchers have now discovered that dogs go through essentially the same sleep phases as humans.

This also means that they also have dreams and nightmares. In most cases they dream about experiences or unfulfilled longings.

Typical signs of dreams are:

  • Muscle twitching during sleep
  • Barking, whining and…