Spell to tell the truth (Unmask)

Hello my dear initiate! 🌟 Today I am going to share with you a White Magic spell to tell the truth (or unmask someone) that will be great for you to bring to light secrets, lies or the information you need to know.

Let’s start by greeting the new members of our page, who are here for the first time. My name is Luz Silva Soler, and I have been a Sorceress, Medium and Tarot reader for more than 20 years. In I write my own experiences, my spells and I also try to help people who need it for free through White Magic.

Spells to unmask someone or to obtain the truth and get justice come from medieval times 🏰

And it is that, ancient sorcerers of that time already performed this ritual and white witchcraft to be able to discover very diverse things that science had not yet been able to demonstrate.

Some of the most used spells since then have been conjured precisely to get an unfaithful husband or husband to tell the truth.

It works the same way with a cheating girlfriend or wife 👩 (by the way, if you need to know what her feelings are, don’t hesitate to cast the Spell to find out if she loves me).

Also, its use is very common to allow an enemy to confess his evil or attack and reveal to us what he does not want to tell us.

It can even be used with family or friends, with whom, although we maintain a good relationship, we distrust at a given moment on a subject or on a particular issue.

And it is that, as you already know, all the rituals and spells of www. are sure White Magic actions that will only fill your life with light and, in this case, with TRUTH 😉

🔎 For what purposes was the powerful Spell used in ancient times to tell the truth?

Mainly, there is a number one objective when performing this ritual: to unmask someone through magic.

Thus, there are many treatises in which it is related that thanks to this Magic (which you will know today), in some European Royal Courts, before signing some contracts in which a lot of money could be lost, they used the Spell of Truth to unmask the scammers.


Did you know?

Formerly these spells were very useful and widely used, since through them the liar was UNMASKED.

However, the truth is that today, with the use of the Internet and new technologies, as well as scientific and medical advances, this white magic spell is not used as much.

However, it is still useful, as there are things that only magic can find out.

Thus, this spell is intended to make someone show their true face, remove their masks and reveal who they really are.

This ritual also serves so that the truth prevails when someone is defaming you or speaking ill of you.

Even for those who are saying things that are not true.

In this way you will be able to avoid lies and stop gossip.

What should you know BEFORE performing the Spell so that it tells the Truth?


⏰ Time of day: my advice is to cast the Spell to tell the Truth in the afternoon, after noon and before nightfall.

🌝 Most appropriate lunar moment: this Spell to Unmask someone will be more effective if it is performed during a Waxing Moon Phase or even a Full Moon 🌙

✔️ How to repeat it?: Once done, the Ritual will begin to grow and the truth will be revealed in less than 4 weeks. If you need to repeat it, allow at least that much time between the first and second Spells.

📣 Bonus Tip (Updated): I advise you to make the day you choose a day when you feel especially good.


NOTE: Need to protect yourself from an enemy?

Check now the free, homemade and simple Protection Spell Against Enemies or the powerful Spell to eliminate a person from our lives.

Characteristics of the Spell to tell the Truth

Spell Theme: Spell – Protection – Unveil the Truth

Effectiveness: Very High.

Difficulty: Medium.

Spell Type: Spell to tell me the truth.

Ingredients needed to perform the Spell to unmask someone

  • A sprig of thyme.
  • A medium sized red candle.
  • A few drops of vinegar.
  • 3 bay leaves.
  • 1 handful of soil from a garden or place where plants grow.
  • 1 red ink pen or marker

Step by step: performing the powerful Spell to tell you the WHOLE Truth.

First, place a pot on a kitchen fire or stove.

In this pot you should add two glasses of water (my advice is to use bottled mineral water), a few drops of vinegar, the 3 bay leaves, the sprig of thyme and the handful of soil from a garden.



It is important that all the ingredients are fresh, as if they were just picked from the field. This is because the original spells were cast on plants from the fields and forests, so the herbs were always fresh.

And it is that, white magic, is an art that has been improving the lives of many people for hundreds of years with very cheap, effective and simple elements, such as healing plants that grew spontaneously in the forest or in the gardens of around the homes 🏠 of initiates in Magic.

Leave everything on a very low heat, cooking slowly, meanwhile you can stir it from time to time until all the water evaporates.

To do this, when you need to move the content, remember to do it with a wooden utensil and in the ANTICLOCKWISE direction.

This way you will get the highest effectiveness in your spell! 😉

Now, and with the red ink pen, write on a piece of paper the name (or names) of the person or persons you want to be told the whole truth and nothing but the most absolute TRUTH.

That is, of those people you want to unmask with this spell so that they tell me the truth (be it your boyfriend, wife, friend, brother, etc.)

Remember to write their first and last names. However, if you don’t know their last names, just write their first name

By the way… Do you think you are suffering from a Mooring or a Separation Spell? Find out how to combat it in this article 👉 How to Break a Mooring or Undo a Separation Spell.

Once you have written the name (or names) of the person you want to reveal their truth, fold the paper as many times as you can.

Of course, leave what you have written on the inside.

Meanwhile, don’t forget to stir the fresh herbs and the sand until you have a more or less dry mass.

This is a fundamental part to ensure that the truth is revealed once and for all, that all lies or deception are erased.

Once the sand is ready and all the water has evaporated, let the pot cool down.

You can place it on a kitchen table, on a desk, on the floor…

What matters is that it is a quiet place and you make sure that there is no danger since you must light the red candle and leave it lit next to the cauldron (or pot).

As you light the candle you can say out loud the following phrase, which is translated directly from ancient Latin texts:

⚡ «Passion so red, set on fire, let the truth be told, as is my wish.»

Once the candle is consumed, it is time to store the remains of the pot in a jar with an airtight lid.

Now you must go to a place with sand and trees or flowers (I have also had good results in the sand on a beach or near a river, due to the magical action of the elemental power of Water 🌀) and make a small hole.

Inside you must deposit, first, the paper you wrote.

Once the folded paper has been inserted, now it is time to fill the hole with the ritual sand. To do this, open the jar and pour all the sand until the hole is complete.

Once ready, water the paper that you «just planted» with a splash of water from a bottle and you can leave the place.

In this way, you will get the lies to go away and the truth to GROW in all its splendor in a few days🍃

Before finishing the Spell to tell me the WHOLE Truth

You should know that this spell to get the truth told is especially useful when defamation is taking place that is hurting both you and your family.

Also, if there are children or minors involved in the lie, the spell will be triple effective and white magic will protect them.

In addition, the spell for him to tell you the truth aims to attract the truth and make it known.

However, you must know something. The person will NOT always tell you. Thus, I have encountered situations such as the following:
⭐ A mutual friend can give you the information.
⭐ You can receive a message on your mobile phone or a call in which the infidel, traitor or liar is unmasked.
⭐ You can have a VERY REAL prophetic dream in which the person, from the astral plane, reveals the truth to you.
⭐ You will feel an increase in perception and you can receive signs on the street that you could not even imagine.

Be that as it may, this White Magic attracts only kind and positive spiritual action.

Therefore, you should not be afraid to develop it RIGHT NOW.

OH! Follow me NOW on my Facebook channel 👍 and don’t miss a single one of my powerful new White Magic Spells.

I send you my wishes of fortune for your magic, for the highest success of your Spell so that it tells the Truth.