All 36 greyhound breeds with pictures [2024] –

In total there are 36 greyhound breeds worldwide. However, for 10 of these breeds it is still controversial whether they really meet the definition of these four-legged friends.

Only those breeds that primarily hunt using their vision and speed are referred to as greyhounds. So not through endurance or your sense of smell. [1]

This also explains the English name “Sighthound”. The German name, on the other hand, has nothing to do with their hunting style. The wind doesn't play a role.

Below you will first learn about all 26 recognized greyhounds. At the end you will also find a list of all 10 controversial greyhound breeds.

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#1 Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is one of the sighthound breeds with long floppy ears. Also characteristic is its long, silky fur. It is closely related to the Saluki.

The four-legged friend is very fast and hunts based on both sight and speed. Although the Afghan Hound is ideal as a family dog, it should be in experienced hands. [2]

This dog is difficult to train and has a strong hunting instinct. He also needs a lot of exercise and sheds a lot. Children and other dogs are not a problem.

Fun fact: The hair of these four-legged friends naturally has such volume and such great shine that dog owners tend to be jealous.

#2 Azawakh

The Azawakh is a breed of sighthound from West Africa. The four-legged friend was originally used as a hunting dog in a pack for gazelles. When there was a shortage of game, he served as a guard dog.

The territorial four-legged friend barks when danger is imminent, but is still not a barker. The versatile dog is multi-faceted in nature. From wild to lap dogs, everything is included.

The four-legged friend gets along very well with other dogs or children. He develops a very close bond with his owners and is loyal and caring. [3]

Fun fact: Apparently no agreement could be reached on the choice of name for these four-legged friends. Oska, Bareeru, Hanshee, Idi, Rawondu, Tuared Sloguhi, Wulo and Azawakh are 8 names that are all officially recognized.

#3 Borzoi

The Borzoi is a Russian sighthound breed with an athletic build and a gentle, calm nature. The four-legged friends come in all sorts of fur colors. [4]

In the past, the Borzoi was often kept in packs as a hunting dog. Up to 100 dogs then hunted together. Later, the beautiful four-legged friend also became interesting as a family dog.

The four-legged friend needs experienced and patient training. He often appears nervous when people come too close to him. He also shows a very strong hunting instinct.

Fun fact: In Russia you can often admire the popular dogs on fashion catwalks. They are usually patient and calm specimens.

#4 Chart Polski

The active Chart Polski is a Polish sighthound breed with a long snout. The large greyhound sheds little, needs a moderate amount of exercise and is considered difficult to train.

The self-confident animal was primarily used as a hunting, guard and working dog. The breed almost died out during the Second World War. It is still very rare today. [5]

This brave dog is not suitable for first-time owners. The Chart Polski usually doesn't get along with strange dogs. However, he gets along very well with children.

Fun fact: This four-legged friend has a particularly cheerful nature. Therefore, it regularly happens that this four-legged friend jumps around with enthusiasm.

#5 Chippiparai

The Chippiparai is a breed of greyhound from India. The large four-legged friend sheds little, rarely barks and is moderately trainable. He has a strong hunting instinct and needs a lot of exercise.

The independent four-legged friend is used as a hunting or police dog in his home country. However, this dog breed is rare and almost impossible to find outside of India. [6]

The territorial animals are well suited as guard dogs. They cope well with heat, but poorly with cold. The four-legged friends are also considered easy to care for and robust.

Fun fact: These four-legged friends only bond with one person. As a rule, they only want to be petted by their owner and even refuse food from strangers.

#6 Chortaj

The Chortaj is a friendly sighthound breed from Russia. The four-legged friend sheds a moderate amount, barks relatively little and has a strong hunting instinct. He is obedient. [7]

For first-time owners, the Chortaj is easy to train. He is not aggressive towards people and usually gets along very well with other dogs.

This four-legged friend has a good nose and extremely good eyes. This means he can see the smallest movements from a great distance. He is also very alert and persistent.

Fun fact: If the Chortaj stands on its hind legs, it is up to two meters tall. Even the dog biscuits on the fridge are not safe from him.

#7 Combai

The Combai is an intelligent, loyal four-legged friend from India. The greyhound breed is one of the third slowest greyhounds in the world and is very rare. [8]

The four-legged friends are rarely kept as family dogs. It is said that they often react aggressively to strangers and dogs. So be careful with small children.

The four-legged friends often do not get along with other pets. They have a strong hunting instinct and a very strong bite. They can easily chew through bones.

Fun fact: 40 degrees in the blazing sun? No problem. High humidity? No problem. Cold wind? And the Combai immediately turns his back.

#8 Deerhound

The Deerhound is a large sighthound that was previously used as a hunting dog for deer. The greyhound breed comes from Scotland and is a slower breed. [9]

The large four-legged friend is closely related to the Irish wolfhound. Therefore this animal also weighs up to 50 kg. You should be patient when training – he learns quite slowly.

It is more suitable for rural life with wide meadows. Outside fenced areas, your four-legged friend should always be kept on a leash as their hunting instinct is very strong.

Fun fact: The Scottish Deerhound only really became known worldwide as a breed after a video of a four-legged friend wearing colorful Crocs went viral. #dogstagram

#9 Galgo Español

The Galgo Español is a calm, sociable four-legged friend. It is also known as the “Spanish Greyhound”. Despite its size, this greyhound breed can live up to 15 years. [10]

The four-legged friends are couch potatoes. They sleep a lot and are naturally cat-friendly. They are tolerant towards strange dogs. They love children.

Their gentle behavior makes them ideal family dogs. In Spain they are still kept by hunters and unfortunately are often mistreated if they do not perform well.

Fun fact: The Galgo Español is not only cat-friendly, but its personality is also reminiscent of cats. He sleeps a lot, licks his paws and moves cat-like, elegant and graceful.

#10 Greyhound

The Greyhound is a large breed of sighthound from England. The short-haired four-legged friend sheds little, rarely barks and is easy to train. He has a strong hunting instinct. [11]

Since the four-legged friend has very thin fur, he needs a coat in winter to avoid freezing. This dog breed is particularly well known from various dog races.

Greyhounds can reach up to 72 km/h and are able to reach this maximum speed after just 30 meters. Your race is like floating.

Fun fact: The Greyhound loves exercise and has to run out regularly, but he is a cozy couch potato who sleeps around 18 hours a day.

#11 Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is a loyal, considerate four-legged friend. In the past, this greyhound breed was often used as a hunting and guard dog, although it was far too friendly.

Irish Wolfhounds are often introverted and reserved. They are suitable for rural areas with wide meadows. They are not made for apartments or city life.

The greyhounds grow very large and heavy. Their life expectancy is around 6 to 8 years. The four-legged friends have a strong hunting instinct and can be trained moderately.

Fun fact: An Irish Wolfhound named “Keon” holds the world record for the world’s longest tail at a whopping 30 inches. [12]

#12 Italian Greyhound

The Italian greyhound is an intelligent, alert four-legged friend. The Italian greyhound breed sheds little, barks a moderate amount and has a strong hunting instinct. [13]

It is the smallest greyhound breed in the world. When fully grown it weighs less than 5 kg. At around 40 km/h, the greyhound is also the slowest greyhound in the world.

The little four-legged friend is very sensitive. He is sensitive to anesthetics and is quite difficult to house train because he can generally only stay for a short time.

Fun fact: When raising your wind chime puppy, you should have a lot of patience. Be prepared to go out every half hour.

#13 Kaikadi

The Kaikadi is a hunting dog from India. It got its name from the nomands of the same name “Kaikadi”. It is one of the thinnest greyhound breeds in the world. [14]

It can be found relatively often in its homeland. Internationally, however, it is considered rare. So rare, in fact, that the breed is one of the few exceptions and doesn't have a picture on Wikipedia.

Compared to other breeds, these four-legged friends are considered highly trainable, playful and very attentive. They are also suitable for first-time owners and have a strong hunting instinct.

Fun fact: These dogs make some women jealous. Because her waist is so slim that you can easily hold it with two hands.

#14 Kanni

The Kanni is a large sighthound from India. His name translates as “pure” and represents his strong loyalty and pure heart. It is a rare breed of greyhound. [15]

The four-legged friend is protective, robust and territorial. The fast dog was primarily used as a hunting dog. The four-legged friend is also suitable as a guard dog.

This greyhound copes well with heat, but does poorly with cold. The large dog is unsuitable for city life. He prefers large meadows for running.

Fun fact: In India, this dog breed is considered very expensive. A puppy there costs around €65 to €120. By German standards, this is of course an absolute bargain.

#15 Levriero Sardo

The Levriero Sardo is one of the rarest dog breeds in the world and has its origins in Sardinia. Only a few local breeders are dedicated to this Italian breed.

Translated, the name means “little hunting dog”. And this despite the fact that, with a shoulder height of up to 70 cm, they are roughly the average of all greyhound breeds. [16]

These four-legged friends are very fast and very persistent. Not only do they give great…