12 strange dog noises + meaning

Many dog ​​breeds are known for making strange noises on a regular basis. Here you will find a list of the 12 most common sounds and their meaning.

In most cases, the following sounds are completely normal and harmless. In exceptional cases, however, they can also be a symptom of an underlying disease.

In addition to the sound itself, body language is also important here. A tucked tail and a hunched posture usually indicate pain.

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#1 Reverse sneeze

As the name suggests, no air is blown out when you sneeze backwards. Instead, the dog sucks air in through its nose at almost the same speed.

The resulting noise often sounds like the dog is choking. Sometimes it resembles a cough or a duck-like quack.

Reverse sneezing dog

Most often it occurs in the following situations:

  • After eating and drinking
  • In a relaxed state
  • After a nap [1]

The exact cause of reverse sneezing is still unclear. However, it occurs more frequently in Great Dane species and other dogs with a short snout.

As frightening as this strange noise may sound to new dog owners, in the vast majority of cases it is completely harmless. [2]

However, a visit to the vet can be helpful in the following cases:

  • The sneezing attack lasts longer than a minute.
  • Your dog also makes strange noises when breathing.
  • Reverse sneezing occurs every day.

If your dog appears anxious while sneezing backwards, gently stroke the back of the head. [3]

Reverse sneezing makes a strange noise in dogs that can sound like choking. The cause here is still unknown. It is also considered harmless and is part of everyday life for dogs with a flat face.

#2 Cough

Dogs explore the world with their noses. For this reason, they absorb large amounts of dust, allergens, bacteria and germs through their nose every day.

Coughing occasionally helps them clear the things they inhale from their throat. In this case, coughing is completely normal and nothing to worry about. [4]

Coughing dog

However, if your four-legged friend is constantly coughing and making other strange noises, the following reasons could also be behind this:

  • Kennel cough
  • Heart disease
  • Lung problems
  • Heartworms or roundworms
  • asthma [5]

Kennel cough in particular sounds very strange. Because it is a particularly deep and dry sound and is often accompanied by a gagging sensation.

The treatment is tailored individually depending on the underlying cause. Your veterinarian can help you here.

A healthy cough in dogs is similar to that in humans. However, if the cough is accompanied by other strange noises, then there could also be more serious illnesses behind it. The veterinarian is the right person to contact here.

#3 Howl

Dogs are originally descended from wolves, which are known for their loud howls. Howling is used to warn of other predators or to communicate one's own position.

Howling dog

However, in domestic dogs, howling usually has other reasons:

  • Separation anxiety – Howling here is a cry for the master.
  • Territory marking – Howling is used here to intimidate neighboring dogs.
  • Alarming – Howling is a warning of impending danger. [6]

Very trusting or very territorial dogs are particularly prone to these strange noises. In addition, many dogs often imitate it when they hear it on television.

In the vast majority of cases, separation anxiety is responsible for the crying. In this case, you should ignore your dog and pay him no attention.

Otherwise, he will repeat it whenever he wants more attention. Instead, it is much better to ensure enough mental and physical activity.

Wolf-like howls often have a frightening effect on domestic dogs. However, there is no reason to worry here. Since dogs originally descended from wolves, these strange sounds are completely natural.

#4 Dreaming

According to studies, dogs go through similar sleep phases as humans. So you also process the situation you experienced in your sleep.

In so-called REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) those dreams take place that we can then remember. But even in deep sleep you dream vigorously. [7]

Since everyday dog ​​life also includes running, barking and growling, dogs often make strange noises even while sleeping.

Dreaming dog

For first-time owners, barking in a dream can also sound like choking or coughing. But don't worry. Here your dog is probably just barking at a cat in a dream.

According to studies, dogs spend around 12% of the day in REM sleep and another 23% of the day in deep sleep. That's around 8.4 hours per day. [8]

Specifically, this means that the probability that you hear such sounds every day is relatively high.

Dogs dream around ⅓ of the day and process the situations they experience. Strange noises while sleeping are usually a sign that the dog is barking, growling or making other noises in the dream.

#5 Growl

Growling is also one of many ways dogs use to communicate. Depending on the initial situation it means:

  • Warning → “Go away!”
  • Joy → “Let’s keep playing!”
  • Fear → “Leave me alone!” [9]

If a dog growls when you approach, it's best to back away. Otherwise, you often risk a bite – even from otherwise very friendly four-legged friends.

Growling dog

This noise sounds really strange when your dog suddenly starts growling while romping around with other dogs.

However, this is only an expression of strong joy. Growling is most often triggered by fear:

  • Fear of someone stealing the food.
  • Fear of a strange dog.
  • Fear of the toy being taken away. [10]

With the right training, however, it can be broken in almost all cases.

If your dog suddenly makes strange noises in the presence of strange dogs or when approaching, then it is usually a growl. Depending on the situation, this serves to express joy, fear or serve as a warning.

#6 Sneeze

Compared to humans, dogs perceive much of their environment through their noses. Sneezing serves as a mechanism to blow irritants out of the nose.

Sneezing dog

Typical harmless triggers include:

  • Allergens
  • smoke
  • Crumbly food
  • perfume [11]

Many sniffer dog breeds also get sneezing attacks more often when playing with other four-legged friends. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about.

However, if your dog is constantly sneezing and making other strange noises, the following reasons could also be behind it:

  • Nasal mites
  • A cold
  • Allergies
  • Nasal infection
  • Tumor disease [12]

In this case you should consult a veterinarian. Especially if there are other pathological symptoms.

Occasional sneezing in dogs is a natural mechanism for clearing the nose and is nothing to worry about. However, if you experience constant sneezing or a combination of other strange noises, you should see a vet.

#7 Snoring

Snoring in dogs is often perceived as cute. Some breeds, on the other hand, snore so loudly that their owners can barely keep an eye out.

This occurs particularly frequently in all types of bulldogs, the pug, the Shih-Tzu, Pekingese and other dogs with a very short snout.

Snoring dog

The reasons for this are very diverse:

  • Overweight
  • Unfavorable sleeping position
  • Sleep apnea
  • Breathing problems
  • Allergies
  • Respiratory tract infection [13]

Occasional light snoring is usually not a cause for concern. However, you should consult the vet in the following situations:

  • Snoring causes other strange noises.
  • Strange noises occur when breathing normally.
  • When snoring, it sounds like the dog is suffocating. [14]

Treatment is carried out individually depending on the underlying cause. Adjusting your diet, using a more suitable dog bed and regular exercise also help.

The breed, obesity or sleeping position are usually responsible for snoring in dogs. However, if there are further strange noises or breathing problems, then professional help is advisable.

#8 Moans and groans

Moans and groans are usually an expression of relief, happiness and relaxation. Dogs often groan, especially when lying down after a strenuous day.

Moaning dog

In large and very old dogs, groaning can also be an indication of existing pain. Typical causes here are:

  • Arthritis – the painful inflammation of the joints.
  • Ascites – the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.
  • Hip dysplasia – the abnormal development of the hip joint. [15]

Dogs often groan when they get up. They also often make strange noises while lying down or breathing.

In puppies and very young dogs, moaning is also often an expression of existing growing pains. These occur when the bones grow too quickly.

This can be recognized relatively easily with an ultrasound examination. Anti-inflammatory medications are usually prescribed for treatment. [16]

Moaning and groaning in dogs usually signals that they are happy and content. In exceptional cases, pain can also be responsible. Caution is particularly advised with puppies and large old dogs.

#9 Whimpering & whining

Whining and whining are also part of dogs' natural communication. However, the reasons for this are relatively varied depending on the initial situation:

  • Fear – “No, please don’t go to the vet again!”
  • Excitement – ​​“Hooray, we’re finally going for a walk!”
  • Boredom – “Hey you, I need more attention!”
  • Longings – “Your salmon looks great. I want a bite too!”
  • Pain – “Man, my stomach hurts.”
  • Guilt – “Sorry. I know that was your favorite shoe.”
  • Pressing bladder – “I really have to!” [17]

Sometimes whining is confused with a whistling nose. Because the mucous membranes stick together, strange noises occur more often when breathing.

Whining dog

It is also important to observe the dog’s posture. A contracted body with a tucked tail can indicate pain.

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