Lemon spell to keep two people apart

Today we will talk about how to separate two people, these people can be a couple, two friends and even family members. This lemon spell is very popular and known for its properties in separation rituals and if what you are looking for is for a person to move away from you, or to separate other people, this spell will work for you.

This type of separation spells are used to separate two people, for example, if you want your partner to leave you alone, or if, on the contrary, your partner has a lover and you want this person to move away from him forever.

For new readers, my name is Luz Silva Solerand you are reading my personal website where you will find hundreds of articles written by me talking about the magical world. All the content of this website is written solely and exclusively by me, therefore it is original content and that you will never find anywhere else. If you want to see all the content of my website, you can do it from here: See all web content

Separating from a person is sometimes a very hard and painful process, some people cannot leave the other person, either because they do not dare or because they are too shy, that is why this spell is ideal to keep people away from you. that you don’t want in your life.

You can also use the lemon spell to ward off two people who don’t get along, for example a friend who has bad influences or a son who has bad friends, this spell would also be effective in those cases.

This spell to separate two people with lemon will help us keep certain people far away from us, for example, I have used it when I have had friends and I have noticed that they have too much bad vibes, and with this spell I have distanced them from me. life forever.

Remember that a spell by itself will never have an effect if we do not accompany it with our FAITH in what we do and with our internal energy that we have in us, without these two main elements any spell would not have any validity.

I hope that with this lemon ritual you can improve your life, and eliminate once and for all people you don’t like, or you can help a family member, friend or child to improve their life thanks to the lemon spell.

lemon spell

A material that has been widely used in separation spells for many years is lemon. This has excellent properties that guarantee the success of our spells to separate due to the acidity that the lemon has and the representation that it shows us.

Always use the lemon spell wisely and never to hurt anyone, and even less to separate two people who love each other because you do not accept their relationship, doing so would make the spell turn against you.

That is why you should do it when you have justified reasons for it, such as separating the lover from your partner or eliminating bad influences from your children’s lives.

I hope you have a pen and paper at hand to write down my advice, the steps to follow and the necessary materials, it is vitally important to follow all the steps to the letter and use the recommended materials for the lemon spell.

Lemon spell to keep two people apart

There may be different reasons for wanting to separate two people, today I am going to show you the easiest, homemade and most useful way to make the lemon spell and be able to separate two people, the main ingredient will be the lemon and I will show you two different spells to push people away

East lemon spell to separate two people It has the particularity that you can do it to someone other than yourself, such as a friend and move a third person away from him.

Materials needed to make the lemon spell to separate two people

If you are already reading this I understand that you want to do the spell, you need to take note of the materials that we will need to do it, and it is essential to do it with the materials that I am going to give you below.

Do not forget that we always do white magic and that our spells will never harm anyone, much less make them do things against their will, the separation is totally natural and is for the good of a person, therefore you can rest easy.

– fresh lemon

– Crystal glass

– Paper

– Ballpoint

– Alcohol

– Sea salt

– Lighter

– Incense

With all these materials we will be able to cast our spell to separate two people, remember that the lemon has to be fresh and you may have picked it yourself from a tree near where you are going to cast the spell.

Procedure for lemon spell to separate two people

The spell will cause these two people to start arguing more often, to have problems or different points of view, causing them to finally break their friendship, relationship…

During the duration of the lemon spell and when it takes effect, I recommend that you do not force these two people to argue, let everything flow. The time it takes to take effect is almost immediate, in a week you will begin to see the results of the spell.

Remember that it can’t be done once cast, make sure you really want to separate those two people before doing it.

Finally, you can do this spell during the night of the waning moon, it is important to respect this lunar cycle.

Step 1º: Choose a quiet room in which you can perform the spell without any interruption and where you can fully focus on what you are doing, focusing all your energy and concentration on it.

Step twoº: Once the room has been decided, clean the house to remove and chase away bad vibes that can make your spell unsuccessful.

Step 3º: Now we will light the incense sticks and let the atmosphere permeate with its smell before starting.

Step 4º: We will start by cutting the lemon twice, once horizontally and once vertically, leaving it cut into 4 parts but without splitting it, only halfway in each cut.

Step 5º: On the paper we will write the name and date of birth of the 2 people to be separated, and we will fold the paper several times, until it enters the cross that has been formed in the lemon with the cuts.

Step 6º: We introduce the paper inside the lemon and throw a little salt on top, while we do this we have to imagine how that person leaves our lives.

Step 7º: Now we will introduce the lemon in the glass and put a few drops of alcohol. To finish, we will light the lemon and the paper carefully and let everything burn inside the glass.

We finish the ritual by burying the glass with the lemon and the ashes that are inside the glass in the garden of your homein a pot in your home or in an area close to your house or in the house of whom you want to separate, It depends on where the person you want to help lives.

It is an effective and homemade spell to separate but you do not have to force things, let white magic and esotericism solve this, since as you should know, magic balances everything.

You can accompany the separation spell with the following prayer to separate two people.

Prayer to separate two people

Creator of heaven and earth, of the impossible and possible,

I come to you as your faithful servant to ask for help.

You who created everything and nothing, you who made us

in his likeness I ask and implore his divine favor.

I need your help to separate these two people,

these two people hurt each other,

a painful damage that affects everyone and that cannot continue,

Please listen to this prayer and you will always have my devotion.

My Lord, I ask you to separate (names of the people to be separated)

and help these people to find separate paths of happiness,

since together they are only hurting each other.

You who created us to be happy, you who created us to live in peace,

I beg you to help us and show us your infinite mercy.

For ever and ever, amen.

How to do the lemon spell correctly

I hope this lemon spell will be useful to separate two people, remember that to do a white magic spell correctly we must do it with great faith and devotion in what we do, you can also always make an offering to a saint or apostle to enhance it.

I also invite you to join our community on Facebook, where thousands of readers share with each other different spells, prayers and opinions to help us improve our lives: Community of on Facebook

I give you my most sincere and pure blessings.

We read soon

Luz Silva Soler