All 36 Great Dane species with pictures [2024] –

In total there are 36 different types of Great Danes. Here you can find a complete list of all Great Dane species in the world:

  • #1 Great Dane
  • #2 Mastín del Pirineo
  • #3 Argentine Mastiff
  • #4 Korean Mastiff
  • #5 Great Dane
  • #6 Alano Español
  • #7 American Bulldog
  • #8 Spanish Mastiff
  • #9 American Mastiff
  • #10 Canary Islands Great Dane
  • #11 Shar Pei
  • #12 Mallorca Mastiff
  • #13 Cane Corso Italiano
  • #14 Mastiff
  • #15 American Bully
  • #16 Fila Brasileiro
  • #17 Dogue de Bordeaux
  • #18 Cao Fila de Sao Miguel
  • #19 Tibetan Great Dane
  • #20 German boxer
  • #21 English Bulldog
  • #22 Cimarron Uruguayo
  • #23 Serrano Bulldog
  • #24 Bull Mastiff
  • #25 Guatemalan Mastiff
  • #26 Rottweiler
  • #27 Japanese Great Dane
  • #28 Aksaray Malaklisi
  • #29 Italian Mastiff
  • #30 Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd Dog
  • #31 French Bulldog
  • #32 Alangu Mastiff
  • #33 Boerboel
  • #34 Brazilian Mastiff
  • #35 Anatolian Shepherd Dog
  • #36 Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog

Be careful: a Great Dane is not the same as a Bulldog. However, some Bulldogs belong to the group of so-called “Great Dane-like dogs”. [1]

>> Our top recommendations

#1 Great Dane

The Great Dane is one of the 16 most popular breeds worldwide. This is partly due to their friendly, gentle and trusting character.

However, this type of Great Dane was originally bred to hunt large wild animals. In addition, their ears used to be usually cropped or “cropped”.

Furthermore, it is the world's largest dog breed. The so-called “Zeus” was a whopping 2.25 meters high when he stood on his hind legs.

However, there are definitely better breeds to train. This also explains why the self-confident giants are not recommended for first-time owners. [2]

Fun fact: This breed has made a career as a cartoon character. Because who doesn’t remember “Scooby-Doo”?!

#2 Mastín del Pirineo

The Mastín del Pirineo is one of 56 German Shepherd breeds worldwide. With a weight of up to 90 kg, this type of Great Dane is also one of the heaviest breeds.

The four-legged friends originally come from Spain, where they were primarily used as guard dogs. Mostly to protect against wolves, bears and other predators.

According to excavations, they were also kept as domestic dogs as early as 2500 BC. Because they are particularly loyal and friendly towards their family. [3]

On the other hand, they usually react skeptically towards strangers and are rather reserved. Compared to other Great Dane breeds, they also require very little attention.

Fun fact: These dogs are growing at record speed. However, the character maturation takes place over around 36 months. So be prepared for oversized puppies for quite a while.

#3 Argentine Mastiff

The Argentine mastiff is also known, among other things, as the Dogo Argentino. Unfortunately, these four-legged friends were originally bred for dog fighting.

This type of Great Dane is now also used as a hunting, guard and family dog. Some of them even serve as police, rescue and guide dogs.

But they are definitely too energetic and wild for apartment life. They also need a lot of exercise and have a strong hunting instinct.

But they shed and bark very little. They also develop a close connection with the family. They are also considered very cheerful, courageous, athletic and loyal. [4]

Fun fact: The poor trainability of these dogs is due to their hearing in one in 10 dogs. Statistically, around 10% of all specimens of this breed are deaf.

#4 Korean Mastiff

The Korean Mastiff is one of the most popular Great Dane species in Korea. Internationally, these four-legged friends are not only very rare, but also relatively expensive.

To this day, the animals are primarily used as working dogs to pull carts. Life as a family dog ​​requires a lot of socialization.

This is especially true if they are kept with children. Their hunting instinct is so strong that even running children can trigger it.

This Great Dane breed also has a lot of wrinkles on its face and is known for drooling a lot. They can also reach up to 84 kg when fully grown.

Fun fact: This breed is so rare that there isn't even a Wikipedia article about it.

#5 Great Dane

The Great Dane is usually called “Broholmer” internationally. These four-legged friends almost died out during the Second World War. But the numbers have now improved.

This type of Great Dane is suitable both as a guard dog and as a house dog. Although they are generally easy to train, they can also be stubborn at times.

These four-legged friends are usually very trusting towards the family. They also get along very well with children. However, they only partially tolerate strange dogs. [5]

With a weight of up to 90 kg and a shoulder height of a whopping 75 cm, they are also the largest and heaviest breeds. They usually only live to be 8-9 years old.

Fun fact: Don't let the size of these animals fool you. This breed loves to cuddle with family. A large sofa is therefore definitely recommended.

#6 Alano Español

The Alano Español comes from Spain and was once primarily used as a hunting and guard dog. Sadly, the Great Dane species was also used in bullfights.

Because of their strength and courage, they also served as protection dogs against predators among shepherds. They also live up to 14 years. [6]

Nowadays, however, the animals are primarily kept as domestic dogs. And this despite the fact that they are generally difficult to train, have a strong hunting instinct and need a lot of exercise.

However, beginners are advised to choose a different Great Dane breed. Because without a strict and dominant upbringing, these dogs like to do whatever comes to mind.

Fun fact: While most breeds need between 12-14 hours of sleep per day, the Alano Español only needs around 6-8 hours.

#7 American Bulldog

The American Bulldog comes from the USA, where it used to be primarily used as a guard, shepherd and hunting dog. It is also considered versatile and very adaptable.

In the past, this type of Great Dane was also sometimes used for blood sports such as bullbaiting. So they were set on chained bulls. But this is now forbidden.

In addition, these four-legged friends shed and bark very little. They are also described as very energetic, athletic and dominant – so less suitable for beginners.

Compared to other dogs, they also need a relatively high amount of attention and do not cope well with loneliness. They are also very good swimmers. [7]

Fun fact: If you don't give this breed enough attention, you will inevitably have to put up with gnawed furniture.

#8 Spanish Mastiff

The Spanish Mastiff is also known as the Mastín Español. This species of Spanish mastiff was once bred specifically to protect itself from predators.

With a weight of up to 80 kg, they are even heavier than a full-grown wolf. They are also very strong, courageous and self-confident.

These animals also have two sides. Indoors they are often unusually quiet and lazy. Outside, however, they are considered very energetic and wild.

This Great Dane breed is therefore less suitable for city life. The dogs are also not recommended for beginners because they are difficult to train. [8]

Fun fact: These dogs make almost no sound all day long. For this reason, many first-time owners are frightened when they suddenly hear a very deep and frightening bark.

#9 American Mastiff

The American Mastiff comes from the USA and was only bred around 2 decades ago. This also explains why they have so far been very rare internationally.

Their trusting, calm and good-natured character also makes this type of Great Dane excellent guard and family dogs. By the way, they also weigh up to 90 kg.

They are usually very protective and loyal towards their family. They also get along well with children. However, other dogs or pets are rarely tolerated.

Despite its good trainability, this breed is not recommended for beginners. They also bark very little, have a strong hunting instinct and are very territorial.

Fun fact: In the description of this breed you will often read that it has a “strong smell”. Now in plain English – Yes, these dogs stink.

#10 Canary Islands Great Dane

The Canary Islands mastiff, as the name suggests, comes from the Canary Islands. Originally, this type of Great Dane served primarily as a guard, working and shepherd dog.

The Spanish four-legged friends were sometimes also used for dog fights. Because they are very muscular, broadly built and have a strong bite force.

The latter explains why these dogs are classified as potentially dangerous in various countries and have therefore been banned. [9]

This Great Dane breed is only suitable for life as a family dog ​​with a lot of socialization. They also have a very strong hunting instinct and hardly tolerate other animals.

Fun fact: This breed is said to symbolize the Canary Islands. Paradoxically, the dogs are considered very aggressive and potentially dangerous.

#11 Shar Pei

The Shar-Pei has its origins in China. If you translate the name into German, this breed would be called “Sand-Skin”. They are also available in two different sizes.

Internationally, this species of Great Dane is also known as the “Chinese fighting dog”. Unfortunately, they were previously used primarily for organized dog fights.

This also explains why these four-legged friends naturally rarely tolerate other dogs or pets. They also have only a weak connection to their family.

These dogs are therefore less suitable for beginners. Incidentally, these animals also bark quite a lot, need little exercise and are considered calm and independent. [10]

Fun fact: If you walk around town with these dogs in hot weather, be prepared for a lot of stares. Because the tongue of this Great Dane is blue-black.

#12 Mallorca Mastiff

The Mallorca Mastiff comes from Spain and was once bred for blood sports such as bullbaiting and dog fighting. Today, this type of Great Dane primarily serves as a guard dog.

These four-legged friends require a lot of socialization for life as a family dog. This is especially true if they are kept in a family with children.

Other pets and dogs rarely tolerate these animals. Even with strangers, they initially react very skeptically and cautiously. But they bark relatively little.

Compared to other dogs, this Great Dane breed also has a strong hunting instinct, sheds very little and is considered territorial and protective. [11]

Fun fact: If you are looking for this breed…