Dog smacks his lips at night | 17 Causes & Solution [2024] –

If dogs smack their lips all the time at night, it can indicate anxiety, nausea or dental problems. In individual cases, food residue in the mouth, poisoning, dementia, lack of attention or even inflammation are also responsible.

Unfortunately, dogs do not have the same means of communication available to us as we do. For this reason, it is even more important that you as the owner understand your four-legged friend.

Smacking is one of the cases where the elimination process is great. I therefore recommend reading through the following 17 causes and keeping a mental tally.

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#1 Nausea

Dogs are originally descended from wolves, which are primary carnivores. It was only through domestication that dogs increasingly became omnivores.

This explains why their entire digestive system is much more primitive and sensitive compared to ours. Even small things can cause problems here.

In addition, dogs eat grass more often. Nausea is therefore a common problem, which can be noticeable, among other things, through smacking your lips at night.

You can usually tell if your dog constantly licks his lips, refuses to eat, appears listless or even vomits. [1]

#2 Fear

In addition to loud noises, dogs are also more likely to be afraid, especially at night. Young and trusting four-legged friends are particularly affected. Typical symptoms here are:

  • Slight trembling
  • Retracted tail
  • Ears laid back
  • Smacking and licking lips
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Frequent yawning [2]

Here it is important to investigate the causes and identify the trigger of the fear. Then you have to remove it or get the dog used to it.

#3 Feeling hungry

When babies are hungry, they usually start crying. Dogs, on the other hand, usually only speak out loudly when they are almost starving.

The same also applies to thirst. You should therefore pay more attention to your dog's body language.

When dogs are hungry at night, this can often be recognized by a grumbling stomach, constant smacking or a stare at the bowl. [3]

#4 Dry mouth

When dogs do not produce enough saliva and their mouths become too dry, doctors speak of “xerostomia”. Typical causes for this are:

  • Medication
  • Dehydration
  • Immune diseases
  • Cancer treatment
  • Nerve damage [4]

Smacking your lips at night is just an attempt to stimulate saliva production to keep your mouth moist. Strong bad breath is also common here.

#5 Problems with your teeth

If there is inflammation or other problems with the teeth or gums, the dog automatically produces more saliva. Typical triggers here are:

  • Chipping of teeth
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Misalignment of the teeth
  • Strong tartar
  • Infection of the periodontium [5]

In most cases, you can identify such problems through discoloration, swelling, or bleeding. But dental problems are also reflected in behavior.

Constant shaking of the head, chewing on one side or refusing food can indicate this. Smacking your lips at night only serves to keep saliva in your mouth.

#6 Leftover food in the mouth

Dogs' teeth are fundamentally different from ours. For example, their teeth are significantly further apart than ours.

And yet it still happens every now and then that food remains get caught between the molars. Unlike us, dogs don't floss.

So what do they do? You try to remove the leftover food with your tongue. Because they open their mouths more often, lip smacking usually occurs. [6]

#7 Alzheimer's

In old age, between ⅓ and ⅔ of all dogs are said to struggle with dementia. As a result, their memory performance decreases and they forget a lot of things.

In practice, this often leads to them constantly repeating everyday habits. In addition to daily fur care, this also includes oral care.

They move their tongues along the top of the mouth and at the same time remove any leftover food. Yes, even at night they often start to smack their lips.

Alzheimer's can also often be recognized by the dog staring at walls, appearing disoriented, being nocturnal and generally becoming more anxious. [7]

#8 Sialocele

If a small cavity forms in the dog's mouth, doctors speak of a “sialocele”. In most cases it fills with saliva.

Injuries from accidents and bites to the neck as well as inflammation are among the most common triggers. Typical signs of this are:

  • Swelling in the mouth
  • Mild fever
  • Heavy breathing
  • Soft elevation on the muzzle
  • Problems swallowing
  • Blood in saliva [8]

Here, smacking at night only serves to distribute saliva in the mouth. Otherwise a large part of it will run into the cavity and the mouth will dry out.

#9 Poisoning

Many first-time dog owners accidentally poison their dogs themselves by feeding them their leftover food. A whole range of foods are toxic for dogs. This includes:

  • Chocolate and cocoa
  • Avocados and yeast
  • Macadamia nuts and walnuts
  • Garlic and onions
  • Raisins and grapes
  • Hops and alcohol [9]

When dogs eat these foods, they automatically produce larger amounts of saliva to combat the toxins. And yes, drooling is very common here.

In addition, poisoning can often be recognized by the fact that the dog shakes its head more often, smacks its lips during the day and at night and the gums become bright red.

#10 Splinters in the mouth

Young and active dogs in particular often have a strong urge to gnaw on things. Pieces of wood and bones are particularly popular here.

Depending on the type of wood and bone, splinters can come loose and then get stuck between the teeth or in the gums.

Because dogs don't have fingers or tweezers, they try to remove the splinter with their tongue. A very difficult task.

During this time, smacking occurs more often. If the pain is severe, those affected often lie awake at night and “work” on the splinter. [10]

#11 Lack of attention

Attention and activity are among the basic needs of every dog. If this does not happen, dissatisfaction and frustration will spread.

When they are young, dogs often try a variety of methods to get attention. And this is exactly where a training error often occurs.

If, for example, the dog suddenly gets more attention after smacking, then he will of course repeat this behavior in the future.

If your four-legged friend starts smacking his lips in the evening or at night, it can be like “I feel alone and would like attention”. [11]

#12 Inflammation of the oral mucosa

If bacteria, viruses or fungi accumulate and multiply on the oral mucosa, it can become inflamed. Veterinarians refer to this as “stomatitis”.

Unfortunately, in the initial stages this is hardly visible visually. In the advanced stages, however, the gums usually become red and pus forms.

Behavior also changes here. Affected dogs are often in so much pain that they refuse to eat, smack their lips at night, and withdraw from people. [12]

#13 Strong flavors

Compared to humans, dogs are significantly more sensitive to very sour, bitter, salty, sweet or spicy foods. Because this is rare in their natural diet.

However, if the four-legged friends get leftover food from humans, these flavors can remain on their tongues for a while.

Smacking is just an attempt to clear the taste receptors. However, this shouldn't take longer than 10-20 minutes. [13]

#14 Lack of fluids

If your four-legged friend drinks too little water, not only their nose but also their gums will become increasingly dry. Typical signs of dehydration include:

  • Thick saliva
  • Loss of appetite
  • Deep-set eyes
  • Heavy panting
  • Balance problems
  • Lack of energy [14]

Smacking your lips at night only serves to moisten your gums. If this happens frequently, then I recommend getting a drinking fountain like this.

#15 Kidney disease

The problem with kidney disease is the fact that symptoms usually occur when ⅔ of the kidneys are no longer functioning. [15]

At the very beginning, you can often tell that the urine becomes darker and smells strange. In addition, affected dogs often have to pee and are constantly thirsty.

In the later stages, dogs begin to smack their lips during the day and at night. It is often triggered by the kidneys being overloaded by toxins.

#16 Satisfaction

What we humans call “no manners” can be an expression of happiness for dogs. Other classic signs of this are:

  • Relaxed posture
  • Quiet groan
  • Dog growls
  • Nocturnal smacking
  • Relaxed ears
  • Wagging tail [16]

Most often, this type of smacking occurs after eating or after a lot of affection. You can pat yourself on the back here. Great work!

#17 Acral lick dermatitis

When dogs lick one part of their body unusually frequently and strongly, doctors speak of “acral lick dermatitis”.

The exact cause of this is still unclear. Golden Retrievers, Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers and Labrador Retrievers are said to be most commonly affected.

Among other things, affected dogs often make a smacking noise, which can also occur at night under certain circumstances. Other symptoms include:

  • Open wounds on the leg
  • Spotty hair loss
  • Severe redness
  • Crusted wounds [17]

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