49 dogs with floppy ears | With pictures [2024] –

There are dogs with a wide variety of ear shapes. The following dog breeds are among those that naturally have long floppy ears:

#1 Basset Hound
#2 Bloodhound
#3 American Cocker Spaniel
#4 Irish Red Setters
#5 Basset bleu de Gascogne
#6 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
#7 Beagles
#8 Bernese Hound
#9 Jura Hound
#10 Segugio Italiano
#11 Poodle
#12 Welsh Springer Spaniel
#13 Gordon Setters
#14 Black and Tan Coonhound
#15 English Cocker Spaniel
#16 English Setters
#17 American Water Spaniel

#18 Redbone Coonhound
#19 Sussex Spaniel
#20 Irish Red and White Setters
#21 Dachshund
#22 Spinone Italiano
#23 Field Spaniels
#24 Bluetick Coonhound
#25 Irish Water Spaniel
#26 German Quail Dog
#27 Weimaraner
#28 Golden Retrievers
#29 Basset fauve from Brittany
#30 Beagle Harrier
#31 Hanoverian Mountain Hound
#32 Doberman Pinscher
#33 English Pointer
#34 Flat Coated Retriever

#35 Vizsla
#36 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
#37 Dalmatian
#38 American Foxhound
#39 Barbet
#40 Bavarian Mountain Hound
#41 Otterhound
#42 Saluki
#43 Great Dane
#44 Alpine Dachsbracke
#45 Old Danish Pointer
#46 Labrador Retrievers
#47 Pudelpointer
#48 Chesapeake Bay Retriever
#49 Afghan Hound

Incidentally, floppy ears in dogs are not an indication of particularly good or bad hearing. Rather, these breeds are among those that smell particularly good.

The reason? The long ears wag smells to the nose, improving the sense of smell.

>> Our top recommendations

#1 Basset Hound

The Basset Hound originally comes from Great Britain and has by far the largest floppy ears of all dog breeds.

In addition, the dogs have a sense of smell around 40 times better than humans and are known for their friendly and trusting nature. [1]

Fun fact: These dogs are ideal for picking up a scent. Because their floppy ears wag all smells towards their noses when they walk.

#2 Bloodhound

The Bloodhound is the record holder when it comes to ear length. On one specimen the floppy ears are a whopping 34.9 cm long. [2]

In addition, the dogs have by far the best nose of all breeds. The animals are also considered to be very friendly, gentle and independent. [3]

Fun fact: Many Bloodhounds' muzzles more often go between women's legs. Because the dogs smell whether a woman is on her period as soon as she enters the apartment.

#3 American Cocker Spaniel

In addition to its long floppy ears, the American Cocker Spaniel is also known for its long fur on its legs.

They are also considered particularly cheerful, sociable and intelligent. This probably explains why they are one of the 30 most popular dog breeds worldwide. [4]

Fun fact: The paws of American Cocker Spaniels have a profile that allows them to run on ice.

#4 Irish Red Setters

The Irish Red Setter primarily serves as a hunting and family dog. Some of the dogs with their floppy ears are also used as therapy dogs.

This breed is also known for its good nature, playfulness and sociability. They are also easy to train, but require a relatively large amount of exercise. [5]

Fun fact: Even when fully grown, these animals often behave like young puppies.

#5 Basset bleu de Gascogne

The Basset bleu de Gascogne has its origins in France and is considered to be very agile, active and curious. He also has a dachshund-like figure and long floppy ears.

In general, however, the dogs are considered relatively rare. Because after hunting with dogs declined, the four-legged friends no longer had any purpose. [6]

Fun fact: While other dog breeds jump for joy before going for a walk, you have to force these couch potatoes to run.

#6 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel originally comes from Great Britain and has served there primarily as a lap dog from the beginning.

The cute little dogs with their floppy ears are also among the 20 most popular breeds worldwide. They are also considered very easy to care for. [7]

Fun fact: When running, the long floppy ears take off like the wings of an airplane.

#7 Beagles

The Beagle was initially used primarily as a tracking dog for hunting. The English dogs also live up to 15 years. [8]

In addition, they are considered particularly cheerful, gentle and amiable. Combined with their floppy ears, this makes them the 6th most popular breed in the world. [9]

Fun fact: These animals can make more than 20 different sounds. And yes, yodeling is also on the list.

#8 Bernese Hound

Pleple2000 & Pleple2000, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The Bernese Hound is relatively rare to find outside of its native Switzerland. To this day, the animals are primarily used as hunting dogs.

Their long, floppy ears wave scents to their snouts, allowing them to pick up scent even in strong winds. [10]

Fun fact: Although these animals are rarely used as family dogs, they are considered to be particularly affectionate. They often follow their master wherever they go.

#9 Jura Hound

Canarian, CC BY-SA 3.0 + Alephalpha, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The Jura Hound originally comes from Switzerland and primarily serves as a hunting companion for tracking down injured wild animals. [11]

The dogs are also considered to be very easy to care for, loyal and active. Since the animals need a lot of exercise, they are ideal for active families.

Fun fact: The 20-20-20 rule applies to these dogs. When fully grown, they weigh around 20 kg, are around 20 inches (approx. 51 cm) tall and have floppy ears around 20 cm long.

#10 Segugio Italiano

The Segugio Italiano is available with very short fur (“a pelo raso”) and with very long fur (“a pelo forte”). However, both species have very long floppy ears.

The dogs are also known for their stubbornness, intelligence and friendliness. They are also suitable as family dogs and need a lot of exercise. [12]

Fun fact: These dogs have tunnel vision once they pick up a scent while hunting. Even hunger and thirst are forgotten for up to 12 hours.

#11 Poodle

Poodles come in four different sizes. However, in the smallest species, the so-called “toy poodle”, the floppy ears are most noticeable.

The dogs are also considered to be very intelligent, active and trusting. This also explains why they are one of the 10 most popular dog breeds worldwide. [13]

Fun fact: The hair of these four-legged friends never stops growing. The cute dogs are therefore more often “abused” by hairdressers as guinea pigs.

#12 Welsh Springer Spaniel

The Welsh Springer Spaniel always has red and white spotted fur and large floppy ears. He also generally gets along very well with children and other pets.

In addition, the dogs are very happy, trusting and playful. This makes them excellent family dogs. [14]

Fun fact: These dogs are very affectionate. So be prepared to be followed at every turn. And yes, that includes the toilet.

#13 Gordon Setters

The Gordon Setter is one of four setter species worldwide. The Scottish animals were originally bred to serve as hunting dogs.

However, the animals are now also used as family dogs. They are also considered very alert, loyal, fearless and have fluffy floppy ears. [15]

Fun fact: The Gordon Setter takes around 3 years to mature. Even when fully grown, the four-legged friends often behave like young puppies.

#14 Black and Tan Coonhound

The Black and Tan Coonhound has its origins in the USA, where it was primarily used to hunt raccoons because of its good nose.

The friendly, loving and gentle dogs with their long floppy ears are now increasingly being kept as pets. [16]

Fun fact: When these dogs feel lonely, they often start singing or howling.

#15 English Cocker Spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel is one of the dogs that can, among other things, sniff out cancer. They were therefore also used as tracking dogs when hunting.

In addition, they have long and fluffy floppy ears and have up to 12 puppies at a time. As a rule, they are very calm, cheerful and loyal. [17]

Fun fact: These dogs are so easy to train that they are sometimes used for housework – taking toilet paper to the toilet or even sweeping with a broom.

#16 English Setters

The English Setter has a Dalmatian-like appearance only with longer hair. The dogs are also very energetic and need a lot of exercise – ideal for active families.

In the past, the dogs with their long floppy ears were also used to hunt land and water birds. However, they are much more popular as domestic dogs. [18]

Fun fact: Puppies of this breed love to chew… And also to chew something broken. One new chew toy per week should definitely be planned here.

#17 American Water Spaniel

The American Water Spaniel is a hunting and family dog ​​from the USA. Thanks to its thick fur and webbed feet, it is also an excellent swimmer.

The dogs are generally considered to be very cheerful, charming and energetic. They also have long, curly floppy ears and are easy to train. [19]

Fun fact: Apples? Nope. Oranges? Nope. Watermelon? Nope. Bananas? Yeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssmsssssssssm————-) This breed loves bananas!

#18 Redbone Coonhound

The Redbone Coonhound has its origins in the USA, where it is used, among other things, as a hunting dog for large wild animals.

The dogs have cute floppy ears and are considered very loving, obedient and energetic. They are also ideal for first-time owners. [20]

Fun fact: The hunting instinct of these dogs is so strong that they would even run through prickly blackberry fields to catch up with their prey.

#19 Sussex Spaniel

In the past, the Sussex Spaniel was primarily used as a family dog, but was also sometimes used as a hunting companion. The breed originally comes from England.

What makes them special is their long fur and their shaggy floppy ears. In addition, the dogs are considered very cheerful, sociable and submissive. [21]

Fun fact: The hair of these four-legged friends is often so long that you can hardly see under their upper body from the side.

#20 Irish Red and White Setters

The Irish Red and White Setter is one of the most active dogs in the world. The animals would love to run all day long and cuddle with their master at night.

They are also very easy to train and are therefore also suitable for beginners. Their floppy ears often dance along when they run. [22]

Fun fact: This breed makes their owners more positive people over time. Because dogs respond much better to praise rather than criticism.

#21 Dachshund

Among dog connoisseurs and internationally, dachshunds are usually…