If dogs suddenly gag without vomiting, it could be a sign of swallowed foreign bodies or an upset stomach. In individual cases, bronchitis, kennel cough, gastric torsion or tracheal collapse are also behind the gagging sensation.
As a rule, nausea alone is only a cause for concern if it occurs constantly or if there are other pathological and unusual symptoms. [1]
If there is simultaneous shortness of breath, it can also be an emergency. Below you will learn about the 10 most common causes and their symptoms.
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#1 Upset stomach
Dogs' digestive systems are much more sensitive than humans. This is because dogs originally descended from wolves.
And wolves are primarily carnivores. Because of domestication, dogs then became more and more omnivores. Compared to our digestion, however, it is still very primitive.
This in turn means that even the smallest inconsistencies in the food can lead to an upset stomach in dogs. Typical triggers for this are:
- Food allergies
- Eating too quickly
- Toxic foods
- Eating grass
- Endoparasites
- Viral infections [2]
Among other things, this can manifest itself in gagging without vomiting, excessive drooling and loss of appetite. Other typical symptoms of this are:
- Constant licking of lips
- Dog seems depressed
- Visible flatulence
- Unusual tiredness
- Profuse drooling
- Dog refuses food
- Sudden diarrhea [3]
In most cases, an upset stomach goes away on its own. If it occurs frequently, then I recommend carrying out a free food check.
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Fasting and briefly reducing the amount of water you drink usually help to relieve acute symptoms. Afterwards, rice with chicken is usually recommended. [4]
Dogs with an upset stomach often gag without vomiting, drool unusually heavily, and constantly lick their lips. This can often be recognized by the fact that the dog refuses his favorite treats and appears depressed.
#2 Kennel cough
Various viruses and bacteria can attack the upper respiratory tract, causing it to become inflamed. This type of illness is also popularly known as “dog flu”.
The name “kennel cough” is a bit misleading, as the disease has nothing to do with a kennel. In addition to a cough, it usually leads to other symptoms:
- Breathing problems
- Constant runny nose
- Gagging without vomiting
- Listless behavior
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Dog coughs up mucus [5]
Since kennel cough is contagious to other animals, you should isolate your dog from others here. However, the infection cannot be transmitted to humans.
Before treatment, the veterinarian must first diagnose the cause. In most cases, antibiotics are recommended. Recovery is relatively quick. [6]
Dogs with kennel cough not only have regular coughing fits, but they also often gag without anything coming out. It can usually also be recognized by the fact that the dog's nose is constantly running, the dog refuses to eat and appears lethargic.
#3 Swallowed foreign objects
The curiosity of young dogs is often their downfall. Because it often leads to them swallowing a variety of things. Classic examples are here:
- Food packaging
- Toys too small
- Pieces of bone that are too big
- Small balls
- Broken toys [7]
If these things get stuck in the throat or throat, it can not only cause breathing problems, but also a permanent choking sensation without vomiting.
You can also usually recognize it when the dog scratches its mouth with its paws and gives the impression that it has choked badly. Other typical symptoms are:
- Sudden drooling
- Constant licking of lips
- Coughing and choking
- Dog is breathing heavily
- Physical restlessness
- Dog refuses food
- Sudden aggressiveness [8]
If the object is in the back of your throat, you can often get it out yourself. One person should hold the dog and the other should open his mouth.
If nothing is noticeable, then I recommend visiting the vet. He can easily locate the object using an endoscope and an ultrasound examination.
The therapy depends on the individual cause. In simple cases the problem resolves itself, in other cases medication or even surgery is necessary. [9]
If dogs accidentally swallow foreign bodies, it can trigger a constant urge to vomit. Affected four-legged friends often gag one after the other without anything coming out. Sudden drooling and scratching at the mouth can also indicate this.
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#4 Tracheal collapse
In some dogs of certain breeds, the cartilage on the trachea is so weak that it collapses over time.
As a result, the windpipe becomes increasingly narrow and breathing becomes more difficult. For reasons that are still unclear, the following breeds are particularly often affected:
- Pomeranian
- Shih Tzu
- Yorkshire Terriers
- pug
- Maltese
- Toy Poodle [10]
Fortunately, such a collapse does not occur suddenly, but rather gradually. Loud breathing and a rattling sound are among the first symptoms. Other signs include:
- Dog tires quickly
- Dry cough
- Fast breathing rate
- Blue mucous membranes
- Coughing when picked up
- Whistling breathing [11]
The easiest way to diagnose tracheal collapse is with an ultrasound scan. Here too, the therapy is very individual depending on the degree of severity.
In simple cases, long-term medications or steroids can help. In severe cases with acute shortness of breath, surgery may also be necessary.
For genetic reasons, small breeds with a short snout are more likely to experience tracheal collapse, which causes the airways to become increasingly narrow. Choking without vomiting and loud breathing are among the most common complaints.
#5 Laryngeal paralysis
For reasons that are still unknown, the nerves in the larynx increasingly lose their function in some breeds. The muscles in the larynx can no longer react.
The problem? The larynx is not only the connection between the windpipe and the throat, but also plays a central role in breathing, eating and drinking.
Affected dogs constantly choke while drinking and eating. Coughing and choking without vomiting are also more common. Other symptoms include:
- Dogs are more sensitive to heat
- Bluish mucous membranes
- Dog wheezes when breathing
- Pitch of barking increases
- Cough during physical activity [12]
According to statistics, this is most common in old and large breeds. Setters, retrievers and mountain dogs are particularly affected by this.
Fortunately, the symptoms appear gradually so that action can be taken in good time. If left untreated, it can potentially be fatal.
Various medications are usually used in the early stages of treatment. In severe cases, the larynx can also be corrected surgically. [13]
Dogs with laryngeal paralysis choke more and more frequently as the disease progresses because water and food get into the trachea. Coughing and constant choking without vomiting are also common here. This can be remedied with the help of medication or surgery.
#6 Stomach twist
During gastric torsion, the dog's stomach rotates around its own longitudinal axis. It is a life-threatening illness – the “mother of all emergencies”.
At least that's what veterinarians call it, since gastric torsion can be fatal within a few hours if left untreated. The reason? The rotation blocks the blood supply.
This can usually be recognized by the fact that the stomach suddenly swells and the four-legged friend becomes increasingly restless. Other typical symptoms include:
- Touch sensitivity
- Dog looks stressed
- Profuse drooling
- Rapid breathing
- Constant retching without vomiting
- Pale gums
- Circulatory collapse [14]
Fortunately, according to statistics, only one in 160 dogs suffer from it. Large and old four-legged friends are said to be most commonly affected. [15]
Surgery is almost always necessary for treatment. This allows the stomach to be rotated back to its original position and the blood supply can continue.
If you suspect gastric torsion, you should also contact the emergency veterinary service immediately. The sooner you act, the better the chances of treatment.
Dogs with gastric torsion often gag several times in a row without anything coming out. In addition, a torsion of the stomach can usually be recognized by the fact that the dog's stomach suddenly swells and the four-legged friend appears stressed.
#7 Bronchitis
Among doctors, the lower respiratory tract is also called the bronchi. Their primary job is to transport oxygen to both lungs.
However, if bacteria accumulate and multiply in the bronchial tubes, they can become inflamed. Here doctors speak of “bronchitis”.
In rare cases, viruses, allergens, irritants or even blood-sucking parasites can also be responsible. The most common signs include:
- Fast breathing rate
- Listless behavior
- Rapid exhaustion
- Dog is constantly whining
- Gagging without vomiting
- Frequent coughing
- Constant runny nose
- Rattling breathing [16]
Diagnosis of the cause is absolutely necessary for treatment. Anti-inflammatory medications are usually used for bacterial and viral infections.
If allergic reactions are the cause, antihistamines can also help with acute symptoms. In the long term, however, it is important to prevent allergens. [17]
Bronchitis usually causes dogs to cough constantly, become exhausted quickly and make strange noises when breathing. Among other things, affected dogs often gag without vomiting. A doctor should be consulted about treatment.
#8 Laryngeal and tracheal cancer
In rare cases, a tumor disease can also be responsible for the unusual behavior. The symptoms of these cancers are very similar.
Throat cancer occurs predominantly in middle-aged and older dogs. Basically it can affect all races. However, male dogs are more commonly affected.
In the beginning, you can usually tell if the dog barks at a different pitch or suddenly can no longer bark at all. Other symptoms include:
- Dog…