Remedies for guava, 5 options that will save you!

Are you going to party over the weekend? Take note of these remedies for guava, and not worry about the next day. Keep the party going!

Many doctors believe that hangover is the result of two phenomena that are, believe it or not, mild swelling of the brain and dehydration. It can appear after drinking a few drinks of alcohol, and its symptoms can include headache, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

5 tricks to get rid of hangovers or hangovers

There are several home remedies for guava that can help you relieve these discomforts:


In a ¼ liter of water put a handful of nettle leaves. Nettle leaves are boiled in water for 5 minutes and then strained. At the moment of taking it, add the juice of a lemon. It is recommended to take this remedy in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Kiwi? Yes, even if you don’t believe it, it is effective and that is why it is part of the 5 tips to survive hangovers

Perhaps you did not know it, but this exotic fruit turns out to be an excellent remedy for guava. To use it for this purpose you must mix lettuce, kiwi and grapefruit or grapefruit in the blender and drink a glass of this juice.

3. Papaya

prepare a juice with a slice of papaya, a glass of skim milk, four crushed ice cubes and a piece of cinnamon powder. To do this you must blend all the ingredients with the exception of cinnamon, which will be added at the end. You should drink a glass every four hours until the symptoms are removed.

Four. Tomato one of the most effective 5 blessed remedies to pass hangover

You must prepare a juice with 3 tomatoes, a chopped peeled cucumber and a tablespoon of olive oil. You should blend until the lumps disappear and drink immediately.

5. The last of the remedies for guava: Parsley

Pour 1/2 glass of chopped parsley and 1 orange peel in a container containing 1 liter of water. Boil until reduced by half. Strain and drink 2 cups on an empty stomach and 2 during the rest of the morning.

How to remove the hangover and the desire to vomit?

If you already tried all tips to remove hangover that we gave you, always stay hydrated with water or serums, as well as eat regularly and healthy.

If you like rumba and nightlife is your favorite, tell us what other guava remedy has worked for you, Share this note on your social networks, your rumbera friend will surely thank you!

Taken from Popular Remedies