Spell to attract urgent money | Lovers Tarot


4 years ago · Updated 4 years ago

¿Are you ready to find an exclusive way to attract money quickly?

Before starting you should take a pencil and paper to write down the little things that we will need so that you don't forget any details.

What we will need to do this spell to attract money

This spell that we are going to do is a simple and homemade economic spell that will surprise you with its enormous effectiveness and success.

Next, we are going to see in detail everything we need to do this ritual to attract money TODAY:

  • A green candle
  • A handful of cinnamon (stick or ground)
  • A few drops of orange juice. If it couldn't be, lemon also works.
  • a plate
  • a white envelope
  • A white sheet of paper
  • A pen, pencil or marker that paints green. «Green».

Features of this spell to attract urgent money

One of the most important things about this spell is that we need it to be done after noon and on a full moon.

Once we have done this spell, if we want to repeat it or reinforce it with some other magical action we must wait at least a month to pass.

Call money with this effective spell: Let's do it step by step

Let's see in a clear way, the guide to do this ritual to attract money.

However, if you have any questions or any aspect is not clear to you, do not hesitate to leave your comment at the bottom of the page and we will clarify it as quickly as possible.

I'd love to read your comments!

Always remember before performing any spell to check that we already have all the necessary ingredients, that you are in a comfortable place and that you will be calm, without distractions or prying eyes.

This tranquility will be what connects you with the invisible magical forces that will help you in your mission.

Let's start by giving thanks with the following prayer:

Thank you elemental forces,
Hidden energies of this and other worlds,
for allowing me to invoke your invisible forces.

  1. Light the green candle saying out loud three times: «I attract money into my life.»
  1. Place the white plate in front of you and spread the ground cinnamon in a circle in a clockwise direction. If it's a cinnamon stick, you just put it in the center.
  2. Now squeeze a few drops of the orange juice over the cinnamon that you just sprinkled on the plate.

If you already have everything prepared, it is time to write the sheet, with the green pencil we write the following:

«I, (full name),
I request your immediate help,
to attract money into my life
watered with spices and fruits,
tributed with the light of the moon
waiting for your response

This magical spell will connect with the highest energy forces of this and the other world.

Don't forget, of course, to include your name and sign at the end of the page as I have shown you above.

Final step:

Once you have the letter, you fold it in half, leaving the letter inside and you will leave it on the cinnamon and orange juice, (On top).

Wetting your fingers with saliva, you will blow out the candle saying the following phrase as you do so: «Grateful for your magical light, never stop illuminating my path.»

And finally, when the moon rises, we will leave the plate with the three blessed ingredients on a window or where it can receive the stimulating lunar light throughout the night.

When we wake up, we pick up the letter and put it in a white envelope and take it to a postbox or a place where we can send the correspondence, putting it inside and leaving the place without looking back.