«Maria Clara» will no longer appear in the novel ‘Nurses’

According to a renowned entertainment magazine, Diana Hoyos who plays «Maria Clara» in the novel nurses will leave the recordings.

It was recently revealed that the series Enfermeras was not going through a good time and that the RCN channel was worrying about its low rating. Now as if that were not enough, many assure that their protagonist will no longer continue in the recordings.

Will Diana Hoyos stop playing «Maria Clara» in nurses?

This was announced by an important entertainment magazine that assured that «María Clara», a character that actress Diana Hoyos brings to life, will not continue in the novel either. Everything seems to indicate that the actress will start recording in another soap opera on Canal RCN where she will also be the protagonist.

In addition, many assure that apparently the production will be called May God not forgive you and it can probably be played by Pipe Bueno. The truth is that neither the actress nor the channel have confirmed or denied the rumors, but many viewers want to know what the future of «María Clara» will be.

And you, Do you think that the character of “Maria Clara” will stop appearing in nurses? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.