How to discover your spiritual gift

Every journey of our life, every outpouring of spirit is meant to lead you to a specific place. If you read this article today, it is not by chance. It is a clear and precise path that has led you here. What if you also had a spiritual gift?


Although we do not defend any specific religious movement, it is important, as modern witches that we are more educated to be able to discern things better. And as the saying goes:

» What a woman wants, God wants «

The notion of spiritual gift is deeply rooted in religion and Christian life, in which even having faith and going to mass is a gift. Indeed, for the Holy Spirit, each individual has in the depths of his being a gift granted by the Lord and Prophet Jesus Christ. This spiritual gift can only be discovered through theological study and a certain fullness of spirit . For Catholics, the preaching of the word of God, the demonstration of devotion and the confession of faith are indispensable steps for spiritual edification. In the Bible we find in the same spirit many apostles and prophets whose vocation is to enter into communion with others to pray, but also and above all to spread and teach the good news.through the homily. Perfect illustration of souls guided by a conviction, an apostolic faith and by a spirit that animates them .

Do you know the 9 charismatic gifts, also called the gifts of: “ manifestation of the Spirit ”?

The biblical text 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 cites the 9 most common gifts of the charismatic and Pentecostal world, the scriptures to know :

YO – The Word of Wisdom
II – The Diversity of Languages
III – The Interpretation of Languages
IV – The Word of Knowledge
V – The Faith
VI – The Gift of Healing
VII – The Gift of Miracles
VIII – The Prophecy
IX – Discernment of spirits

On the other hand, gifted people could, with a simple laying on of hands, cause miracles like the discovery of the word of wisdom ” (which translates as “ spiritual gift «) either divine healings . Christians believe that certain gifts are manifested at birth or after the baptism of the Holy Spirit. All this, therefore, would depend on the Kingdom of God and his will. It is also important to note that for Catholics, donations are to be used in the edification of the church and not for a purely personal and self-centered purpose. The concept of spiritual devotion.It is essential: It is therefore about worship, praise, listening to the word of God, preaching.


If some blessed have natural gifts developed since adolescence or even childhood, without entering into religious justifications and even less into a spiritual and prophetic struggle, this is not necessarily the case for everyone. However, we are all subject to the manifestations of the spirit. To explore your spiritual gift, let's go back to the beginning: Have you always been drawn to something? The letters? the writing? shamanism? Witchcraft? Remember that it is your soul that speaks. However, it is important to discern the mental, pride, that is, thinking and believing to perceive certain things that may have a great resemblance to a supernatural gift but is not, from what really is a gift, and that it happens well. once humility and wisdom have been acquired. Between blessing and prophecy, the step is taken quickly!


You may notice some things that are not obvious to everyone: you have this wonderful heightened intuition like a little voice that immediately comes to your mind, whispering to you what is happening and this, without objective elements at your disposal; or the ability to feel other people's emotions as well as your own. Some have a vocation to prophesy how to have strange dreams but they correspond to reality some time later or have a natural gift for healing people. But possessing the gift of these almost primitive skills is not something innate to everyone. If you believe you belong, cultivate this sacred giftwhile keeping it.


The spiritual life is undoubtedly a path of plenitude.
A path that requires patience, but also prayers to progress in your own healing and towards forgiveness before you can access your gifts. A necessary introspection that works miracles.

Before any introspection, Witchiz invites you to take time to grow, listen to yourself, and think about your plan to discern the truth. Meditate, calm your thoughts and above all learn to listen to the silence. Words of wisdom are sometimes more difficult to apply than they seem, however remember that everything comes at the right time to those who know how to show discernment and remain humble. Because yes, dear sister, develop your intuition it takes time.

For this, listen to your body : respects its rhythm and cycles. It is starting with listen we hear …To illuminate your search, we advise you to try visualization exercises: breath, kindness, resurrection… Materialize thoughts that will become your healers.

With practice, your senses will sharpen and develop and it will then be up to you to hear, perceive or feel your spiritual gift. In the Christian religion and in the gospel we distinguish the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit which are: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, meekness and temperance. . Biblical words that, however, resonate in us as universal values ​​and a fullness of spirit, essential for the acquisition of a gift, no matter how spiritual it may be.


The divine gifts Sometimes they are not as spectacular as the collective imagination suggests, like a divine prophecy or a sudden miracle from the Almighty.

In fact, each incarnation is different. Thus, some people are naturally charismatic They are kind, undertake works of charity, show fraternity and are true angels towards their neighbors. These people have charismatic gifts and are naturally inclined to help and work for the good of others .

Others develop an energetic ease and “feel” all natural energies as supernatural: this is clairvoyance .

Some see various elements in their dreams or during deep meditation: this is clairvoyance .

Still others hear key information, such as sounds from beyond: this is clairaudience .

Another gift considered spiritual: the people called «empathic» who feel all emotions, beyond simple intuition. So many spiritual gifts as diverse as they are varied, oscillating between actions of the spirit and supernatural miracles .

Don't aim for perfection! Sometimes you have to walk without knowing where you are going or who is guiding you, but keep an open mind and always believe in yourself. Meditate…