How to read coffee grounds ☕️


6 years ago · Updated 2 years ago

Today we are going to talk about reading coffee grounds, it is a type of divination also known as cafeomancy, it dates back many years, from the 17th century and is influenced by the reading that the Chinese do with tea.

Techniques for reading coffee grounds

To read the coffee grounds we have to drink the coffee being aware of the query we want to make, so that the energy can do its job well and can be well impregnated with the symbols that will remain.

Reading coffee grounds can be done in two ways:

1. Coffee grounds on a plate

This reading consists of finishing the cup of coffee and turning it against the plate, that is, putting it face down on the plate, then we will begin to turn it around a few times, so that we can then read the remains that will remain on the plate. The closest edges represent the near future and what is in the central part shows the distant future.

2. Coffee grounds in the cup

This technique of reading the coffee grounds will be in the cup when it was already drunk. What is at the bottom of the cup should be interpreted as the most distant past and what is at the edge of the cup as the nearest future.

Interpretation of coffee grounds

Different types of figures will appear in our reading of the grounds, everything will depend on the question and the similarity it has with the following symbols. Some of the interpretations are below:

  • Eagle: Good time to start new businesses.
  • Circle: a complicated, hopeless and complex situation. If it is black and spotted, it may portend a possible breakup or a long illness.
  • Sword: It is a good time for projects to move forward. It is recommended to be firm and not have doubts.
  • Spiral: when it is dyed in the center it can mean loss of a sum of money in the near future.
  • Star: good internal vibrations that show purity of heart. Path without obstacles.
  • Horseshoe: This symbol tells you that you will be lucky in games of chance.
  • Clear man: It is advisable that you act with a firm hand without expecting rewards.
  • Dark man: Problems, conflicts and bad luck may appear.
  • Butterfly: It is an indication that you will carry out that idea that you bring since luck and success will abound.
  • Eye: It tells you that you can trust your intuition and that you will be able to see what is going to happen.
  • Bird: Good luck and you will have a strong intuition to undertake any type of project.