The Wheel of Fortune | Lovers Tarot


The Wheel of Fortune It is highly symbolic. The angel in the upper left corner is Aquarius, the eagle is Scorpio, the lion is Leo and the bull is Taurus. These are the four fixed signs of the zodiac, but they all have wings meaning stability amidst movement and change. The book that each person has in their hands is the Torah, which represents wisdom. On the wheel itself are the Hebrew letters IHVH (Yod Vau Je Je), the unpronounceable name of God. Interspersed with these cards are TORA (read counterclockwise) or TARO (read clockwise), which also translates into Tarot when you return to where you started. The serpent descending on the left side of the wheel is the Egyptian god Typhon, the god of evil. The snake also represents the life force of descending into the material world. The Anubis standing on the right side of the wheel is Hermes, a symbol of intelligence, ascending wisdom or our own shadows. The Sphinx on top of the wheel represents enigmas of life. The central wheel contains the alchemical symbols of mercury, sulfur, water and salt – the bricks of life and the four elements – and represents formative power. The outer circle represents the material world. The eight spokes in the wheel They represent the universal radiant energy, as well as the eight Sabbats of the year. The blue background represents wisdom.

The planet of this card is Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, growth, success and expansion. The number 10 is a higher octave of the number 1, empowering the qualities of the 1.


The Wheel of Fortune refers to the fact that things tend to go in cycles. There are good times and there are bad times. Even if the external environment is difficult and challenging, there will come a time when this will ease off and you will be able to focus more on creating fun and frivolity. The lesson of the wheel of fortune is that you must accept that there are always ups and downs in life. If you were to have only good times, you would be less grateful than you have. Sometimes bad times provide the contrast and perspective you need to be able to recognize how blessed you are when the good times come. So, when times are good, enjoy the benefits, but don't become complacent because things can change. When times are bad, don't get discouraged, because even when things seem their worst it simply suggests that things can only get better!

The Wheel of Fortune suggests that you shouldn't just sit back and accept what life gives you. You can take an active part in trying to stay on the good side of the wheel. When things are down, instead of waiting and hoping for things to get better, you can actively work on improving your situation, which speeds up the recovery process. Finally, the wheel He asks you not to be discouraged in the face of adversity. Adversity is a natural part of life and should be expected from time to time. The fact that bad times happen is nothing to worry about. Accept them as natural and not necessarily indicative of problems. Instead, look for ways in which you can face and overcome adversity. If it can't be addressed, then that could be taken as a suggestion of a problem.

The Wheel of Fortune suggests that there are external factors influencing your situation that may be unknown to you or beyond your control. It's like the Universe is just handing out whatever it wants right now, and it can feel quite unpredictable and disconcerting as a result (especially if you like to be in control most of the time!). This is one of the difficult aspects of the wheel of fortune since it doesn't matter in which direction the wheel of fortune rotates, it is impossible to try to change it. Therefore, you might also try to accept what is happening and adapt accordingly. If a crisis seems inevitable, remember that in every crisis lies opportunity. When you've been pushed in a new direction, know that every path leads somewhere, even if you don't know where it is. These types of events are simply out of your control, and if you can accept that then the ride gets a lot easier. If you fight the wheelit will crush you. So go with the flow!

The Wheel of Fortune It's about staying optimistic and having faith in the Universe that will take care of the situation in the best way possible. You have to keep yourself optimistic, think positive and stay as optimistic as possible. Through meditation and visualization, the wheel of fortune can help and reinforce your intention to bring greater abundance, good fortune and prosperity in your life. This archetype allows your life to turn in more positive directions if you are willing to grow and expand. This is also a «lucky» time in life when you are feeling the action of luck and destiny working in your favor. You may even witness miracles or a very fortunate series of events.

The wheel It represents karma and reminds you that «what you sow you reap.» In the upright position, it's probably on the positive end, but again, don't become complacent. You still have to act in ways that are fundamentally 'good' to ensure that luck or positivity stays on your side.

The Wheel of Fortune speaks of a crucial point in your life, where new options become possible. The appearance of the wheel of fortune shows that change is not only likely to happen, it is certain to happen, and soon. In general, the change is shown in the wheel of fortune It is a dramatic change from the established order. These changes are clearly personal and may require taking a first step on a new and unknown path. It may also be necessary to alter your current course, move things in a different direction or change things to ensure that you are creating the right results in your life.

A great affirmation of the wheel of fortune is, «Through all the changes that the Universe brings, I feel the center of stability that is within me.»


When you invest the wheel of fortuneluck is not on your side. There has been a turn of events that are not in your favor that send you into a tailspin and change your world significantly, seemingly for the worst. Often, the wheel of fortune Reversed indicates that there are negative forces at play that are beyond your control, making you feel helpless and powerless. However, although there have been some unfortunate circumstances that are beyond your control, the streak of bad luck you are experiencing may also be as a result of bad decisions you have made in the past. Think about actions you have taken recently and whether these may have contributed to your current situation. What can you do to improve your luck and regain control of your destiny? Despite the setbacks, learn from the cycle of life and be prepared for these types of ups and downs in the future. Accept responsibility for your current situation and future, and look for ways that you can create more positive results.

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed can also reflect resistance to change, especially if the change is being forced upon you. The appearance of this card suggests that change has become a source of significant stress for you and you may try to consciously or unconsciously stop events from running their course.

This is also not a time to take risks since a winner cannot emerge. You may have to be more cautious than before, taking more time to evaluate your options and to select the safest bet.